Star Wars

Chapter 166

The corpse demon felt the pain and punched the Rubik's Cube away. He turned around and rushed towards the hotel. With one hand disabled, he would definitely be the one to die if he tried to deal with this invincible robot. How could he, as the noble protagonist, die at the hands of this damn machine!

Swish, swish, swish - three bullets came in a triangular shape with the sound of breaking through the air.

Puff, puff, puff!

The corpse demon groaned as it was shot in the back, but used the force of the bullet to speed up its running and rushed towards the hotel lobby.

The Rubik's Cube behind him was very annoyed, forgetting that the bullets would not cause pain to it unless they hit its vital parts.

He also inadvertently helped the corpse demon to increase its speed.

It was a mistake, a pure mistake.

The corpse demon felt something flying towards him again while running, and he easily dodged it by turning his head and turning sideways.

He did not forget to turn back and taunt the Rubik's Cube.

"It's useless! Your little gadgets are useless to me!"

"Really? Then look at what's in front of you." The magic cube sneered.

The corpse demon suddenly felt something was wrong, turned his head and looked forward, just in time to see a simple iron boomerang that was growing rapidly in front of his eyes.……

"Roar……"The boomerang pierced the corpse's eyeball, and the corpse pulled the boomerang out frantically. The intact eye clearly saw the eyeball that belonged to it on the blade of the boomerang. The red eyeball gradually dimmed, and the black blood vessels behind it were still bleeding. The fear of the human part was suddenly magnified. What

Mo Fang never expected was that the monster ran faster after being stimulated like this. In the blink of an eye, it smashed the glass revolving door and rushed into the hotel lobby. Without saying a word, it ran upstairs along the smooth stairs.

"Do you think I won't beat you up if you run to a high-end and fancy place? Dream on!"

Swoosh~ The Rubik's Cube followed the corpse demon into the hotel through the big hole. Its mechanical feet clanged on the smooth and shiny floor tiles, and the tiles were stepped into spider web patterns. There was no other way. In order to prevent slipping, the computer specially modified the mechanical feet with many small non-slip spikes. The second floor of the hotel is the dining area, which mainly serves Western food.

The running Rubik's Cube swept the table with one palm, knocking away a bunch of tableware. The corpse demon who was fleeing in front suddenly felt the danger and quickly dodged to the side. Five or six knives and forks used for eating Western food flew past its body almost closely, and were nailed to the marble pillars with a few clangs. There is no doubt that once these knives and forks are nailed to the body, it will be a disaster. Fun stuff.

A round table for ten people flew towards the Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube smashed the table with a punch and continued to run in the wood chips. Unexpectedly, the corpse demon followed closely and launched a big counterattack!

Bang... crash!

The Rubik's Cube was hit and flew backwards.

It stopped after smashing a bunch of tables, chairs and carts.

It grabbed a knife and fork and threw it towards the corpse demon.

The corpse demon wanted to continue attacking the station, but it didn't expect the Rubik's Cube to counterattack so quickly.

It failed to dodge all the knives and forks in time during the forward rush.

The three knives and forks used great force to pierce into the abdomen of the corpse demon whose nutrition was greatly consumed and defense was weakened.

Then a mechanical foot quickly enlarged.


"snort……"The corpse demon groaned as the mechanical foot kicked it in the head. It rolled over and smashed the translucent glass door and fell into the bathroom. The corpse demon vaguely saw a female symbol...

Before it could stand up, it felt dizzy, its head suddenly hurt, and it smelled a sewer smell.

Bang, bang, bang!

The magic cube grabbed the corpse demon's feet and kept swinging it like a sandbag.

Several bathrooms were taken care of by the corpse demon's head.

The ceramic toilets were smashed one by one.

The female zombie in a single room was also smashed to pieces by the magic cube.

After smashing the toilet, it continued to swing it on the large glass above the sink.

A good luxurious bathroom was destroyed beyond recognition.

The dizzy corpse demon finally got a chance to struggle away from the magic cube's mechanical hand.

It used all four limbs to crawl out of the bathroom and ran upstairs desperately.

One eye was missing, and the bones were exposed on the face.

There were also glass shards on the front and back of the chest that had pierced into the flesh.

The image of the original show-off changed to the current miserable state.

Further up were some meeting rooms and guest rooms. The zombies were running around trying to get rid of the cube, so a chase started in this five-star hotel.

The goose feathers in the flying pillows, the broken decorations, the sheets scattered everywhere, the holes in the expensive carpets made by the mechanical feet, it was estimated that this place would definitely be an unfinished project after the end of the world.

The cube and the zombies also chased upwards from the second floor.

The zombie guests and waiters in the guest rooms and corridors were also affected by the fire at the city gate.

They were either pushed away by the zombies or slapped on the wall by the cube, drawing an abstract painting on the wallpapered wall.

Bang, bang, bang! Three bullets were fired.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—the corpse demon made a sudden turn to avoid the bullets in advance.

Three bullets continued to fly and hit the window at the end of the hotel corridor.

The original tempered glass was hit by the bullets and three holes in the shape of a Chinese character"品" were made, and then exploded.

Glass of all sizes fell from more than twenty floors.

At this time, Zhang Xiaowen, who was speeding towards here on the riverside road, saw the falling glass at a glance, stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the hotel!

"Are you done yet? Why are you chasing me? How did I offend you? The fleeing corpse yelled angrily.


"puff……"The corpse demon was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Don't push me! If you piss me off, we'll die together! If I die, neither can you!"

The Cube curled its lips and fired a series of bullets at the corpse demon in response.

Such harsh words are very useful to humans, but unfortunately they have no effect on a mechanical life form like itself.

It would be better to use lines from other movies if it has that time.

Even if this guy suddenly explodes his microcosm, it will be useless.

The corpse demon was very annoyed when the Cube refused to listen to him.

In anger, he thought for a while, gritted his teeth and continued to go upstairs��

After a chase, we have now reached the 30th floor. After a fight, the corpse monster has many more wounds on its body, and the Rubik's Cube has also dropped many parts. There are constant sparks in the abdomen, which obviously indicates a short circuit in the pipeline. Fortunately, the impact is not great and does not hinder rapid maneuvering.

On the riverside road, Zhang Xiaowen had to abandon the car and walk after encountering dense traffic jams. Ordinary zombies hindered her running speed. In a hurry, she simply gave up killing them and ran through the zombies at a faster speed towards the hotel. The goggles showed that the Rubik's Cube was there. What made Zhang Xiaowen anxious was that the signal from the Rubik's Cube was a little unstable.……

"Faster...faster……"Zhang Xiaowen, fully armed, ran and jumped through obstacles one after another, getting closer and closer to the hotel.

Inside the hotel, the magic cube and the corpse demon had chased each other to more than 40 floors, and were about to run to the top floor. The magic cube was curious why the corpse demon didn't run down. Could it be that he wanted to kill him by relying on the height? Where did he get such confidence?

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