Star Wars

Chapter 118

The bald woman who was being hit by the Rubik's Cube machine gun and was forced to retreat again and again suddenly screamed and pulled out the dagger from her chest, throwing it at the Rubik's Cube that was firing. The force was definitely not small!

Woo~ Woo~ Woo~ The dagger flew over in a spin...

The Rubik's Cube simulated the trajectory of the dagger in a very short time and took steps to dodge. It had planned everything, but accidents were like bad luck that accompanied everyone and it was hard to guard against them. It didn't know whether it was the shells left by the team members' shooting just now or the shells left by the army in the original camp. One of its wheels stepped on the round shells and instantly lost the ability to move immediately.……

"Uh oh... I have to go to the repair shop……"

Swish... Ding ding ding...

The dagger pierced through the outer armor of the abdomen under the speechless gaze of the Magic Cube, and when it came out from the back, it brought out a bunch of large and small mechanical parts, which fell to the ground and rolled with a clang. The dagger almost penetrated half of its length, and there was no feeling of severe pain, but the Magic Cube rolled backwards with its vision flickering, which was not a pleasant feeling.……

"Rubik's Cube!"Zhang Xiaowen screamed when she saw the Rubik's Cube was pierced, and rushed towards the bald woman with red eyes!

"Finally I got rid of you, little monster! Next is the big one!"

The bald woman turned around and was going to rely on quick movement to deal with Zhang Xiaowen, but she didn't expect that she found that one of her legs was powerless just after she raised her leg.

She was almost knocked down by the shake, and then she remembered that there was a knife stuck in her leg.

The magic cube attacks specifically selects the weaknesses scanned out, and the location of this knife happened to be a weak point in the thigh muscles and bones, and one knife destroyed the bald woman's leg.

The bald woman with slow reaction was no match for Zhang Xiaowen.

She was beaten without any resistance after three punches and two kicks, and a long gash on her face was cut by another bayonet.

Even if she turned into a monster, she was still a woman.

What women fear most is being disfigured.

What Zhang Xiaowen wants is to make her crazy and unbearable!

Beside the flower bed, the magic cube was half-kneeling on the ground and grabbing with two mechanical hands Grab the dagger and pull it out with force...

Squeak-squeak-- when the dagger slowly moved from the wound, electric sparks flashed inside the wound, and there were sparks from the friction of metal. The transparent blue energy has been repairing the wound protectively. The dagger was pulled out from the front little by little, and the energy display bar has fallen below the yellow line. Fortunately, the situation is now stable and will not turn into a red warning value for the time being.


The dagger was pulled out alive by the Rubik's Cube and thrown away. When he lowered his head, he saw a wound on his abdomen that could see the back. There were electric sparks flashing inside, and some special liquid was dripping. The situation was quite miserable. The Rubik's Cube stood up and stared at the bald woman with its mechanical eyes. The back deformed and extended to assemble a small missile and locked onto the bald woman.

""Jia Jia!"

The bald woman who was fighting with Zhang Xiaowen suddenly felt as if something was tearing her soul apart in her head.

The severe pain from her soul made the bald woman dazed and her expression twisted!

It was Jia Jia who played a role.

Before this woman was not injured, her mind was very stable.

Jia Jia almost tried her best to make her fall, but she also almost consumed all her mental strength and could not continue to attack.

After that, she began to work hard to recover.

The recovery just now was not much, but fortunately, it was enough to launch a low-intensity attack.

Besides, the bald woman was seriously injured and she could not bear even a low-intensity mental attack.

Zhang Xiaowen had already seen the Rubik's Cube's plan through the goggles.

Seeing that the bald woman was attacked by Jia Jia, she quickly punched the bald woman's shiny bald head and shook her more dizzy.

Next to them was the small truck parked by the group of bald men.

The front of the small truck was equipped with a noose.

Zhang Xiaowen picked up the noose and wrapped it around the bald woman's neck for several circles and then hung it.

The hook was hooked on the winch.

Seeing the bald woman wake up from the dizziness, he quickly turned around and ran!

Mofang didn't expect Zhang Xiaowen to find such a good idea in such a short time. Without saying a word, he bent forward and exposed the missile on his back.

Teng! Whoosh——

The bald woman who woke up was pulling the steel cable tightly wrapped around her neck with her hands. Suddenly, she saw a small thing flying towards her...


The bald woman opened her eyes wide and remained motionless. A small hole appeared on her head. The scene was quiet for a second.

Boom...!! What are the consequences of a grenade exploding in the skull? Even the strongest skull can't bear it. The violent explosion started from the bald woman's head and tore it down. If time is slowed down, you can see the head, neck, chest, abdomen, thighs, and finally only two legs can be barely recognized...

The broken meat was everywhere. The team members who had just barely shot and killed people and were already very sick vomited immediately. The breakfast they had eaten wasted.

"Rubik's Cube...are you okay?"

"Fortunately, I won't be able to fly for reconnaissance for a while. I need to absorb energy to repair my wounds. I'll leave it to you next."

After saying this, Mofang turned to look at Xiao Jiajia who was sitting on the ground rubbing her head.

"Jiajia has worked very hard. You should encourage and praise her. She is still young and was exhausted. I will go and unlock the armory door first."

"Well, I'll go take care of Jiajia. When you're done, go and absorb the energy."

Nodding, the Cube picked up two machetes from the ground and put them on his back. He turned the wheels on his feet and came to the metal door of the armory. He stepped on the corpse and crawled to the lock to easily open the door lock. Then he walked to a sunny place and lay directly on the concrete floor. He turned on the energy collection board and began to collect energy. Zhang Xiaowen led the team members to move the corpses and moved the guns and ammunition.

The energy collection board emitted a faint blue light. Whether it was solar energy or other traveling energy, it was all absorbed and refined by the Cube. The energy display bar was rising at a slow speed. The metal of the wound grew slowly, and the energy line and other lines had been reconnected.

While the wound was being repaired, the Cube Fang was also thinking and calculating.

The main reason why he was beaten so badly by such a monster was that he was too small to exert the powerful combat power of a mechanical life form.

If he was the same size as the monster, he would almost kill the monster woman in seconds.

The difference between the strength of a half-meter-tall person and the strength of an adult is too great.

After returning, in addition to building a camp, it is necessary to put upgrading oneself first.

As long as you absorb rare metals and upgrade to adult size, you don't need to absorb rare metals specifically.

Rare metals only exist as the core.

If the core rare metal is enough, it can absorb steel.

Even ordinary steel will become extremely hard after absorbing too much energy.

"It's really hard to be a small thing. I thought I was a huge interstellar battleship, but now I'm only half a meter tall... I feel so depressed."

From this moment on, upgrading myself became the top priority.

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