Star Wars

Chapter 151

Swoosh! The machete stabbed into the ground at an angle, and Zhang Xiaowen stood next to the machete.

On the mound, Zhang Xiaowen's figure was looming in the thick black smoke. The sunlight shining through the gaps in the black smoke covered her body, adding a dazzling golden edge. The machete reflected the dazzling light. Many people in the camp stared blankly at the figure on the mound, and some people felt that the figure was somewhat familiar. These people came from the Longshan camp.

"Teacher He...that person looks especially like Sister Zhang……"

"Maybe it's her……"

Although there was only one figure, with the cool mecha, he had a feeling of being invincible, which brought some stability to the originally panicked Xin'an Town camp.

Zhang Nan and other guards ran out of the villa and ran to Zhang Xiaowen, staring blankly at this impossible super figure. Zhang Xiaowen looked back at Zhang Nan and the others. She didn't expect that these people didn't follow the rich and powerful and ran away first, but chose to stay in this precarious camp. They were actually some upright soldiers.

"Why didn't you leave?" Zhang Xiaowen asked Zhang Nan

"I just think I should stay. That... your voice sounds familiar to me."

Swish! The face armor popped open, and the head armor folded back to the back, revealing Zhang Xiaowen's neck and head. A breeze mixed with black smoke blew by, and her long hair was blown by the wind, with a few strands of hair sticking to her face. She smiled at the stunned Zhang Nan and others, and pointed to the hills in the direction of the city. Everyone looked and vaguely saw some small black dots moving quickly.

"Those are the agile evolved zombies and mutant zombie lickers. The evolved zombies are as fast and flexible as humans, but the lickers are faster and stronger, and have unexpected tongues. I am not here to destroy them but to buy time for the crows to disperse so that everyone can retreat. Those of you who are experienced in combat or mutants can stay, otherwise you will die."


The people holding the messy weapons stared blankly at the fast-moving black dots, and looked up at the flock of crows in the sky. There were fewer and fewer crows now, and they might all leave in a few minutes.

"There is a Licker here, you can see how powerful it is."

Swish!" Zhang Xiaowen pulled out her machete and walked slowly towards the Licker who ran over first. She had never fought against a Licker so far, and today she could take this opportunity to test her combat ability. In this doomsday, only by becoming stronger can one survive forever, and fighting is the only way to become stronger.

The Licker ran fast on all fours, close to the ground, and rushed straight to the people on the nearest mound. Zhang Xiaowen, who had left the crowd, was undoubtedly the best choice. She ran and accelerated, and her enlarged forehead seemed to be equipped with some kind of sensing device, which allowed her to clearly"see" all humans without using her eyes. Smelling the strong scent of human flesh, the Licker's big mouth was filled with disgusting yellow saliva.

This Licker had some changes compared to the early Lickers. He was no longer wearing clothes, and his red muscles were exposed. He was considered to have entered the ranks of formal Lickers, and the Rubik's Cube classified him as a first-level Licker.

Zhang Xiaowen pointed the blade of her knife diagonally behind her and rushed straight to the first-level Licker. , try not to look at the data simulated by the computer and the next move of the licker. If you want to fight this first-level licker by instinct, if you always rely on the computer, once you lose the computer, you will have to fight. Taking the fight as instinct is the best choice.

Everyone stood on the mound and watched Zhang Xiaowen and the licker getting closer and closer...

Finally, the licker jumped up and pounced on Zhang Xiaowen's head, and Zhang Xiaowen turned sideways and swung the machete!

Whoosh~ Zhang Xiaowen and the licker crossed each other, and the licker's big forehead head spun into the sky.

The headless corpse fell to the ground with a bang and rolled a few times to stop, and the head fell directly in front of a group of people.

Looking at the blood-red big forehead and big mouth head that suddenly appeared in front of them, everyone took a step back.

Although this thing is scary...

but it is also easy to kill it, right? Only Zhang Nan and a few soldiers with combat experience had cold sweat on their faces.

"Phew... that was close.……"Zhang Xiaowen took a few deep breaths. The sharp claws of the licker had almost brushed past her shoulder. If it was a little off and she wasn't wearing a mecha, she would have been scratched.

"How about that? Isn't it exciting? You should deal with some evolved zombies first to improve your physique, and leave these lickers to me."The Cube gave his suggestion

"Okay, let's do it this way. The crows will soon disperse. We just need to hold on for a while."

Zhang Xiaowen walked back to the mound.

"Mutants and those with more combat experience stay, and the rest of you should prepare to retreat. This is not a war between humans, and you can't help."

After saying that, Zhang Xiaowen stood up, and the mechas all over her body began to assemble and fold back. A few seconds later, a cool racing motorcycle appeared behind her. This move once again shocked everyone. No one could have imagined that the mecha was just a motorcycle. They all looked at the Rubik's Cube with strange eyes, and the Rubik's Cube naturally pretended not to see the eyes of these people.

Zhang Nan was a mutant, so he naturally stayed.

There were three soldiers with rich combat experience who also chose to stay.

The rest of the people were only three power mutants.

These were probably the only mutants willing to stay to save people.

Most of the other mutants chose to escape first.

No one would comment on anything.

At most, they would not cooperate with them in the future.

In their own words, why should I go to die? Why can't I retreat? Just remember this kind of people, there is no need to have a verbal battle.

""Wenzi, you guys go to the front of those survivors, I'll stay here and try to wipe out the Lickers, and you'll organize them to retreat to the mountains in a while!"

Zhang Xiaowen nodded and told Zhang Nan about her plan, while Zhang Nan looked at the Rubik's Cube in disbelief. Isn't this a motorcycle or a mecha? How can it stop those terrible monsters without someone operating it?

Kaka... Ding...

The Rubik's Cube transformed into a robot, and quickly stood up from its bent waist, with two wheels on its back. The mechanical arm stretched a few times and picked up two threaded steel rods from the side and knocked them against each other to feel the weight, then rushed towards a first-level Licker who was running over under the dull eyes of Zhang Nan and others. The two steel rods blocked all the routes of the first-level Licker at a perfect angle.

Bang! The first stick hit the Licker's forelimb joint directly, and the second stick hit the back of the neck, directly knocking the Licker to the ground. The Licker who just turned his head saw a big foot rapidly enlarging...

Bang... The Rubik's Cube stepped on the disgusting head of the first-level Licker and exploded it.

""Go!" Zhang Xiaowen reminded Zhang Nan and the others, and turned to run towards where the survivors gathered. Zhang Nan and the others hurriedly followed Zhang Xiaowen, fearing that the scary robot would get out of control and give them a kick.

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