Star Wars

Chapter 16

When going down the stairs, the Rubik's Cube transformed into a robot again. He did not reveal his identity just now. Humans sometimes do some brain-wrecking things that are not good for themselves, so the Rubik's Cube thought it would be better for him to hide his identity and lurk in this world.

There was an open window at the end of the corridor on the second floor.

The Rubik's Cube jumped directly from the window and passed through the zombies to the side door of the school.

Going out of the side door is the large supermarket.

Some people may think it is great to hide in the supermarket, with water and food, but the water and food are not unlimited.

Moreover, if there is no one to manage, the food and water will easily deteriorate due to temperature and environmental changes.

Moreover, even if you hide in the supermarket, can you hide there for a lifetime? That little bit of food is okay to eat for a year or half a year, but how to eat it after it deteriorates? Are you trapped to death in this place?

Easily break the lock of the side door, open the side door, and go straight to the large supermarket across the street.

Due to the power outage, the whole supermarket is dark, and only some safety indicator lights can barely maintain the lighting. Judging from the flashing situation, the power may be exhausted within half a day. The

Rubik's Cube does not need lighting, and various detection equipment is enough to see the situation in the supermarket clearly.

"Tsk tsk~ There are so many zombies here, it's really chaotic, it's best not to dirty the food." The magic cube turned its wheels and entered the large supermarket through the ramp, skipping the daily necessities and snacks area and heading straight to the cooked food area. The sealed meat did not spoil in such a short time, and the energy obtained from eating meat is always much more than eating instant noodles.

A shopping cart was pulled over, and the magic cube jumped onto the refrigerator and threw sealed cooked food into the shopping cart, such as pig's trotters, bacon, and sausages. A zombie wearing a supermarket employee uniform next to it grinned and looked at the magic cube curiously.……

"The meat is almost done. Let’s get some more water. Sixty people need to run back and forth a few more times."

After loading the meat, Mofang pushed the shopping cart to the beverage area and loaded several large barrels of purified water.

In addition, he also loaded some toilet paper.

The few tissues that students usually put in have probably been used up a long time ago.

He couldn’t just not wipe it.

After loading almost everything, Mofang pushed the cart out of the supermarket.

He found a rope to tie it to the shopping cart and fixed the other end to the back of the remote-controlled car after it was transformed.

He dragged the shopping cart to the side door of the school...

In a residential building in the distance

"Look! It's that remote control toy car again, pulling a shopping cart full of water and meat!"As the cart of water and meat disappeared around the corner, the room was filled with the growling sounds of hunger.

"Magic Cube, there is no gas in the gas tank at home, how can I cook?……"

The Cube was driving when it suddenly received a call from Zhang Xiaowen. The Cube was speechless and almost crashed into a street lamp pole and had a traffic accident. If there is no gas, just eat biscuits and cooked food. Why do you have to stir the spoon for every meal?……

"I'm saving people. I'll bring you chocolate, popcorn and drinks later."

"Really? That's great. I'll wait for you to come back."

The Cube felt that no matter whether it was Huaxia Star or Earth, he could not escape the fate of serving mankind...

He found an open window on the first floor, threw all the food and water into the classroom through the window, and finally threw the shopping cart in. The Cube somersaulted into the classroom, put the things thrown in into the shopping cart, and laboriously pushed the cart to the side stairs among the zombies. There were three stairs in the back building, and the one closest to the supermarket would save time. He pulled the shopping cart hard and climbed up to the second floor

"Come down from upstairs! Food and water are on the second floor!" The Rubik's Cube turned back into a toy car again.

Soon, two heads appeared at the corner of the stairs. Their eyes lit up when they saw the things on the shopping cart. Then six young men in strange clothes ran down the stairs and headed straight for the shopping cart. Suddenly!

Da da da!

Three bullets flew through the cement slag on the ground, creating three holes that blocked the six young men at the stairs. The six people looked at the Rubik's Cube in horror, without a doubt that the small machine gun could easily kill them.……

"No looting!

Otherwise you will stay here and fend for yourselves!

Back off!

" The small machine gun on the roof of the car kept shaking and pointing at everyone's head.

These six people were not students at all.

They were obviously hooligans outside the school because of their strange clothes.

The six people swallowed their saliva, their eyes still fixed on the food in the shopping cart.

Mofang had no doubt that if he didn't care about it now, the food would basically be eaten up by these six people instead of being shared equally.

Even if he had said before that he would not carry the food continuously, people who were extremely hungry in the end times would not care about others at all.

"Wait a minute~ Don't shoot~"

Three more people ran down from upstairs, the one who shouted was the fat man holding the iron pipe, followed by two male classmates

"Fatty, you guys move these foods to the classroom on the third floor. Don't rush to grab them. Everyone should share some. I'll bring more food to you later."

"Okay, I will definitely not let others loot.

Gao Dong, come and move the things!

" Three more boys ran down from upstairs, one of them was Gao Dong.

The six people carried the shopping cart and went upstairs, staring at the six hooligans from time to time.

When the magic cube saw the things being moved up, it turned the wheels and drove down the stairs to the first floor, while the machine gun was still pointed at the six people on the second floor.

In the doomsday, looting and dominating may make you live well, but this is just a procrastination.

If you want to continue to live, you must unite and cooperate to help each other.

This is not a philosophy, but the result that the magic cube calculated after a long time using the computer.

If everyone loots without order, it will only make people become They became selfish and lazy, slowly fell into a vicious cycle and eventually died.

The Rubik's Cube believed that a group of high school boys could handle six hooligans without any problem, so it continued to carry food and water.

After carrying the food and water ten times in a row, the large amount of food and water finally allowed the group of students to slowly recover their strength.

It stopped at the door of the large classroom on the third floor, watching everyone in the classroom eat and drink.

There were also a few girls who cried while eating.

The female teacher kept patting their backs to comfort them.

The end of the world made everyone at a loss.

The Rubik's Cube decided to find a way to leave the city, otherwise they would die miserably sooner or later if they stayed in the city.

The motor started to turn, and the Rubik's Cube turned around and planned to go out.

"Please wait a moment……"

Mofang turned around and saw a middle-aged female teacher struggling to stand up and walk towards him.

"Thank you very much for your help, can you tell us...what is wrong with the world……"The middle-aged female teacher stared at the Rubik's Cube, fearing that the Rubik's Cube would reveal some bad news.

"The end of the world, more than 80% of the world's human population has died, and the number is still increasing. The T virus is rampant. After the rain a few days ago, all the people who were still alive have developed antibodies. As long as they don't get infected by the wound, they won't be infected by the virus. The brains of the zombies have been destroyed by the virus, but they still retain their feeding instinct. It is recommended that they be physically destroyed."

The classroom suddenly became quiet, and pairs of eyes looked at the Rubik's Cube in disbelief. If they had been lucky before, now their hope was completely shattered.

"So what should we do?"

"Either live or die." The cube said and turned away. If the main starship was here, all the problems would not be a problem, but now there is only such a tiny clone, and there is really nothing it can do.

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