Star Wars

Chapter 41

"The zombies are coming. Let them get closer before fighting."

Soon, swaying figures appeared one after another. The guard team members could almost see the yellow-brown saliva flowing from the mouths of the running zombies. The stench of corpses made their noses feel suffocated. The funny thing was that there was a naked middle-aged male zombie. Could it be that he was taking a shower at home when the zombie outbreak occurred...

When he arrived near the small building, the Cube turned off the music and ran towards the small building without shouting. The strong smell of human flesh and blood was clearly audible at such a close distance. The seven zombies stumbled towards the small building without paying attention to the cardboard boxes, bicycles and other debris piled on the roadside, and waved their arms from the downstairs to the upstairs, their teeth chattering, which was very terrifying.

"ah……"A boy screamed unconsciously because of fear. His legs were sore and he sat on the roof, holding his head with his hands and trembling.

"Stand up! If you can't, go back and get someone else! What are you afraid of? Can't you see that the zombies can't come up? If you scream again and attract zombies, I will throw you down!"Zhang Xiaowen picked up the boy with weak legs and pressed him to the edge of the small building, forcing him to look at the zombies downstairs.

As a result, the boy's arm was sore and he let go of the assault rifle in his hand. If Zhang Xiaowen hadn't been quick, he would have fallen into the pile of zombies.

"That's enough! Go to the back and change someone. Look at these two girls, they are not as cowardly as you." Zhang Xiaowen looked at the boy helplessly. This time, she brought three boys and two girls with her. She originally thought that the two girls would not be able to stand the stimulation, but it turned out to be a boy who was usually very bold. It's true that you can't judge a person by his appearance.

"The zombies' weak point is their heads. Hitting their necks can also kill them. You can shoot, but shoot slowly. Try to aim at the zombies' heads with every shot, and pay attention to the number of bullets in the magazine."

The sound of gunfire began to rang out sporadically. The students who were shooting for the first time felt the recoil, but they were able to adapt to it slowly. As the shells flew around, they became more and more courageous and their shooting skills became more and more accurate. The zombies fell one by one, and the unique smell of gunpowder gradually aroused the violent factors in everyone's hearts.……

"Oh~ It seems I don't need to attract the monsters."

The zombies in the town were coming out one after another after hearing the gunshots.

Fortunately, they were far away from each other and there were not too many of them.

The cube drove to a house at the entrance of the town and turned into a robot with a few clicks.

It jumped onto a delivery van of a supermarket with a bang.

It twisted its left hand a few times and quickly turned into a small machine gun.

If there were too many zombies, it could open fire here to relieve the pressure on the small building.

"Don't be anxious! Shoot calmly!"

Zombies gradually increased in number. Zhang Xiaowen took out her submachine gun to assist in burst shooting. The precise aiming system with goggles made Zhang Xiaowen's shooting skills very good. She would not waste more than two bullets on each zombie. As zombies were continuously shot, a pile of corpses was piled up downstairs.

"Move to the left and keep shooting!"

Several people quickly moved to the left and continued to fire. The powerful penetration of the assault rifle penetrated the zombies' heads from top to bottom, shot into the ground or shot into the zombies' chests. Black blood was everywhere, and the strong stench of corpses was disgusting.

At this time, the magic cube also started to shoot. This position was well chosen. Several cars that had accidents were squeezed together to form a funnel. The magic cube stood on the roof of the car in the narrowest part and fired horizontally, easily blowing up the heads of zombies one by one. However...also because more and more zombies died, this place was blocked.

"All right, let's use the zombies to build a wall."

The wheel spun its feet in a circle, twisted its body, and fired a bullet at a zombie that wanted to pass through the door of the grocery store. The tiny bullet accurately hit the zombie's temple, and the bullet rolled over, causing fatal damage to the entire brain and easily killing the zombie.

Da da da da da...

The Rubik's Cube formed a firepower network here, killing zombies one after another, and slowly piled up a wall of corpses...

Bang! Gao Dong shot the last zombie downstairs in the head with a close-range shot. When he was about to continue shooting, he found that there were no living zombies. Until then, several people realized that their breathing was particularly rapid and their heartbeats were too fast. Looking at the pile of rotten meat downstairs, the two girls lay on the wall without hesitation and vomited violently. The breakfast they had in the morning was wasted.

"Zhang...Sister Zhang, have all the zombies been killed?"

"One more thing, my high-tech toy car is intercepting over there, let's take a break and go upstairs at the entrance of the town to continue the killing." Zhang Xiaowen's lens showed the Rubik's Cube's vision, and the wall of corpses made Zhang Xiaowen feel incredible

"this……"Several people were shocked. Is this still a toy car?

On the other side,

Rubik's Cube suddenly jumped up and easily jumped on the head of a zombie. This guy was also bald. His left mechanical arm rotated a few times and put away the small machine gun with five bullets left. His right mechanical arm turned into a bayonet and raised it high, then suddenly stabbed it at the Baihui acupoint!

Puff! The bayonet went straight in. The zombie stopped moving and fell forward. Rubik's Cube kicked the bald head and took the opportunity to jump onto the roof of a car.

"There aren't many left, let's leave it to the rookies.

" After saying that, he bent down and transformed into a toy car with a few clicks.

He drove down the road along the hood of the car and stopped on a metal plate.

He opened the door and rotated it upward to absorb solar energy and metal to make bullets.

This thing is made purely of energy, so the speed is too slow.

It is not as fast as absorbing metal.

Maintaining firepower reserves is an important thing.

How many heroes on TV died because they ran out of ammunition.

After a short rest,

Zhang Xiaowen sent the scared team member back to the truck, and walked carefully to the entrance of the town with the four people. While walking, she explained the survival precautions obtained from the Rubik's Cube analysis, which made the four people admire her very much.

""Shit! How did they do that? Could that toy car be a Transformer?"

Fatty Gao Dong and the other two girls stared in amazement at the zombie corpses piled up like a wall at the entrance of the town. How crazy and skilled a gunman must one be to do that! They immediately beat their chests and stamped their feet in regret. If they had known earlier, they should have bought a few more toy cars before the end of the world. They could have defeated a bunch of zombies without doing anything. Is this the level of the Eagle Empire's army?

"It's a Transformer.……"Zhang Xiaowen silently said

"Be careful not to get the blood on yourself, and it's best not to get the zombie blood on your wounds or eyes, mouth and nose.

Because there are too many dead zombies and the bloody smell is too strong, there are about eleven zombies on the other side who can't smell us.

Let's go to the second floor of that house and shoot them.

"After that, Zhang Xiaowen led the four people carefully into the house, and after vigilantly searching all the rooms, they climbed up to the second floor, opened the window and pointed the gun at the eleven zombies on the road.

Bang, bang, bang...

The gunshots rang out again.

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