Star Wars

Chapter 103

"Are you going to stand there and let me chop you, or are you going to run and I'll chase you and chop you?" the Cube said seriously.


Even the zombies whose brains were infected by the virus could hear that this person looked down on them. The weird zombies wanted to tear the remote-controlled robot into pieces. That's right, the weird zombies thought that someone was controlling it from behind. The word"high-tech" was often mentioned on TV before, and this thing in front of them was definitely a high-tech product.

Whoosh! The Rubik's Cube jumped up and jumped onto the desks, stepping on the desks and rushing towards the weird zombies.

""Ah!!" The weird zombie howled and broke off a table leg from the desk. The tables here are made of metal pipe frames assembled with several synthetic wood boards. The metal pipes are very thick, but light and large in size, which looks very scary. The weird zombie grabbed the table leg and hit the Rubik's Cube that rushed over!

"Zombies know martial arts, even ghosts can't stop them……"

Rubik's Cube slightly swung his hand, raised his machete and chopped at the falling metal pipe. In a battle, you must never let the opponent have the advantage in weapons. Being long is also an advantage.

Swish! The propeller machete and the metal pipe exploded at the touch!

The weird zombie was speechless with the half of the metal pipe in his hand.

Which factory produced this!

How come this metal is not as strong as wood? Learning is a very arduous task.

Making such a flimsy table leg is intentional and does not want students to study well.

Just as the weird zombie, whose brain was not very smart, was thinking about it, a knife flashed in front of his eyes, and he quickly dodged to the side.

The weird zombie moved, and the Rubik's Cube, which had originally aimed at the part to chop down, did not have time to change its trajectory, and chopped at the weird zombie's shoulder...


A big gash was opened on the weird zombie's shoulder, but the Rubik's Cube's machete was also caught by the bone and could not be pulled back.

"Oh……!"The weird zombie roared and swept the half of the metal table leg in his hand towards the Rubik's Cube.

Before the Rubik's Cube could let go of the machete and step back, a huge force swept the Rubik's Cube out from the mountain of tables. It bounced on two tables twice before rolling to the ground. Textbooks, papers and pens were all over the place. A cartoon pencil case was still on one of the mechanical legs. The Rubik's Cube sighed. If he were a large robot weighing dozens of tons, this zombie would not be able to sweep him away. It turned out that size determines everything...

Da Da Da...

The dense bullets made the weird zombie retreat again and again.

The Rubik's Cube took this opportunity to jump out of the window and turned into a remote-controlled helicopter with a few clicks to quickly move away.

However, it was missing a propeller blade, which was still stuck on the ghost zombie's shoulder.

The weird zombie who found that the Rubik's Cube had run away stood at the window and roared angrily at the Rubik's Cube in the night sky, throwing out some chairs, wooden boards and other debris from time to time.

"I originally thought I could kill this guy, but I didn't expect that I would have to rely on long-range sniper weapons in the end.

Next time I encounter these things, I'd better not rush forward.

If I want to show off, I'd better go to another place.

The important thing is to solve the problem quickly.

"He landed on another building, got on all fours at the edge of the roof and transformed into a sniper rifle and aimed at the weird zombie.

Three red lines were fixed on the arm of the weird zombie.

The weird zombie in the window didn't know what the three red lines meant, and he stood there and tried to grab it with his hands.

Who would pay attention to things like sniper rifles and sights? It would be more interesting to pay attention to the private affairs of celebrities.

This led to him not knowing that he was targeted by a sniper rifle.

If it were the people in the Eagle Empire, a country where guns are legal, they would have already hidden themselves in a secluded place, and they would not have stood at the window to grab red dots to play with.

The Rubik

's Cube shook backwards!

Whoosh! Puff...

The weird zombie watched the hand he was playing with the red dot being shattered into pieces of meat from the palm, and then his shoulder shook violently, and one arm was rolled backwards by the huge force and fell to the ground, spraying black and red blood. The windowsill, floor and desks were all over the place! In just a moment, he lost an arm and a hand.

Click! The bullet was loaded again.

The weird zombie had never read any military books or watched any movies before, so he had no idea of finding a place to hide. He just stood at the window and looked at his arm on the ground in panic. This time, the magic cube did not aim at the weird zombie's other arm... bang... puff...

The bullet first hit the edge of the windowsill, shot a big hole in the edge of the windowsill, and then shot a leg of the weird zombie.

The concentrated force of the bullet's rotation caused the flesh on the leg to fly straight to the bones, and with a click, it broke the bones and continued to fly into the floor behind.

Only a few pieces of flesh were left on the shot leg!

The spurting cement ash and large amounts of blood made the weird zombie finally realize that he was shot by a gun, but it was too late.

"Who are you...! Get out here! My legs... my arms... ah……!!"

The Rubik's Cube turned into a robot and jumped down from the edge of the roof. In the moonlight, it transformed into a remote-controlled helicopter and flew towards the teaching building. This time, I can fight him one-on-one again. It should be no problem to beat him up now. To be honest, flying with five blades on the main propeller is not very powerful.

The weird zombie lying on the ground, howling and roaring, raised his eyes and saw the Rubik's Cube falling on the windowsill and closing the propeller. He raised his only arm without a palm and tried to attack the Rubik's Cube, but he couldn't hit it.

"Don't waste your energy. I advise you to just let me do the research. You know, you will feel uncomfortable if you get sliced or something, right?" While he was talking, he took back the machete and aimed the small machine gun at the remaining arm. He fired more than 30 bullets at close range before the muscles of the arm were beaten into rotten meat, crippling the last arm.

"Ouch...! Devil... I'm going to kill you!" The weird zombie continued to roar and scream.

"It seems that after being seriously injured, his brain mental state has declined sharply, and his nature is still more like a zombie."

Swish!" The magic cube's eyes emitted a fan-shaped scanning beam to illuminate the weird zombie's brain in all directions, and conducted a detailed scanning analysis. The fact that the brain can still retain its thinking after mutating into a zombie puzzled the magic cube. If it is studied clearly, it can find some characteristics of the virus and use them to achieve some unexpected results.

Three minutes later...

The magic cube stopped scanning and fell into deep thought.

The scanning result surprised the magic cube.

This guy should be called a confrontation between viruses.

Originally, this kid had a brain disease, which was a special disease that was rare internationally and only a few cases in the world.

If the apocalypse had not occurred, he would have died within a year or two, but he was bitten by a zombie in the apocalypse.

The T virus has a strong ability to infect humans.

It ignores the human body's defense mechanism and easily infects humans into zombies.

There are almost no exceptions.

Today, the magic cube found that a brain disease virus can resist the T virus.

The T virus confronted the virus in its original brain and reached a certain balance.

The original disease virus could not continue to destroy the brain, and the T virus could not destroy the brain, so this disease zombie was formed.

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