Star Wars

Chapter 105

Swoosh! The stair-climbing Rubik's Cube cut off the knee of an ordinary zombie with one knife, and ignored the zombies that were rolling downstairs and climbed up the escalator. Suddenly, a group of zombies appeared at the top of the escalator. Instead of rushing down one by one, they hugged each other and gathered into a ball.

"I knew you would play this trick……"

As soon as the voice fell, the zombies all fell towards the escalator, and a large number of zombies crowded each other and rolled down from the top! Maybe the guy saw that he couldn't stop the Rubik's Cube one by one, so he just played bowling all at once. Anyway, the mall is not short of zombies, and the effect of rolling down in a group is much better than sending them one by one.

In desperation, the Rubik's Cube carried a machete on his back and leaped towards the poster beside the escalator. His mechanical arm grabbed the thin legs of the beautiful woman in the poster and climbed up, making a bunch of small holes as he climbed. The good poster was torn into rags...

Plop... Clank... Clank...

A bunch of zombies gathered together and rolled down the escalator. One of the zombies almost hit the climbing Rubik's Cube with his head, but was narrowly avoided by the Rubik's Cube. If he was crushed underneath, dozens of zombies would probably come over to stack themselves up together in a short while, and he would probably be crushed into a metal pancake when he came out...

Da Da Da...

The Rubik's Cube opened fire decisively, and knocked down several zombies that were about to gather on the escalator. Then, with a bang, he fell on the escalator and continued to climb quickly, while the small machine gun kept firing.

Finally, the Rubik's Cube successfully passed the level and climbed to the second floor.

He held up a small machine gun and shot and knocked down the ordinary zombies without hesitation.

Seeing that the zombies were gathering more and more, he simply climbed up to the top of the shelf along the shoe counter and kept approaching the figure from above.

Although he could easily kill it with a missile, he didn't want to kill it for the time being.

How could he study and analyze it if it was blown to pieces? Only living bodies were worth studying.

The second floor sold shoes, bedding, and children's clothing. Therefore, the Rubik's Cube could only continue to chase the various shoes that kept flying up. He knew how to throw things and it seemed that his IQ was not low, but he was a little small.

Snap! The Rubik's Cube's mechanical arm grabbed a lady's leather sandal, with a high heel and thin straps.

"Wow~ big brand! This pair of shoes is quite expensive, it's not stable to walk, it's strange, these shoes with ordinary materials and workmanship on earth can be sold at sky-high prices."Throwing away the lady's sandals, he jumped on the top of the counter and quickly approached the locked figure.


The smooth floor tiles on the side of the fleeing figure were shot with a series of bullet holes, and the flying floor tile debris even fell on the figure. The meaning was very clear, don't run, otherwise I will shoot you in the head next time.

Sure enough, the figure didn't dare to continue running and stood there motionless.

Kaka~ The Rubik's Cube jumped to the ground, the wheels spun in a circle on the spot, and then pointed a small machine gun at the head of the figure.

I didn't expect that this was actually a little girl zombie...


Is it a human or a zombie? I didn't expect that I would get a lot of money from going out tonight.

First, I encountered a zombie with preserved thinking, and then I encountered this little girl who was neither human nor zombie and could control zombies.

The Rubik's Cube scanned at an extremely fast speed, and the results showed that the little girl had the T virus, but It has preserved human genetic characteristics, and is very complex.

In short, it is a human being who has been fused with the T virus.

The Cube noticed that the little girl frowned when he was scanning her.

Bang! Before the Cube noticed, he was pounced on by an ordinary zombie and hugged tightly, while the little girl turned and ran towards the stairs of the mall...

Crack! The Cube twisted the neck of the ordinary zombie with force, and was very unhappy after getting up. He didn't expect that his super optical computer would be tricked by a carbon-based life form! It was really embarrassing for Vega! How can he survive in the interstellar space if this gets out? The computer should have some face!

Draw the sword! Throw it out!

Whoosh! The propeller machete shot straight out, almost brushing past the little girl's body, and with a click, it pierced into a wooden counter halfway. The little girl who was running away was so scared that she dared not move.

"My swordsmanship is getting better and better."

The Rubik's Cube walked towards the little girl slowly. The slower he walked, the more pressure he could put on her. Momentum, yes, momentum. Many movies on Earth say this.

"woo woo woo woo……"

The little girl suddenly covered her face and sat on the ground crying loudly. The crying was simply tear-jerking.……


For a moment, the Cube seemed to feel its own deep guilt, thinking that its giant interstellar battleship had fallen to the point of bullying little girls on Earth. Blushing and ashamed, the Cube wanted to grab a sheet to cover its handsome mechanical face.

"Woo woo woo…………"

"Please stop crying, I didn't hit you."

It would have been fine if he hadn't said anything, but the fact that he would hit her made her cry even harder. The little girl simply sat on the ground, covering her face and kicking her legs, crying so hard that her heart was broken. The ordinary zombies watching nearby made Mofang feel even more guilty.

"Stop crying, please. Look, what do I have here~"

The little girl turned her cat-like face to look at the Rubik’s Cube. The tears on her pale face dragged down to her mouth, and her slightly red eyes stared at the Rubik’s Cube.

The Rubik’s Cube emitted light from its eyes and projected a holographic projection, making a 3D projection of a panda rabbit with black ears, black eyes and a white body in front of the little girl.

The panda rabbit jumped happily, turned over and ate carrots and turned in circles.

Not to mention the little girl, even an adult would be attracted by the cuteness.

The little girl stared at the panda rabbit with her big eyes, and her slightly red eyes had turned into a heart shape.

The Rubik’s Cube breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, he was good at playing this kind of trick.

The little girl had long hair with bangs and was wearing a dirty cartoon pajamas with a little rabbit pattern on her belly. She squatted on the ground with her hands on her knees and stared at the projected panda rabbit.

After turning a few circles, the panda rabbit looked at the little girl, raised its furry paws and slowly reached over.


The little girl, who burst into laughter, stretched out her dirty little hands to touch the panda rabbit's paw.

Although she couldn't touch it, she was still very happy.

The child's mood changes quickly.

She was crying just now and giggled in the blink of an eye.

In a shopping mall in this dark city full of zombies, there were zombies everywhere in the darkness.

A dirty and cute little girl giggled at the bright projection of the panda rabbit in front of her.

The picture was both scary and warm...

The child was happy that she stopped crying, but the Rubik's Cube had to keep the 3D projection. Anyway, it didn't consume much power, so he might as well play with her for a while.

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