Star Wars

Chapter 54

"Of course, I originally planned to save as many as possible. You wait at home and we will set out early tomorrow morning." When Zhang Xiaowen heard that there was a baby on the 15th floor, her maternal instinct immediately burst out. Mofang always felt that there was a halo emanating from Zhang Xiaowen's head.

"You are such a good person."Feng Zhiwen continued to rub his messy hair, while Feng Xiaoer tilted his head and showed a sly and silly smile.

Zhang Xiaowen smiled, and went out with the magic cube to the stairs.

He was not in a hurry to find the mother and son. After making sure that they were safe, he began to search for baby formula from house to house. With so many households, there must be people who give birth to babies and feed them with milk powder. Even if there is no baby milk powder, some nutritional powder can be used first. In any case, it is not a good thing to let a baby starve.

While cleaning up the zombies and searching at the same time, the value of the magic cube was reflected at this time. The anti-theft door that seemed impossible to open in the eyes of others would open in just three seconds, but the situation was not optimistic. I don’t know if it is still the case that modern people don’t like to have children. Anyway, no bag of milk powder or nutritional powder was found. You can’t feed the child with white flour porridge, right?

Half an hour later, I finally found something good.

"This household should have milk powder, because there are three zombies here, two big and one small. The small zombie... may be a baby. Wenzi, be prepared."Mofang looked back at Zhang Xiaowen and said

"It's okay, just open the door."

The bayonet was twisted in the keyhole, and the security door opened with a click.


Xiaowen held the gun and shot at a zombie that rushed over without hesitation. The zombie that was shot had black blood on its head and leaned back. This was an old zombie with gray hair and a hunched body. Zhang Xiaowen stepped over the old zombie with the gun and entered the room. After a quick glance, she set her sights on a bedroom door. The lens showed that behind the door were two dangerous red figures of one big and one small zombies.

Tut-tu- two bullets hit the big zombie's head. The red big zombie's health value dimmed. When the muzzle was pointed at the red small zombie, it could not be shot. It might be because it was too small and the scanning image was limited and no obvious head was found. In this case, the only way to shoot was to open the door.

Holding the gun in the right hand and the door handle with the left hand, Zhang Xiaowen pressed down and then pulled open the door.

"this……!"Zhang Xiaowen was so shocked looking at the little zombie in front of her that she forgot to shoot. This was a baby zombie that was still in the breastfeeding stage. Its chubby body had now turned gray, with dark circles under its eyes. It crawled over with its mouth open, scratching the floor. It looked like a horror doll, with black and red pus and blood flowing from its mouth, and a gold padlock hanging around its neck.

""Wow!" The baby zombie screamed, and crawled towards Zhang Xiaowen with a creaking sound stimulated by the smell of Zhang Xiaowen's flesh and blood.

The Rubik's Cube shook his head, broke off a piece of wood from the cabinet, rushed into the bedroom, and swung it up to hit the baby zombie on the head!



after the baby zombie's head was flattened, it flew up, broke the glass, and disappeared outside the window.

Falling from more than ten floors, its fragile body would at least be smashed into a pancake.

After a simple analysis, the fate of the two elderly zombies in this family was concluded.

The baby zombie was not eaten, which means that it was definitely not the two old people who mutated into zombies first, otherwise this little bit of tender meat would not be eaten up in a few bites.

It must be the baby who mutated into a zombie first, and the rest was simple.

How could the two old people have the heart to kill the baby who was more important to them than their ancestors with a shovel? Besides, no one knew about zombies, and would only think that it had some kind of disease.

Seeing the baby ancestor showing his fangs and claws, they would definitely hug him and kiss him to comfort him.

The result is now

"rubik's cube……"

"Don't think too much. There will be many such situations in the future. You should know that I destroyed an elementary school for you. Hurry up and find milk powder. I guess that baby zombie won't care about this little thing."

The Rubik's Cube raised its mechanical hand and wanted to pat Zhang Xiaowen's shoulder. After gesturing for a long time, it could only pat its thigh. Speaking of which... it is really elastic.

It quickly found an unopened box of baby milk powder, picked up a box of purified water and ran towards the room of the mother and child. Zhang Xiaowen's mood gradually calmed down. Just like the Rubik's Cube said, why care about such a little zombie when an elementary school has been destroyed. While running, the Rubik's Cube stopped in front of an open door and walked in.

"Rubik's Cube, what are you doing?"

Zhang Xiaowen followed behind and entered the house with milk powder and purified water.

"Is this guy a model airplane enthusiast? So many airplanes."

The room was full of airplanes, on the walls, ceilings, and display cabinets. There were all kinds of old propeller airplane models or jet airplane models, as well as many remote-controlled model airplanes. The most conspicuous one was the half-meter-long remote-controlled electric helicopter next to the TV cabinet. It had a single-rotor and single-tail propeller layout and was painted in fiery red. And the Rubik's Cube... was scanning that remote-controlled helicopter?

The Rubik's Cube's eyes shot out fan-shaped scanning beams to scan the entire remote-controlled helicopter in detail.

Watching the Rubik's Cube scanning the remote-controlled helicopter, Zhang Xiaowen felt a faint excitement in her heart. She clenched her fists and placed them on her chest. There were little stars all over the place...

Click, click, click... The Rubik's Cube's machinery began to fold, stretch, twist, rotate, and reorganize. The first transformation required some time to adapt. First, it imitated the target structure to distribute its own machinery, then simulated the target shape, and finally combined and linked the various parts. The whole process took more than 20 seconds. In Zhang Xiaowen's eyes, the Rubik's Cube gradually transformed into a remote-controlled helicopter.

Click... Ding... The fuselage was assembled with the sound of metal machinery!

Whoosh! The main propeller blades opened like a fan. Unlike the model airplane, there were actually six blades. The six blades reflected the metallic luster, and the transformation was finally completed.

"Wow! So cool!"Zhang Xiaowen screamed.

The remote-controlled helicopter is half a meter long, painted mainly in blue with red flame patterns, and the exposed machinery is black.

The bracket-style landing gear and the unique six-blade propeller look very mysterious.

It can be imagined that with the remote-controlled helicopter, there is one more means for reconnaissance and attack, which is convenient and fast, and it has been upgraded by several levels.

This time, the transformation of the remote-controlled helicopter is a natural result.

In the past, it was difficult for metal or energy to transform into a flying state.

Now, after the upgrade, it can naturally transform into a remote-controlled helicopter.

Although it is still a model aircraft remote-controlled helicopter, it will become a real helicopter sooner or later...

Buzz- the engine starts, and the six propellers slowly rotate, the speed is getting faster and faster, and there seems to be a strong wind in the room.

Finally, in Zhang Xiaowen's excited eyes, the Rubik's Cube slowly floated up, began to shake, and finally stabilized. The sound of the engine and propeller sounded more like a real helicopter. After floating in the room for a while and recording various data, it slowly landed and turned off the engine. It is not good to waste energy indiscriminately.

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