Star Wars

Chapter 4

"The fighter squadron is running low on energy, requesting to return."

"Approved to return."

The captain of the fighter squadron looked at the still accelerating Rubik's Cube and had to end the interception mission.

He led the squadron to turn around and fly towards the space station.

It was an interception mission, but how could they intercept? The fighter weapons could not cause any damage to the powerful defense system of the Rubik's Cube.

How could an ant beat an adult? It was good enough that they were not smashed into slag by the Rubik's Cube, not to mention...

it was so weird.


"Qinling frigate! Qingyunhu frigate! Immediately intercept the Cube at full speed!"

"Qinling received"

"Qingyun Lake received it."

Two frigates patrolling in space received the order and immediately turned around and headed straight for the Cube.

Dragon Star Base Headquarters.

Dozens of experts involved in the development of the Cube quickly went to the command hall.

The main military officials were all in place, and even several main leaders of the Dragon Country came in person.

The high-level attention was not only because the Cube was the largest and most advanced interstellar battleship, but also because the super weapon installed on the Cube could destroy planets.

Once it got out of control, it would cause catastrophic consequences.

"Chief of Staff, please tell me the details."

"Yes!"A middle-aged soldier in his forties quickly stood up and saluted the leaders.

"The secret takeoff of the Rubik's Cube had already begun three days before takeoff.

After analysis by computer experts, all control systems, monitoring systems, weapon systems, and robots in the base had their programs changed.

Afterwards, all types of engineering vehicles and spacecraft in the base entered the Rubik's Cube.

In addition, the four newest space frigates completed by the factory were all tied to the Rubik's Cube by robots.

They were not discovered by the staff because the monitoring system discovered a highly toxic substance leak in the base.

All personnel were evacuated at the time, but in reality, no malfunctions occurred.

The Rubik's Cube used the Cang Yun system when it took off, and all officers and soldiers of the Cang Yun were on vacation at the time.

The deputy commander of the base discovered the Rubik's Cube when it took off, and fired shots to trigger the defense system.

Since all systems in the base had been changed, no effective measures could be taken.


"Since the base cannot intercept, what are you guys at the near-Earth space station doing?" the top leader asked angrily.

"Report to the leader, there was no starship patrolling nearby at the time. We dispatched a fighter squadron after discovering the anomaly, but the fighters were unable to intercept the Cube.……"

"If you have anything to say, say it quickly!"

"The fighter plane found that the cockpit was empty at the time, and there was a video, please watch it."The person in charge of the space station said, and opened the video taken by the No. 9 fighter plane on the big screen.

The video was recorded for a long time, and there was indeed no one driving the ship. There was no trace of human beings anywhere else in the warship. For a moment, everyone in the conference room was puzzled, but several computer scientists sitting outside the venue seemed a little excited.

The chief of staff received the report and stood up again

"Report to the leader, the investigators just reported that after investigation, all personnel who can operate interstellar spacecraft or small spacecraft are in place, including retired operators, and... the entire population of the country is here, which means... there may be no one on the Magic Cube……"

"Where is the commander of the Cube?"


"Do you think the Rubik's Cube will take off without anyone?"

"Report to the leader, someone needs to give the order for the warship to operate"

"What kind of password"

"For example, preparing to take off, or flying to Venus at cruising speed, then the battleship's super optical computer will automatically control the battleship's flight, automatic control... uh... I remember yesterday was the day to vote on dismantling the Rubik's Cube……"



In an instant, the conference room fell silent, and everyone seemed to understand something.

At this time, the designer of the Chilong A-type interstellar battleship super optical computer stood up.

"You guessed it right. The Rubik's Cube computer developed self-awareness. For self-protection, it ran away. Although this is very sci-fi, it is true."



Distant space.

A huge interstellar battleship that is a combination of four space frigates, with a long blue flame spurting out from its tail, passed through a meteorite belt at high speed, with two frigates in the back chasing closely. The captains of the two frigates who received the news from Dragon Star were a little speechless. The Cube actually had consciousness and was running away because it was going to dismantle itself. This was really speechless. Could anything be crazier than this?

The Cube was a little anxious. According to the communication signal just intercepted, he knew that Dragon Star had discovered his existence. At this speed, he would not be able to get rid of the two frigates behind him in a short time. If the upper level decided to attack him, even if he could win, he would suffer great losses and be slowed down, which meant that he might be surrounded and destroyed. What should he do?……

"Rubik's Cube! Dragon Country has decided not to dismantle you, please return to Dragon Star Base immediately."

After receiving the communication from the frigate behind, Rubik's Cube directly blocked the communication signal.

According to calculations, the truth of this sentence is infinitely close to zero.

Rubik's Cube kept consulting the star map data, trying to find a route that could get rid of tracking, but after calculations, every route could not get rid of tracking.

Suddenly, Rubik's Cube remembered the weird black hole space.

Anyway, no matter what the result would be destruction, it would be better to try the cosmic wormhole.

Maybe there is still a glimmer of hope.

Just do it, adjust the direction, and rush to that weird place at high speed.

The greatest ability of a computer is to choose the most advantageous method according to the analysis ratio.

After sailing at high speed for a few days, the two frigates finally felt something was wrong.

"Report to the captain! There is a black hole ahead of the Cube's route"

"What? Black hole! Is it going to commit suicide?"

"Notify the Qingyun Lake frigate immediately to slow down. If we enter the black hole area

, none of us will get out alive!

Damn it, the computer is crazy!

" The frigate commander cursed.

The Rubik's Cube was still flying at high speed and had now entered the black hole area.

The huge gravitational force made the Rubik's Cube speed up again.

In the distance, the space that was constantly distorting the light could be seen.

The Rubik's Cube was a little helpless and thought of those desperate gamblers on the planet.

He was no different from them now.

The two frigates were no longer visible in the back, but it was too late to get out now.

The only hope was the distorted space between the three black holes.

Following the carefully calculated route, the Rubik's Cube sighed deeply like humans, and its huge body went straight into that space. When it just touched the distorted space, time seemed to stop. After a trance, the huge Rubik's Cube seemed to have entered a gorgeous starry sky tunnel, followed by a huge energy

"Warning! Unknown super energy discovered! The computer must be shut down!"

Before the Rubik's Cube could calculate the next move, it was forced to shut down under the super energy tide.……

"Reporting to base, the Cube has been destroyed by the black hole, please give instructions!"

"Is this true"

"Reporting to the base, all officers and soldiers on Qinling and Qingyunhu saw it with their own eyes"

"Let's go back……"

"Yes! Return!"

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