Star Wars

Chapter 116

"Who are you? Special police? Military?" the bald woman asked in a strange tone.

"We are the combat personnel of the Starfleet. What's wrong with you?" Zhang Xiaowen said in a bad tone, borrowing the name of the Rubik's Cube. These people didn't come when the zombies were here just now, and waited until the zombies were cleared before running in to show off, waiting to take advantage.

The ten team members and the bald man were stunned. Starfleet? It must be some other name. No one cared too much.

"We found this place first, so it belongs to us. I can thank you for cleaning up the zombies. Now you can go."

After the bald woman finished speaking, the bald men and women behind her laughed wildly, and some whistled at Jia Jia.

Zhang Xiaowen touched Jia Jia's head and signaled not to do anything. Only then did Jia Jia pout and let go of the whistling bald man. The bald man was still laughing, not knowing that he had just swung several circles in front of the devil.……

"Whoever finds it first gets it?"

"Of course, maybe I can give you some when I feel better. Don't think I'm afraid of you just because you have guns~" The bald woman licked her lips after she finished speaking.

Zhang Xiaowen smiled and pretended. She said she was not afraid of guns. If she was not afraid of guns, why didn't you rush over to kill people? Why are you still talking nonsense? Do you really think that no one can see through your mental fluctuations? Why are you still playing tricks? Then I will use a gun to see if you are still afraid. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaowen pointed the gun at the bald woman.

"you……"The bald woman didn't expect Zhang Xiaowen to really point a gun at her. Even though she hadn't watched many military programs before, she knew it was a submachine gun. Once it was fired, she didn't know how many bullets would fly towards her! Besides, there were eleven fully armed soldiers holding submachine guns on the opposite side!

"I ask you to leave the Earth now."

"Why?" The bald group didn't understand what Zhang Xiaowen meant by this.

"Because I discovered the Earth first, the Earth is mine, you must leave, but I can also leave some space for you to live."


A few words made the group of bald men feel choked up. These were clearly what they had said before. Although the wording was different, the meaning was the same. It was a slap in the face, and it was a slap on both sides.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaowen received the message from the Rubik's Cube, and the corners of her mouth curled up and she put away her micro-gun.

"You are here just for weapons, right? Well, let's go over there, you can take whatever you want here, how much you take depends on your ability, I will give you one hour, after one hour this place will belong to us, do you agree or not?"

Many bald heads were stunned, they couldn't tell whether Zhang Xiaowen really gave up the guns and ammunition in the armory. In one hour, there might not be even a bullet left in the armory. What does this mean? Is she afraid of them? It doesn't make sense, they have guns and can kill so many zombies, how could they be afraid? But if they don't agree, do they have to fight? Aren't we here for guns and ammunition?

"Are you serious?"

"Of course, there is no need to swear or anything. The world is like this, so how can there be any gods? Don't you think so?"Zhang Xiaowen said lightly, giving a female team member next to her a look that said everything is OK.

"Good! Since you are so sensible, let's do it. Please."

Zhang Xiaowen asked the others to stand guard on both sides of the truck, and drove the truck to the warehouse where the anti-aircraft guns were stored.

She didn't care about the bald heads and began to assign work and prepare for transportation.

When the other group of bald heads saw Zhang Xiaowen really leave and fiddle with the anti-aircraft guns, they felt that it was not real.

It was okay to take guns and ammunition, but why take those four-barrel anti-aircraft guns? It was very heavy and difficult to move, and the shells were heavy.

It was not as real as guns.

Moreover, once the artillery fired, the sound could be heard even if the deaf were deaf.

It was useless except attracting zombies.

Only the bald woman leader felt that it was not that simple.

Since they came here specifically to pull these anti-aircraft guns, it meant that these fully armed people must have a large camp, otherwise vagrants or small camps with insufficient food would not get those guns at all.

But what about a large camp? I am a vagrant who runs around everywhere.

I dare not be too cautious when doing things in a large camp with my family.

Besides, there are not enough small camps that have been destroyed by me.


"Sister Zhang, why should we give them the guns and ammunition? We don't have to be afraid of them."

A female team member said depressedly while busying herself. When the others heard this, they also raised their ears to listen to what Zhang Xiaowen was planning.

"Don't worry, they can't even take out a bullet, let alone clean it out. This is a modern military camp. Do you think the ammunition depot of this kind of military camp is so easy to open? They can't open it even if they use their bald heads to ram it. Let's load the car first and then go to deal with them in an hour."

So that's how it is... The ten team members suddenly realized, but... if they can't open it, can we open it?

"Don't forget, I'm a technology fanatic."

Instantly, the team members deeply realized the benefits of technology.

Zhang Xiaowen found three more military trucks in the camp.

Fortunately, there were a few rich students who were bored at home and secretly learned to drive.

Now Zhang Xiaowen happened to announce that they had officially obtained a driver's license.

Together with the large truck, there were four vehicles in total.

This type of anti-aircraft gun has four barrels and can be towed away with wheels.

Four anti-aircraft guns were towed in a row behind the large truck, and there were also four behind the military truck.

In this way, sixteen anti-aircraft guns were barely taken away.

In addition, ten anti-aircraft guns were disassembled according to the requirements of the Rubik's Cube and the required parts were loaded into the large truck.

Most of the remaining space in the large truck and a truck compartment were all loaded with shells.

Zhang Xiaowen planned to load guns, ammunition and military equipment in one of the remaining two vehicles, and quilts, cotton clothes and tents in the other. The survivors in the valley couldn't always live in tents used for outdoor play. They could also load some salt and sugar.

Fortunately, there was a forklift in the warehouse, so the work didn't take too much effort.


An hour later.

Zhang Xiaowen and the others finished their work and naturally turned their attention to the gun and ammunition depot, where a group of bald men were still kicking the door.

"Sister! This door can't be opened at all……"

"Without electricity, no tools can be used. This is an anti-explosion facility."

Inside the camouflage building, a group of bald men gathered in front of a flashing metal door.

The metal door was covered with all kinds of marks.

The bald woman gritted her teeth in anger.

She really didn't understand why the army built the arsenal so abnormal and solid.

Even if a bomb was used, it couldn't be blown open, right? Can't they just find a house? The bald woman was right.

When it was built, it was considered to prevent the occurrence of ammunition sacrificial explosions caused by attacks.

A new arsenal was specially designed and manufactured.

Unless there is a key or professional equipment, it can't be opened without a few days of tossing.

This is why the magic cube told Zhang Xiaowen not to worry about this side.

He didn't look down on these bald Martians at all.

If they could open the door, it would really be Martians coming to Earth.

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