Star Wars

Chapter 149

At a certain substation, although it is autumn, the autumn heat is still fierce. Under the scorching sun, the magic cube is lying on the high-voltage line to transform the transmission line, and the surface temperature is rising.

Whoosh~ A strong wind blows

"Hey hey hey ~ don't... don't do this……"The Rubik's Cube, which was originally standing on the high-voltage line equipment, danced and swayed left and right, and suddenly turned around, with its head down and its mechanical feet tightly grasped the power line to prevent it from falling.

"Forget it... Forget it, it's the same to work backwards, there's no such thing as brain congestion anyway." Rubik's Cube spread his hands and said indifferently.

He simply hung upside down on the high-voltage wire to work, flexibly installed and debugged the equipment, and all the work was proceeding in an orderly manner. A group of sparrows fell from the wire and chirped at Rubik's Cube. After the end of the world, sparrows were also affected and mutated. Although they did not become carnivores, they also became much larger. Each one was as big as a rice bowl, and they were a bunch of plump and flying meat balls.

Rubik's Cube suddenly received a communication call from Zhang Xiaowen.

"Rubik's Cube! Rubik's Cube, are you there?"

"What's up? I'm a bit unavailable right now.……"The robot is running non-stop and the equipment is being installed quickly

"Not convenient? Come on, you're a robot, what's the problem? Something happened. I searched for a distress signal from the Xin'an Town camp, saying that it was besieged by crows... When did crows become so powerful?"

"These idiots told them to leave but they won't leave! Did they say when they would move?"Mofang was so angry that he yelled

"From what they said it seemed like in order to survive the crow attack, they should send a message to the country and ask them to send people. Is there any problem?"

"Of course!

Now it's crows, wait for the zombies to surround the city!

Remember I said the zombies might surround the camp, it's now, if you don't believe me, send two remote-controlled quadcopters to the middle of Xin'an Town camp and the city to see, I guarantee you will be shocked, use the radio equipment to enter the other party's channel, inform them of what is happening, remember to force the broadcast frequency to send a message to all the people in the shantytown, I'm afraid those rich people will use those vehicles to pull useless luxury goods and run away!


"That makes sense, shall we go and help?"

"Go, I'll go with you, the others stay in the camp, okay, I'll be right back."

After saying that, the Rubik's Cube released its mechanical legs, fell straight to the ground, turned in the air with its legs bent and facing downwards, and after landing with a bang, its mechanical legs only bent slightly and then straightened to relieve the force, without saying a word, it bent over and turned into a racing motorcycle and headed straight for the highway to return.

The Rubik's Cube could watch those guys who had lost their humanity being bitten to death by zombies, and could also watch those domineering management being infected by zombies, but it could not watch a group of old, weak, women and children being swallowed up by the zombie swarm.

The number of women and children who had escaped was already small, and if it continued like this, then humanity would really be finished.

Earthlings could ignore the lives of their compatriots, but the Rubik's Cube was a Dragon Star after all.

The Rubik's Cube, the man-made hometown of the Dragon Star people, needs to be taken care of.

Buzz - the engine of the racing motorcycle roared, and the Rubik's Cube almost flew up on the road, turning just by floating close to the ground...

In the monitoring room on the second floor of the big house in Longshan Camp, many people stood there staring at the big screen.

The picture on the big screen was a four-rotor remote-controlled aircraft flying rapidly between the city and Xin'an Town Camp.

The ground picture kept passing by and gradually flew to the suburbs.

In everyone's anxious eyes, the picture was getting closer and closer to the west side of the city.

The picture passed over a large residential area, and after flying for half a day, some roads on the west side of the city could finally be seen from a distance.

"Oh my god... so many……"

"very scary……"

The scene only shows a small area on the side, but the streets and the neighborhoods are all densely packed with zombies, pushing and shoving one after another to the west. The scrapped vehicles on the streets are even pushed forward, like a black flood that has flooded one street after another, and the front ones have begun to climb!

At the same time, in an office in a certain building.

The girl with the sniper rifle and her companions were shocked to see the large-scale movement of zombies. There were many lickers crawling quickly on the walls of the building, and there were countless jumping evolved zombies, as if all the zombie armies were mobilized to attack in one direction.

"What happened there... Could it be that they were attacking a large camp with a lot of humans?"

"It's possible. We can often see lights over there at night. I really don't know how they offended these guys. Fortunately, we didn't go there, otherwise we wouldn't be able to escape."

Several survivors said with lingering fear. The fact that they didn't collapse on the ground was the result of being trained by the apocalypse for a long time. Even the strongest psychics dared not run in front of these zombies, otherwise they would definitely be surrounded and tortured to death by endless zombies. When the number of zombies accumulated to a certain extent, even the strongest individual could not escape.

"Prepare all necessary supplies. While these bad guys are gone, let's take the opportunity to go to the north. There are boats on the riverside. Let's go to the riverside!"

The girl holding the sniper rifle gave the order. This was the only chance to leave the city. Otherwise, unless there was a helicopter rescue, they would not be able to get out at all. Food in the city was becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. If they continued like this, they would surely die.

In addition to this group of people who decided to take the opportunity to leave the city, many other survivors also decided to leave.

Those who knew each other would use mirrors to reflect light on the windows to send signals.

For a while, many traces of survivors' activities appeared in the city.

Just like the girl said, this was the only easiest chance to leave the city.

If the zombies didn't come in the future, it would be fine.

Once they came back, they might never get another chance.

Moreover, after surviving for this period of time, many people found that many zombies subconsciously returned to familiar places no matter how far they went.

Once things over there were resolved After the zombie army returns to the city, we really have to rely on rescue helicopters...

Longshan Camp.

Squeak - the Rubik's Cube rushed directly to the open space in front of the big house at high speed, and the front wheel brake slammed and turned the front of the car around, and two sirens sounded at the same time.

The door opened, and Zhang Xiaowen was fully armed, with a machete on her back, a pistol and a bayonet on her legs, and no submachine guns or assault rifles that consumed bullets too quickly. She walked to the side of the Rubik's Cube with an elegant step, turned over, and started to accelerate without saying a word and headed straight to the nearest road to the Xin'an Town Camp...

Didi~Woo! Beep - the sirens sounded, the blue and red lights flashed, and Zhang Xiaowen bent down as much as possible on the motorcycle to reduce her air resistance. The speed display indicated that the speed had been above 100 and had never dropped!

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