Star Wars

Chapter 29

"Mofang, why are you so accurate with your gun?"

"Well... how should I put it? I have a rangefinder, air pressure and humidity sensor, X-ray fluoroscopy, temperature and radiation sensor, trajectory calculation, and remote telemetry system.……"Before the magic cube finished speaking

"Stop it, you're showing off your wealth!"

"Show off your wealth? I really don't have any coins. Those things are of no use to me. If you need, I can start the bank computer to transfer money to your account. You can write as large a value as you want."

"Forget it, there are no more zombies outside, let’s go clean up the ones in the room.

"Zhang Xiaowen changed the magazine while walking towards the big house, trying not to look at the Rubik's Cube.

She also transferred money.

She could write as large a value as she wanted.

What's the use of a bunch of numbers in the end of the world? It's better to wear a set of high-tech equipment.

Is it really good to show off wealth so directly? Aliens are indeed more high-tech, but they don't look like the big-eyed and thin-necked aliens in the movies.

They are exactly the same as Transformers...

Zhang Xiaowen didn't want to destroy this large floor-to-ceiling glass door.

If it was broken, where would she buy glass? Even if she didn't use glass, where would she find craftsmen to build the wall? It would be a pity to destroy such a beautiful house.

She had to open the door and lure the zombies out one by one.

She would stab one to death with a dagger as soon as one came out.

This would save ammunition and would not damage the decoration.

Once the glass was broken or the interior decoration was damaged, she would have to repair it herself.

It was sad to think about it.

The decoration here is very expensive, okay.

When it reached a place where the truck couldn't notice it, the Rubik's Cube changed into a robot with a few clicks, and swaggered into the hall from among the zombies. She picked up a fruit mobile phone that was said to be very popular before the end of the world, broke off the useless shell, and threw it into her mouth as a snack.

"Pah~" Spit out the useless plastic and waste, and absorb the metal in the phone

"Decepticons attack! Uh... Autobots attack!"

Ka-ka! With a shake of his arms, a small machine gun and a bayonet appeared. He cut off the zombie's calf bone with one knife, and then the left arm machine gun sent a bullet into the forehead of the fallen zombie. The lethality was very good at close range. What if the gun was small? As long as the lethality was enough, it would be fine.

Just like that, one knife cut one leg, and then shot at the forehead. The speed of the Rubik's Cube's cleaning was faster than Zhang Xiaowen.

Zhang Xiaowen stared at the Rubik's Cube with dissatisfaction. The aliens didn't know the habits of the earth, and didn't know that the big carpet on the ground was expensive! Now it's good, one pool after another of black pus and blood is spilled everywhere. How to wash it? Who will wash it? Where can I buy a carpet now? It is estimated that the Rubik's Cube has nothing but metal in his eyes, and he doesn't understand life at all. The Rubik

's Cube, who was killing zombies, shuddered violently. After checking up and down, he found that there was no short circuit. What happened to the shudder just now? Well, it seems that I have to take the time to check the circuit, so as not to cause a circuit failure.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

The gunshots continued, and the hall was cleaned up quickly. Zhang Xiaowen could not see the zombies in the room, and could also hear the zombies banging against the wall in other rooms. She silently hoped that the zombies would knock her to death. In a room on the second floor, a zombie hit the wall hard and tripped and fell backwards. His head just happened to hit the upright glass of the broken fish tank. Poof! The sharp glass shone through his forehead. The zombie couldn't be deader...

In order not to smell the disgusting corpse odor of the zombies, Zhang Xiaowen covered her mouth and nose with a scarf, raised her pistol and went up to the second floor. The wooden stairs creaked when she stepped on them. The glasses showed three-dimensional graphics of each room and red zombie signs. There were two zombies in the room on the right. Judging from the red appearance, one looked like a big-bellied man and the other looked like a slim beauty.

Bang! Open the door, fire a gun, the shell fell to the ground, and one zombie was killed with one shot.

Looking at the two zombies pouting, they were not even wearing clothes. The zombie outbreak was in the morning. Being able to do this at this time showed that they were in good physical and mental condition. They were really idle.

"Swoosh~" The magic cube popped its head out from Zhang Xiaowen's leg and blew a hooligan whistle, but was dragged out by Zhang Xiaowen.

"Hey~ I'm just studying humans, why are you so rude~" The upside-down Rubik's Cube shook his eyes back and forth and yelled

"Hurry up and clean up the zombies. There are still more than a dozen villas nearby. I don't believe that you have copied most of the hosts on the entire earth and didn't copy some dirty movies."Zhang Xiaowen threw the Rubik's Cube into a hall on the second floor. There were five or six zombies wearing branded clothes standing inside, staring at the Rubik's Cube with white eyes.

"How rude."Mofang felt that he shouldn't bother with a woman whose thinking was incomprehensible, and after finding a reason, he excitedly cleaned up the zombies.

In the scenic Longshan Scenic Area Golf Manor, there were constant gunshots.

In fact, after killing a few zombies, one will become more and more courageous.

For example, Zhang Xiaowen currently feels that she is cleaning up dangerous animals.

Slowly, she went from being disgusted by the sight of blood to being able to smash the zombie's skull with one shot.

Her psychological quality is getting stronger and stronger.

I'm afraid that if Mofang says that she will go back to the city, Zhang Xiaowen can drive in.


After cleaning several houses in a row, Zhang Xiaowen looked at the large truck parked in the open space.

"The carriage is too stuffy and it's lunchtime, so I'll let them out. I guess some of them can't hold it anymore and have to go to the bathroom. You can clean up the remaining two villas by yourself."

""Go ahead, they are just zombies." The Rubik's Cube waved its mechanical arm generously.

Zhang Xiaowen grabbed a mountain bike from the side and rode it down the slope. The cool breeze blowing in her face dried the sweat on her forehead and hair. This feeling made Zhang Xiaowen feel very comfortable. Looking at the beautiful and exquisite surroundings, she would not have been able to come in and play before the end of the world. Unexpectedly, she could come in and out as she pleased today. It was really unpredictable... squeak———Hold the brakes and park your bike next to a truck

"Teacher He, you can come out now." After saying that, he flipped the lock to open the trunk. The air rushing out was indeed not very good, with a strong smell of sweat and carbon dioxide.

"The restroom is on the left side of the beautiful big house. You can see it as soon as you enter. Give it fifteen minutes to rest, and then we can have dinner."

"Zhang... Sister Zhang, do you want us to help clean up the zombies?……"Fatty, Gao Dong and several other boys said to Zhang Xiaowen nervously, which made Zhang Xiaowen very relieved. At least they were not the kind of people who relied on others to survive. Although... she was so dependent on the Rubik's Cube at the beginning.……

"It's not needed for now. My remote control toy car is cleaning the last two villas. Take a break and eat first. You will be busy later."

Several people were speechless. What kind of remote control car is this? The program is too powerful.

"OK...Thank you, Miss Zhang"

"You're welcome."

Others also looked at Zhang Xiaowen with admiration, and many girls came up to her and said thank you. This made Zhang Xiaowen, who used to be a stay-at-home girl, feel inexplicably vain. She felt elated for a moment, and suddenly heard the sound of Rubik's Cube's gunshots in the distance. Her face turned red, and she felt really sorry for Rubik's Cube.

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