Star Wars

Chapter 135

Zhang Xiaowen, who was driving, heard the explosion and took the time to look back. She only saw flames and black smoke but no Rubik's Cube.

Buzz - a figure suddenly jumped out of the flames and black smoke. Zhang Xiaowen was amused by the figure.

"Rubik's Cube~ When did you become Nezha the Third Prince playing with Hot Wheels~"

Rubik's Cube lowered his head and saw that the wheels were covered with gasoline and really turned into wheels of fire. Fortunately, the wheels were not made of rubber so they were not burned...

Suddenly! The remaining three running dogs suddenly jumped up and pounced on the rear glass of the speeding SUV. Seeing this scene, Zhang Xiaowen was nervous and her car rubbed against another car and paused for a moment. The two bloody dogs smashed the rear glass with their heads covered with blood-red muscles and put their heads into the car, while the other dog was flipped over the roof of the car by inertia and lay on the engine cover in front of the car!

Bang! A Wei and the woman surnamed Lin, who were sitting in the back seat, were suddenly covered with glass shards, and then two blood-red dog heads appeared between the two of them.

"Roar! Snap! Snap!……"

The two dog heads stretched their heads through the hole in the carriage, trying to bite the two people. Because the hole was too small, they could only stick their necks and heads in. When their bloody mouths opened and closed, their teeth chattered, and their saliva almost splashed all over the two people's faces.

"Ah...! Help!……"

The car was filled with screams, and the excited bloody big dog became even more violent. The rear windshield was about to be stretched open...

At this moment, a big dog suddenly whimpered and was pulled out of the car. It hit the milestone on the roadside with a snap and smashed its skull. The dog's mouth was split open and its blood-red tongue hung out. It died and was soon surrounded by the zombies next to it.

Zhang Xiaowen, who was driving, had no time to use a pistol to deal with the big dog behind her, because there was another dog on the engine cover in front of the car.

The dog's claws were scratched on the thin engine cover and it was hitting the front windshield with its head.

No matter how the car was shaken left and right, it could not be knocked down.

The cracks in the front windshield were getting more and more dense and it was about to be broken, and the magic cube was still chasing after the one behind.

Snap! A big hole appeared in the glass. Because of its special structure, it has not been completely broken yet. A dog's head appeared in front of Zhang Xiaowen. Zhang Xiaowen could even smell the pungent and smelly blood from the dog's mouth! Xiaojiao next to her couldn't do anything to help except screaming, luckily Zhang Xiaowen had already loaded her pistol!

""You son of a bitch! Get out of here!"

Bang, bang, bang!

Three shots were fired in a row, all hitting the dog's head.

The bullets entered the head and rolled over, destroying the brain tissue and killing the big dog.

The Rubik's Cube at the back grabbed the last big dog's neck with a mechanical hand and pulled it out of the car window.

With two hands, he twisted the dog's head and turned it around.

Holding the bloody big dog, Rubik's Cube, who had not thrown it away, looked forward and thought to himself that he was in trouble!

The blood of the bloody big dog in front and the spider-web-like car window blocked Zhang Xiaowen's view while driving!

"Wenzi, stop the car!"


Bang...! The SUV hit the back of a commercial vehicle, which then hit a small passenger car in front. The huge inertia of the SUV lifted the back of the car up and then dropped it heavily!


————Zhang Xiaowen was not wearing a seat belt and crashed into the steering wheel.

There was no sound except the buzzing in her ears.

Her vision was blurred.

She slowly raised her head to look at Xiaojiao next to her.

Fortunately, the child habitually fastened her seat belt when getting in the car and was not injured.

That big mouth seemed to be shouting something, but it was vague and unclear.

She turned her head and looked at the left window.

The car glass had already shattered into pieces on the ground.

There was a mechanical arm outside the white window that was firing, and bullets were hitting big bloody holes in the heads of the zombies running over...

Zhang Xiaowen was confused and couldn't hear or see clearly. She only saw a mechanical hand of the Rubik's Cube on the car door in the white light outside the window, shouting something at her...

She shook her head vigorously. Fortunately, her physique was enhanced and her hearing and vision were quickly restored.

"There are zombies surrounding us! There are not many! Protect yourself!"After the magic cube shouted, he saw Zhang Xiaowen regained consciousness, patted the car door, turned around, put the wheels back on his back, transformed into mechanical legs and started to attack the zombies.

This time, I finally heard what the magic cube said clearly, and cursed in my heart that the airbags of European and American cars are not as good as advertised. I quickly bent down and found the pistol from the accelerator position under my feet full of broken glass, turned my head and pointed the gun at Xiaojiao!

"'m not a zombie……"

Bang! Zhang Xiaowen pulled the trigger and fired decisively!

Time slowed down so that the trajectory of the bullet could be clearly seen. A ball of fire burst out from the muzzle. The small bullet flew out, almost passing ten centimeters in front of Xiaojiao's eyes. Xiaojiao's few floating hairs broke into two pieces silently...

Puff! The bullet quickly passed in front of Xiaojiao and went into the head of a zombie outside the car window and flew out from the back, instantly piercing the zombie's head.

Mofang found that there were several zombies surrounding the SUV. In order to prevent the bullet from rebounding and accidentally injuring, he had to put away the machine gun and use the manipulator to deal with it. He smashed a zombie's head with one punch. He found that the effect was good and simple and easy, so he simply gave up using the bayonet and quickly cleaned up these weak zombies like slag with punches and kicks. Suddenly, blood and flesh flew all over the sky.

In the back compartment, the dazed Ah Wei suddenly saw a zombie banging his head against the glass outside the unbroken side window. The glass was covered with yellow-brown saliva. Ah Wei was so scared that he picked up his backpack to block it. The dizziness from the car crash just now was also awakened by this terrifying face.

At this time, several mechanical fingers appeared on the zombie's head, and they grabbed the zombie's head with force and smashed it into pieces!

The Cube shook off the sticky and smelly meat on the mechanical hand, kicked a zombie that rushed over into the cornfield under the slope on the side of the road, picked up a jack that someone had thrown away on the side of the road and threw it at the last young zombie. The heavy and solid jack easily smashed the young zombie's head into pieces of meat. There were no zombies standing nearby, and the place was temporarily declared safe.

Zhang Xiaowen put down the pistol with an empty magazine, leaned back in the seat, took a few deep breaths, and luckily found a can of soda in the car. She pulled open the pull ring and poured it into her mouth.……

"Gulp gulp... huh... It's so exciting."

He stretched out his hand to smooth the hair on his forehead that was wet with sweat, and smiled at the Rubik's Cube.

The Rubik's Cube rolled its mechanical eyes. It seemed that the collision just now was fine. The earth's technology was low. How could such a thing happen with an autonomous driving car? After exploring everywhere, there were still a small number of zombies rushing towards this side. It was not advisable to stay here for a long time. It was better to leave early. This car was also scrapped and needed a new car. After searching, he found a car with full gas and intact equipment.

The three people who couldn't walk were caught and thrown into another car. Zhang Xiaowen had to continue driving, while the Rubik's Cube turned into a motorcycle and walked in front to clear the way, taking a shortcut to the direction of Longshan Camp...

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