Star Wars

Chapter 170

Mofang set up a tripod camera in front of the villa covered with thick snow, connected the controls, and stood with Xiaojing in his arms. Zhang Xiaowen held Jiajia's hand and stood beside Mofang. The four evil cats sat in the front and stared at the camera. Jiajia deliberately manipulated many snowflakes to fall from the sky. The snowflakes facing the rising sun sparkled like a dream.


Click~!" Although he didn't know why he had to shout"cheese" while taking a photo, the Rubik's Cube still chose the right time to wirelessly control the camera and press the shutter. The warm picture was frozen at this moment...

As soon as the photo was taken, the super printer in the room quickly printed the photo.

A large Rubik's Cube was going to be put into a photo frame, and several small ones could be placed on the cabinet in the room.

Anyway, humans all like to do this, so he might as well follow the traditional human habits.

Anyway, printing these things doesn't consume much material.

After taking the photo, Xiaojing, Jiajia and the four evil cats rushed into the living room to look at the photos.

They had taken so many photos in the past that even the four evil cats knew where to get the photos.

"Dad, make a beautiful photo frame quickly. I want to hang the photo on the wall. Xiao Jing jumped and shouted.

"I also want a small photo frame to put the photo on the bedside table." Jia Jia followed closely.

For Mo Fang, making a photo frame is not a piece of cake. He grabbed a few pieces of wood and quickly made the frame. He also used new technology to apply a layer of gentle-looking paint. He took the big photo and installed it in a few seconds. He hung the photo in the living room in silence amid the high and low voices of Xiao Jing, Jia Jia and Zhang Xiaowen.

Four big cats sat side by side on the sofa, looking at the photos and meowing, as if they were discussing which one was more beautiful. Their faces were full of smiles. Although it was just a photo of the first snow, it made everyone feel a rare happiness and warmth, and a family-like feeling.……

"It's time to eat~"

Xiaojing and Jiajia took the four big cats out and ran to the cafeteria in the snow, leaving behind a series of cheerful laughter and footprints. The two children were wrapped like cotton balls in thick down jackets, which Zhang Xiaowen forced them to wear.

"Let's go to the cafeteria."

"Why? I am a mechanical life form and I don't need to eat. The energy I need in food is too low."The cube was curious about why Zhang Xiaowen asked him to go to the cafeteria to eat.

"This morning is the first snow of the year, so we are having a dumpling-making party. You are also an important member of our Longshan Camp, so you can go and sit for a while. Don’t you want to eat dumplings with Xiaojing?"

"Well... well, we should take a break after working for so many days. Let's go."

Mofang and Zhang Xiaowen walked towards the cafeteria together.

The picturesque Longshan Mountain was covered in silver, the big trees were covered with snow, and the little squirrel was���Birds were jumping around on the branches and chirping, as if they were discussing the first heavy snow of the year.

Longshan, which was originally a scenic nature reserve, was decorated like a fairy tale world by this snow.

People who went out of other houses in the camp were cheering and playing, and snowflakes were flying all over the sky.

Everyone wore cotton hats and cotton gloves and walked towards the cafeteria with a smile on their faces.

Just now, everyone learned that they would make dumplings for dinner this morning.

They had not eaten dumplings once since the end of the world.

Although the Rubik's Cube walked into the cafeteria, it made everyone stunned for a moment, but they still showed welcome. Everyone knew that the Rubik's Cube was the strongest fighting force and protector of the Longshan camp. It was all thanks to the Rubik's Cube that they could sit in the warm cafeteria today. If there was no Rubik's Cube, I'm afraid everyone would still be hiding in some corner, drinking rainwater and eating spoiled biscuits.

"Daddy, sit here~"

Seeing Mofang coming in, Xiaojing happily made room for him. Jiajia also handed over a small spoon with a rabbit printed on it. The four evil cats and other people who were familiar with Mofang nodded and greeted him.

"Everyone is here, let’s start making dumplings! We can only eat after we finish making them~" Wang Nan shouted

""Let's make dumplings~"

The canteen staff imitated the waiters in ancient times, with white towels on their shoulders, and brought out basins of white flour and dumpling stuffing to the table. Everyone washed their hands and made dumplings. Those who knew how to roll out the dumpling skins rolled the skins, and those who knew how to wrap them did it. Anyway, it was snowing heavily today and there was no work to do and no rush to eat. They could eat when they finished wrapping.

Xiaojing and Jiajia were just making dumplings for fun. The four big cats sat on chairs waiting for their meals. Zhang Xiaowen made very beautiful dumplings.

The most distinctive one was probably the Rubik's Cube. After using the red fan-shaped scanning beam to get familiar with the various data of the dumpling skins, it set a set of dumpling-making procedures, and then picked up the small rolling pin to start rolling the dumpling skins at a dazzling speed. Zhang Xiaowen's eyelids jumped at the speed. It was just making dumplings, there was no need for scanning and mechanization, right? …

After rolling out the dumpling wrappers, the Rubik's Cube robot quickly made standard dumplings one after another with extremely standard movements, basically referring to Zhang Xiaowen's dumpling-making data, with similar sizes and styles.

The speed made the four big cats sitting next to it keep shaking their heads following the dumplings in the robot's hands.

The speed of Rubik's Cube's own dumpling-making was almost catching up with many people working at the same time.

The cafeteria staff simply shamelessly kept sending noodles and dumpling stuffing over and then kept taking the wrapped dumplings away.

With the help of Rubik's Cube, the super dumpling-making master, the dumpling-making work was finally completed ahead of schedule.

Zhang Xiaowen even exclaimed that the Rubik's Cube could be used as both an induction cooker and a dumpling-making machine.

It was simply a kitchen robot...

After making the dumplings, everyone sat in the cafeteria, chatting and waiting.

Not long after, Wang Nan's voice was heard.

"Add dumplings!"

""The dumplings are here~" Each canteen staff member held a curtain with steaming dumplings on it, placed one by one on each table.

The steaming dumplings, and the soy sauce with minced garlic, were picked up and placed on the table.

���Although there were only some dumplings stuffed with cabbage in the bowl, everyone felt that it was the most delicious food in the world.

They inadvertently recalled the scene of eating dumplings with their families before the end of the world.

Many girls couldn't help sobbing.

Dumplings are a traditional food eaten only during festivals in Longguo, symbolizing reunion and joy.

Now, in this end of the world where almost everyone is hungry and cold, it has become a luxury.

This is the first time to eat dumplings in Longshan Camp...

Wang Nan and Zhang Xiaowen both made brief speeches. Finally, after the call to eat, everyone couldn't wait to pick up a dumpling and put it in their mouths. The familiar taste and beautiful memories came to their hearts. Even Zhang Xiaowen, whose mental quality has been enhanced many times, couldn't help but moisten her eyes.

The magic cube sat on the chair and looked at the various expressions of the people. In a trance, it seemed that he had grasped the key to the mechanical life form having a soul...

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