Star Wars

Chapter 168

"You're still alive... That's great! Woohoo... It's all my fault, please don't be mad at me, okay?……"Zhang Xiaowen, who was originally crying loudly, suddenly laughed. This crying and laughing expression looked like a child.

"Zizi... I don't blame you... Zombies are coming, let's go quickly and find a place to absorb energy and repair our wounds... Zizi……"The Rubik's Cube still doesn't speak very well

""Right, right!

Find a place to absorb energy immediately, I'll take you away!

" Zhang Xiaowen quickly wiped her tears with her sleeves, put on goggles, held the soft Rubik's Cube in one arm, and ran straight to the hotel with a machete in the other hand.

After entering the hotel through the broken revolving door, she rushed straight to the guest room along the stairs.

Zhang Xiaowen subconsciously felt that if she was injured, she should find a place to lie down and have a good rest, and there were obviously plenty of beds in the hotel.

She ran to the sixth floor in one breath, opened a guest room without zombies, and went in with the Rubik's Cube. She carefully put it on the sunny balcony, thought about it, and went out with the machete.

Ten minutes later, Zhang Xiaowen returned to the room with a bag of Rubik's Cube in her pocket. The Rubik's Cube knelt beside the Rubik's Cube and compared the parts one by one to find a way to restore them and help speed up the repair. The Rubik's Cube found that this violent and stupid woman had such a gentle side. Women are really inexplicable creatures.

The sun gradually set. Without the sun's energy, the speed of absorbing energy decreased a little. Based on the principle that no matter how small the screw is, it is still metal, the Rubik's Cube will not miss any energy. The collection plate used to absorb energy has a layer of light blue halo. The dreamy halo makes the room no longer dark.

Zhang Xiaowen was relieved to see that the Rubik's Cube was not dangerous. She ate something casually and had time to observe the guest room.

"This is……"Seeing the layout of the room, her face turned red. She didn't know how this five-star hotel could have a love room. The round bed with pink curtains and a round bathtub made Zhang Xiaowen blush to the roots of her neck. She wanted to crawl into the ground when she saw this scene for the first time. She didn't expect that she would come to such a place for the first time with a robot.

She simply closed the curtains to block the ambiguity in the room, yawned, and slowly fell asleep on the blanket next to the Rubik's Cube.……


The repair took two days. Wang Nan called Zhang Xiaowen several times to inquire about the situation. Xiaojing was clamoring to find her mother. Zhang Xiaowen assured her several times on the phone that she would be back soon before the little girl calmed down. Jiajia answered the phone, which was much easier. She specifically asked for a cartoon character figure and asked Zhang Xiaowen to pick up a few when she came back. Finally, Wang Nan told her to be careful before hanging up. The Rubik's

Cube has been repaired by more than 80%. As the pipeline is connected to the energy smoothly, the repair speed is getting faster and faster. The metal at the broken part has grown and healed, the damaged armor has been repaired, and the scratched paint has been re-sprayed. The whole thing looks like a cool and domineering sci-fi shape again.

"Energy is 91%, and the body is fully repaired."The system brought good news to the Cube.

"The feeling of recovering from an injury is really amazing. It would be great if there was a repair shop. Well, it seems that we need to speed up the construction of engineering equipment when we go back." He stood up from the ground and tried the mechanical arm. All the mechanical parts on his body were folded and combined. The two wheels on his shoulders and back rotated and deformed. He checked and confirmed that the repair was complete.

"Wenzi, the repair is complete, we can go home now"

"Okay, let's go home."

Mofang looked at Zhang Xiaowen blankly for a few seconds. When did this stupid woman become so gentle and considerate? Her voice was so soft.

"Are you... okay? Why do I feel like your behavior is different from before? I have specific comparison data."

"What did you say~!"Zhang Xiaowen stared at the Rubik's Cube with her eyes slanted, grabbed a wrench that she had found before to repair the Rubik's Cube and started to tighten the screws, as if she was going to dismantle the Rubik's Cube.

"I said……"

"ah……!"Zhang Xiaowen screamed. It turned out that the Rubik's Cube quickly transformed into a mecha while Zhang Xiaowen was not paying attention and jumped out of the window. The two wheels in mid-air became thrusters to buffer the excess inertia. After landing, the thrusters continued to work. Each step could cover a distance of more than ten meters, just like running and walking on the moon.

After running a few steps, Zhang Xiaowen found the fun part. She screamed and jumped up high with each step, running upstream along the riverside road. At the beginning, she was always unskilled and always bumped into zombies or vehicles. After becoming proficient, she could even move forward close to buildings. This Spider-Man-like feeling was very fun.

"Hahaha~hahaha~" The joyful silver bell-like laughter quickly moved north along the river. When passing by a famous figurine store, they also bought a few models and took a few children's down jackets.

After playing enough, the Rubik's Cube turned into a racing motorcycle and took Zhang Xiaowen to Longshan Camp quickly.

The national highway in late autumn was full of fallen leaves.

The yellow forest continued to sprinkle leaves in the autumn wind.

The valley stream rose up with cold water mist and slowly flew into the sky.

After mutation, the migratory birds still retained their migratory habits and flew across the sky above their heads to migrate to the south.

Now that humans, their biggest natural enemy, are gone, the number of migratory birds has doubled.

The birdsong resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the scene was magnificent, something that could never be seen before the end of the world.

Before we arrived at Longshan Camp, we saw the Longshan Camp agricultural team harvesting crops outside.

The harvesters harvested all the rice, corn, and soybeans, loaded them onto trucks and transported them back to Longshan Camp.

There were ten guard team members and more than a dozen quadcopters patrolling and guarding.

The two guys who had been drinking on the wall were driving the harvesters seriously.

Although they were quite silly after drinking, they were still very good when they were not drunk.

It was said that a girl had already taken a fancy to them, and it was estimated that the wedding would not be too far away.

Buzz—the engine slowed down, the Rubik's Cube stopped on the side of the road, and Zhang Xiaowen took off her helmet and got out of the car.

"Sister Zhang, you are finally back, Rubik's Cube~" The fat man ran over to greet him, not forgetting the Rubik's Cube.

Ding! The Rubik's Cube honked its horn as a response.

"Are you in no danger? Although this place is remote, there are still a few zombies. Be careful of the mutated zombies and report any situation immediately."Zhang Xiaowen reminded

"Don't worry, sister Zhang. The four evil cats are here to protect us. We plan to harvest all the fields. Haha~ They were all hungry and worried because they were running low on food."

Zhang Xiaowen turned her head and found a yellow civet on a big tree. There were three zombie corpses under the tree. What surprised Zhang Xiaowen was that one of them was an evolved zombie corpse. Its combat power... was not low.

After giving some instructions, they continued on their way.

This area was already part of the Longshan camp.

From time to time, quadcopters could be seen patrolling in the sky.

Large tracts of fields had been harvested, and straw and stalks were piled up.

The old man with a gun brought back a mutant yellow cow from somewhere.

It was strong, strong, and had a good temper.

It was obedient and could do as much work as a small truck.

The old man took care of it like a baby all day long, but the occasional cry was too loud...

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