Star Wars

Chapter 26

Early in the morning.

The quiet and dark city welcomed the first light of dawn. The sun rose as usual. No matter what changes happened in the world, it did not affect the rising and setting of the sun...

Zhang Xiaowen rubbed her eyes, raised her head and saw the fiery red sun just rising above the horizon. She pushed aside her hair and quietly bathed in the morning sun's rays. She just sat there blankly, with some girls who were still sleeping beside her.……

"Dawn will finally come, so let's call this operation out of the city Dawn Operation."

Wash, eat, then put on combat equipment, put on technological goggles, check bullets and pistols, everything is ready. This operation must succeed and not fail, otherwise if these students and teachers are stuck on the road, the chance of survival will be infinitely close to zero, but how can they survive without fighting? In this case, let's fight.

Zhang Xiaowen stood in the sunlight and looked at the teachers and students

"Get ready, the Dawn Operation is about to begin, and we...will all survive."

He casually took out a string of firecrackers and fixed them on the roof of the Magic Cube. The Magic Cube drove towards the big tree yesterday with ease. Nearly 60 people could fit in a container truck, but there were too many people and it would take too long to lure away the zombies. Unexpectedly, firecrackers can attract monsters in addition to festive occasions...


The violent sound of firecrackers attracted all the nearby zombies. Zhang Xiaowen quickly climbed out of the window and opened the back door of the container. The students filed out and quickly got into the container, while Zhang Xiaowen stood guard with a pistol in her hand. There were also a few stronger ones. There were also boys standing around holding steel pipes and other simple weapons. Among them was a fat guy and a boy named Gao Dong.

Zhang Xiaowen found that the truck seemed to have been modified by the Rubik's Cube last night.

In addition to the V-shaped steel plate on the front of the car, V-shaped steel plates were also installed in front of several rear wheels.

It must be a solution that the Rubik's Cube came up with after it was blocked by an obstacle when turning yesterday.

In this way, even when turning, it can easily separate the obstacles to both sides without delaying the wheels.

This modification is even better than an off-road vehicle.

The powerful engine and huge inertia can definitely push away all obstacles.

""Ah!" A zombie suddenly appeared from nowhere and ran towards the students who were getting on the bus, causing a panic.

"Don't be afraid! Get on the bus in order!"

He loaded the pistol with his left hand, raised the pistol and fired.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It took three consecutive shots for one bullet to hit the zombie's head. Zhang Xiaowen shook her head. It was a pity that the other two bullets were wasted. In this era of stagnant production, every bullet used meant one less.

""Hurry, hurry, hurry! Why are you still hesitating about getting on the bus! Thousands of zombies are coming outside! Hurry, hurry, hurry! Damn it!" Zhang Xiaowen was annoyed when she saw several students still complaining about the dirt and taking their time to get on the bus. Before she could finish yelling, she saw another zombie appear and quickly shot at the zombie with her gun.

At this time, two more zombies ran out from the other corner.

Fatty and Gao Dong, both holding steel pipes, looked at the zombies waving their arms and running towards them with pale faces.

It is one thing to dare to pick up weapons, but it is another thing to dare to fight with weapons.

The great fear made their eyes wide open and their faces full of sweat.

Every step the two zombies took seemed to step on their hearts.

The shirts and ties on the zombies showed that they were white-collar workers in their previous lives, but now they are showing their fangs and claws like monsters.

The zombies are getting closer and closer...

da da da da da...

devil Fang just rushed back from the playground, and immediately stretched out a machine gun from the roof and fired a burst of shots, making several bloody holes in the heads of the two zombies with a few puffs.

The running zombies rushed forward for a while before dying due to inertia, and then fell to the ground with a thud, less than five meters away from the students who got on the bus.

Zhang Xiaowen looked over here with a gun, and saw that Mo Fang rushed back and only cared about his side.

Fatty and Gao Dong took a few deep breaths, watching the blue big-wheeled toy off-road vehicle coming over with the sound of the motor, turning around and backing up to them. The magical small machine gun on the roof was on guard against the outside. The two looked at each other and found that they were relieved. They would also get a toy car when they had time.……

"Hurry up and get in the car! Close the door! Teacher He, you sit in the driver's seat." Zhang Xiaowen pushed the last person into the car and locked the door with a clang.

"Okay, I'll go to the front." Teacher He hurried to the cab, but the cab was too high. Usually, when sitting in a car, you just bend down to sit in. Unexpectedly, the cab of a truck is so high. In a weak state, he failed to get in twice. It was Zhang Xiaowen who pushed him from behind that finally let him climb into the cab.

After throwing the Rubik's Cube into the cab, Zhang Xiaowen climbed into the car and slammed the door shut. Then she started the truck and rushed forward, pushing away the cars on the ground and driving along the predetermined route. Fortunately, there were not too many vehicles at the turn, and the truck was strengthened so it was not blocked.

When turning, Zhang Xiaowen Be careful to prevent the truck from getting stuck because it is too long. It is much easier to drive in a straight line. Just step on the accelerator. When passing the train station square, countless zombies are staggering and chasing the truck. The usually busy train station is still busy now. Fortunately, the zombies are not fast. The V-shaped steel plate separates the zombies and the car and drives easily towards the riverside road.

In the carriage, through a few gaps, you can see dozens of people sitting on cans. Many girls hug each other tightly and cover their ears to avoid hearing the bang bang sound made by the zombies hitting the carriage.……

"I hope those damn insurance companies will handle the damage to so many cars. If this happened in the past, there would be so many people lying on the ground trying to scam people."Zhang Xiaowen joked as she looked at the mess behind her in the rearview mirror.

Mr. He, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had a pale face and forced a smile. There were zombies all around, and it felt really terrible. It was really hard to laugh...

After turning a corner, the truck finally drove onto the riverside road. The situation of being surrounded was finally relieved, and the speed of the car gradually increased. By the way, this is a section where trucks are prohibited from driving. I hope I won't be photographed and ticketed.

Suddenly, the magic cube made a radio sound, which was intermittent and not very clear.

"Broadcast... This is... a national... state of emergency... Please... leave... Stay safe and don't get bitten... Try to find a safe place to protect yourself... If you have a chance to leave the city, leave as soon as possible. The country is contacting all survivors... Hold on... Lift the weapons ban and use weapons at will. Please... be orderly……"

The signal was not very good, but generally speaking this was a good thing.

At least it rekindled the hope of many people.

Teacher He was so excited that he wanted to hug the Rubik's Cube.

It would be a lie if he was not excited after waiting for so long to finally get the news from the country.

Even Zhang Xiaowen smiled.

The broadcast was still repeating.

The Rubik's Cube was connected to the speakers in the car and the volume was turned up to the maximum so that everyone in the car could hear the broadcast.

Through the thick steel plate, Zhang Xiaowen and Teacher He even heard excited cheers coming from the back car.

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