Star Wars

Chapter 154

The Rubik's Cube Super Optical Computer sped up its operation, and time became very slow. A huge figure suddenly appeared in the billowing smoke. It was more than three meters tall and stronger than a bear.……

"What the hell is this?……"He cursed inwardly and fired decisively.

Swoosh - the bullet shot straight at the three-meter-tall figure along the middle of the three aiming lines!


A ball of blood suddenly burst out from the big head, but the head of that thing just tilted back and returned to normal, and it didn't cause any huge damage at all.

In other words, this guy's head is not afraid of bullets.

It was not until then that Zhang Xiaowen and the others realized what this thing was, a giant zombie!

The facial features on the big head were not clear, and the eyes should be narrowed into a slit.

The skin was gray and the body was strong.

The big hands were like a palm leaf fan.

The hunched back made a bang bang sound when walking, like a land tank.

The magic cube temporarily applied the name of the earth to this giant zombie and named it Tank.

Ta-ta-ta-ta... Da-da-da...

Several assault rifles fired at the tank zombie at the same time, and shells kept flying. I saw bullet marks heading straight for the tank zombie's head and chest, creating small blood flowers. The tank zombie still walked towards this side and began to jog. Every step he took was calculated in meters, and he didn't care about the power of the bullet at all. The Rubik's Cube had a full understanding of the strength and defense of this tank zombie.

The square cross in the mechanical eye quickly locked onto the tank zombie, and then bent down.

A missile was quickly assembled from the back, and it was ejected into the air with a bang. Then the missile ignited in the air and headed straight for the tank zombie. This time it did not circle but accelerated straight to the zombie's chest. The missile engine roared violently...

Something unexpected happened. The tank zombie suddenly grabbed the back of a faulty pickup truck and propped it up. He hid behind the pickup truck, as if he was using a shield to block the missile attack! The Rubik's Cube computer almost crashed after seeing this scene. What was going on? Zombies also knew how to use shields for defense? Is this still a zombie? Clearly cheating!


The violent explosion blew a big hole in the middle of the pickup truck. Although most of the explosion was blocked by the pickup truck, some of the energy was still released on the tank zombie. The missile warhead pierced the tank zombie's chest and made a bloody hole. If you look closely, you can vaguely see the black internal organs inside.


The tank zombie screamed, stood unsteadily, staggered for two steps, and then fell heavily backwards, smashing a human-shaped pit with a bang.

Zhang Xiaowen, Zhang Nan and others breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Rubik's Cube's missiles were effective in killing this weird thing, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with it without airplanes and cannons.

What the hell is this thing!

It can't grow so big even if it eats feed every day.

Just this guy can destroy the Xin'an Town camp without any problem.

One punch can smash a person into a meat pie.

The few people who smiled found that the Rubik's Cube was still half-kneeling there without moving, and the smile froze on his face.

Could it be...

After looking at each other for a few times, they looked around again, thinking that the Rubik's Cube had found more than one giant zombie, but after looking around for a few times, let alone giant zombies, not even a licker was found. At this time, everyone followed the Rubik's Cube's eyes and fell on the fallen giant zombie, and a bad premonition emerged in their hearts.……

""Ah!!" The tank zombie roared, supported himself with his hands and stood up, grabbed the lamp post beside the road in front of the villa area as a weapon and walked towards Mofang and others.

"I wonder what you can use to block it this time!"

The Rubik's Cube assembled another missile, locked onto the bloody hole in the tank zombie's chest, and fired decisively! At the same time, the machine gun aimed at the guy's head again and fired crazily, using dense bullets to interfere with the opponent's missile attack. The difference was that the missile chose an irregular flight trajectory.


The missile disappeared directly into the bloody hole in the chest blown up by the previous missile.

Clang-the street lamp pole fell to the ground, and the tank zombie stood there motionless. Then, his belly swelled and his red mouth opened wide to spit fire, and he instantly exploded into fragments all over the sky. The consequences of detonating a bomb in his stomach were very serious. Black internal organs and blood and flesh were scattered everywhere. A piece of intestines fell in front of Zhang Nan and almost entangled him. The fishy smell made Zhang Nan almost vomit his breakfast.

The Rubik's Cube heaved a sigh of relief as he looked at the pieces of meat flying all over the sky. In just a short period of time, he had fired three missiles, including the previous one. Now he only had one missile left. If he got another tank zombie, it would be even more fun. He scanned left and right, and there was nothing but raging fire. It seemed that there were not many of these things at the moment. If there were really more, humans would just have to do nothing and wait to die.

The retreat continued. The Rubik's Cube's Zhang Xiaowen and Zhang Nan were at the rear, and the team of survivors headed straight for the endless mountains. The withered grass and trees, the bleak autumn wind, the survivors in simple summer clothes shivered as they walked in the chilly autumn. Most of the supplies were left in the Xin'an Town camp, and they had no time to care about torn quilts and food when they fled. Everyone faced a serious crisis of lack of food and clothing.


In the evening, everyone walked to a valley. Outside the valley was a corn field. The ripe corn was still standing in the field without anyone harvesting it.

Many people lay directly on the ground, and their sobbing echoed in the valley. Most of the people here were the elderly, the weak, women and children, who had poor mobility and could not fight the zombies for supplies. They could only curl up next to the fire and try to get the little pitiful heat. The lucky children who survived cried loudly, and the whole camp was dead silent.

"Sister Zhang, I know you have a lot of food in Longshan Camp. I wonder if you can provide us with some food and bedding. We don’t even have a quilt tonight." Zhang Nan said to Zhang Xiaowen.

"I can find a way to get bedding, and I can also take care of the food for tonight and tomorrow, but you can solve the food problem by yourselves in the future.

Outside the valley is a large corn field, and all the crops are grown in the mountainous rural areas.

Tomorrow, you can use sickles, kitchen knives, or daggers to harvest the crops.

I will provide the rice grinder and pots and pans.

If you still can't survive, then just die.

This is not the end of the world, and having money is useless.

All of us are the same, we are all survivors.


"Then... OK."

Zhang Xiaowen sent a message back to Longshan Camp, marking the road leading to the valley, and asked Gao Dong to lead ten team members to escort a batch of food and pots and pans in a modified truck.

"Zhang Nan, you will be the manager of this camp from now on. I believe everyone would rather follow you to survive than follow those beasts who are ready to run away at any time. Don't refuse. No one here can take on this position. From the moment you choose to stay, you are destined to be a manager who leads everyone to survive. This is your fate." Zhang Xiaowen said to Zhang Nan seriously.

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