Star Wars

Chapter 101

"Oh, these people are unlucky. Can't they empty the toilet out of the window at another time or pour it into the building? Why do they have to pour a bucket of shit and urine on the head of an evolved zombie?……"The Rubik's Cube landed on the roof of a taller house nearby, and with a few clicks, it transformed into a sniper rifle. Fighting against evolved zombies is good for your physical and mental health.


The strong smell of human beings filled the head of the middle-aged male zombie in casual clothes. This smell of happiness came too suddenly. The evolved zombie immediately roared to the sky and set his sights on the head of the survivor who stuck his head out of the window. The man who caused the trouble was stared at by the blood-red eyes and was frightened to sit on the ground. Then, complaints and scoldings from other people were heard in the building.

Bang! The evolved zombie jumped up hard and ended up grabbing a claw full of cement slag and sliding down the wall. Fortunately, this four-story warehouse-like building did not have many windows, and the evolved zombie did not know how to go around and climb the stairs. He just jumped up and down and howled. The more he wanted to eat meat, the less he could eat it. The less he could eat it, the harder he howled.

The Rubik's Cube adjusted the sight and found that there were two red dots in the distance rushing towards here quickly. One was an evolved zombie and the other was a licker.

The body structure of the Licker is obviously suitable for climbing. It ran and jumped on all fours from one bungalow to the fourth floor quickly. The evolved zombie chose to run on the street, and its speed was much slower. It cannot be said that the humanoid evolved zombie is not as good as the Licker. They each have their own evolutionary direction and advantages. The

Licker was the first to arrive. Without even looking at the evolved zombie roaring at him, he jumped up and attached himself to the wall like a gecko. His sharp nails grabbed the wall and climbed up. The evolved zombie on the ground who found that his food was about to be taken away could only roar angrily on the ground, watching the Licker approach his food but unable to do anything.

Inside the building

""Grab your weapons! The more you run, the faster you'll die! We can't outrun this damn monster! Hurry!" The mutant man shouted at the other three trembling men.

Under the mutant man's shouting, the three men picked up the steel bars and the sharp knives tied to the long sticks and moved to the window.

The mutant man led the way and wanted to guard the window to prevent the lizard-like zombie from crawling in.

The mutant man should be a power type according to the magic cube analysis.

He has some momentum with his muscles taut and a steel stick in his hand, but it is obviously impossible for these four people to deal with the weird licker.

The licker can kill everyone here with his tongue.


The licker climbed up quickly, wearing a piece of clothing that was torn into strips, and screamed excitedly at the smell of human flesh. In a moment, one of its sharp claws had already reached the windowsill.

In the moonlight, the extra claw on the windowsill was very obvious!

"Hit!" The mutant's steel rod fell hard and hit the dry and sharp claws. With a click, several claws of the licker were broken by the rod. It can be seen that this powerful mutant is not the useless mutant that was first discovered in the new area. He is brave and ruthless.

Although several claws were broken, the zombies at present did not feel pain at all. The broken claws were still hooked on the window frame. The licker jumped onto the windowsill with a whoosh and stuck out his tongue at the man who looked the weakest...


A bloody hole was pierced in the heart of the man who was hit. The tongue rolled the man and quickly pulled him to the window. The smell of blood and human flesh stimulated the licker even more.

"Erhu...! Ah!! I will fight you!"

Another man saw his brother's heart pierced by the Licker, and in anger he raised his weapon with a sharp knife and rushed towards the Licker and stabbed him hard!

""Big Tiger, retreat! Bastard!" The mutant man cursed angrily and followed Big Tiger with a steel rod in his hand to rush towards the Licker. If they didn't fight now, the situation would be even more disadvantageous if they lost one person. Even if they wanted to escape today, they might not be able to escape. It would be better to try their best to kill this monster and live a few more days.

No one noticed that there were three red lines on the back of the Licker's neck. The red lines were particularly obvious in the dark night. The three bright spots were distributed around the Licker's spine.

"Mom, look, the red line……"The little girl in the woman's arms stared out the window and said in a baby voice

"baby I love you……"After the woman finished speaking, she hugged the little girl tightly, as if she wanted to remember this feeling forever, greedily breathing in the familiar smell of her daughter...

Bang! The weapon with a sharp knife was pushed aside by the licker's claws, and his mouth was aimed at the tiger, and his throat slid and was about to stick out his tongue!

Suddenly, the licker trembled violently! A bloody hole burst out of his neck, and black pus and blood splashed two meters away, accompanied by the sound of bones breaking. At this time, the mutant man's steel stick just hit the licker's forehead, and then the mutant man looked at the licker's head in disbelief after being smashed by himself and then fell into the room. What happened? How could this stick cripple a monster zombie?


The Licker still had a breath left, his throat continuously gushing out black dirty blood as he lay on the floor twitching. The mutant man lit a lighter and carefully approached the Licker to look at his neck. He could even see the broken bones in the big blood hole. Did someone shoot this monster to death?

Dahu saw that the monster was killed by the boss and fell on Erhu's body and cried in a suppressed voice...

On the rooftop in the distance.

The Cube continued to shoot and kill two evolved zombies, jumped up and turned into a remote-controlled helicopter to continue searching for various mutant zombies.

After circling around the four-story building in the dark, it flew away.

A faint fire was lit in the small building behind it.

At present, the Cube could only help so much.

If he wanted to rescue them, there was probably no other way except helicopters or tanks.

He was just a toy model airplane...

He continued to circle in the suburbs.

Except for a few evolved zombies, he did not find any Lickers or other mutant zombies.

Maybe everyone went to work and there were fewer people.

After thinking about it, the Cube turned the nose of the plane and flew towards a school in the suburbs.

There should be more zombies in the school.

Although it is cruel, it is reality.

If possible, Mofang would not want this to happen.

Buzz buzz buzz - the remote control helicopter soon flew over the school. This is a five-story teaching building, and there are two shorter buildings next to it.

Under the silver moonlight, zombies of all sizes are swaying everywhere on the playground.

Zombies roar from time to time in the dark teaching building.

It may be that when the zombies broke out, someone in the water room in the building was using water without turning off the faucet.

The large area of water in the low-lying area at the main entrance of the teaching building is reflecting the moonlight, coupled with the echo of zombie roars in the corridor.

This scene can definitely be used to shoot a ghost movie without special effects.

Kaka... Ding...

The Rubik's Cube transformed into a robot and landed at the main entrance of the teaching building.

The main propeller was folded into a folding fan and carried on the back, while the small propeller at the tail continued to rotate in the right hand as a weapon.

When scanning the teaching building, a special zombie was found, so the Rubik's Cube planned to go in and observe and appreciate it.

He just held the small propeller wheel that was rotating at a high speed and slid into the corridor with his feet turning like roller skates...

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