Star Wars

Chapter 56

After feeding, Wang Nan came to the living room and saw a remote-controlled helicopter in her home. Zhang Xiaowen was dividing the food enough for three people into two portions and fixing them on the helicopter landing gear.

"There are two little sisters and Feng Zhiwen downstairs. Let’s send some of the food to them." Zhang Xiaowen said as she was busy.

"Um... When did you bring the helicopter? Where's that toy car? Why don't you bring more for them? I don't eat much."

"You need to eat more to have the strength to take care of the child, otherwise you will starve the child. As for this remote-controlled helicopter, I am a technology enthusiast. This is modified from that car. I usually put the parts in my backpack and assemble them when I need them."Zhang Xiaowen made a few random remarks. Generally speaking, the more nonsense you say, the easier it is to fool people.

"So that's it……"But Wang Nan always felt that something was wrong. She couldn't figure it out, so she simply stopped thinking about it and turned to the kitchen to prepare the dishes that had not been used for a long time.

After fixing the food, Zhang Xiaowen took the Rubik's Cube to the balcony and put it away. She ran back to the living room, took out the tablet from her backpack and connected it to the camera in front of the remote-controlled helicopter. This was not all about pretending to control the aircraft, but more about wanting to see the reactions of the three people when they saw the delicious food. In the eyes of the Rubik's Cube, this was a blatant bad taste.

Buzz-buzz-buzz- as the propeller turned faster and faster, several pots of flowers on the balcony were blown all over the place.

The Rubik's Cube slowly rose.

The balcony was too narrow and it could only take off slowly, otherwise it could stage a plane crash in front of the two women.

After flying sideways to the outside of the building, it turned a few times to get a feel for it, and tried whether each component was working properly.

After flashing the light at Zhang Xiaowen and Wang Nan, it circled and flew downstairs.

In the living room, the flat-screen showed the high-definition image of the Rubik's Cube's front camera. The Rubik's Cube did not choose to fall directly but circled the building twice. The picture on the screen was tilted and circled around the building. The picture made people dizzy, as if they were tilted and circled around the building...

Buzz-buzz-buzz- the Rubik's Cube flew to the balcony of the two little girls' house and shone the light inside. Unexpectedly, the two little girls were hiding behind the sofa, revealing only a pair of frightened big eyes. But it would be fine if you hid, but why were your legs and buttocks exposed outside the sofa...

It flew above the balcony, put down the two meals, turned on the sound equipment and notified Zhang Xiaowen to speak.

""Girl, I'm the sister who gave you the biscuits during the day. You should take the food back and eat it quickly. It won't taste good if it gets cold."

The helicopter shook, raised its nose and flew upwards.

After the Rubik's Cube flew away, the two frightened little rabbits carefully got out from behind the sofa, and recalled the voice just now. It was indeed that of the mighty sister. They supported each other and slowly approached the balcony. At the same time, the smell of the delicious stewed food drifted into their noses, and their saliva could not stop flowing. I just don't know what Zhang Xiaowen would think if she knew that I had the nickname of the mighty sister. As for

Feng Zhiwen, it was much easier to deal with. This idiot stood on the balcony waving a white cloth that was not sure whether it was a pair of pants or a handkerchief, shouting some messy things. Feng Xiaoer beside him was staring at the Rubik's Cube with a cunning smile. It has to be said that like the owner, like the dog. If you don't know, you might think there is a real helicopter to rescue this idiot. The middle-aged couple's home

""Honey, do you smell the aroma of instant noodles, ham and fish? It smells really good." The middle-aged woman sitting by the window took a deep breath and said vaguely

"You are crazy, how can you get instant noodles and ham? It smells really good! Damn, who is so unauthentic!"


After playing the role of a food delivery worker, the Cube flew to the outside of Wang Nan's house.

Through the glass window, he saw Zhang Xiaowen and Wang Nan sitting at the dining table eating delicious meals while entertaining their children.

With the candles, the scene was very warm and there was a rare sense of peace.

Before the apocalypse broke out, no one would care about sitting at the dining table and entertaining their children while eating hot meals every day, but after the apocalypse, this scene has become a luxury.

The steaming hot meals seem so beautiful now.

After saying hello to Zhang Xiaowen, the Cube flew towards the Xin'an Town camp and took advantage of the dark to investigate.

The city was pitch black under the night.

The tall buildings look like giant dark beasts with their mouths wide open.

From time to time in the streets and buildings, there are roars of zombies caused by some stimulation.

Occasionally, a zombie will cause a commotion when it encounters some vehicles equipped with alarms.

There are some faint lights in inconspicuous hidden corners and buildings.

Those are the weak flames lit by the survivors who could not stand the darkness.

Human life in this city is as erratic as that flame.

Occasionally, you can hear the desperate wails of humans before they die.

Only the surging river beside the city flows as usual...

On the roof of a building, several camping tents and food boxes indicate that this is a survivor's residence. A girl smoking is sitting on the air-conditioning box at the edge of the building. She is holding a sniper rifle in her arms, and the cigarette butt flickers.

"Hmm? What's that sound?"The girl pricked up her ears. In addition to the sound of the wind in the air, there was also a faint buzzing sound. It sounded like some kind of motor or engine. If the sound came from the ground, it would be nothing. After all, there were so many noises on the ground. But this faint sound came from the sky. It was strange!

She took out the cigarette in her mouth, put it out, put it in her pocket, and whistled at the tent.

"Xiaogang! Hurry up and bring me your night vision goggles!"

After a while, a man came out of the tent, and walked up to the girl in the faint light of the stars and handed her a night vision goggles. The girl quickly put it on her head and observed the surroundings.

"Where is it...where is it...come out and let me take a look……"The girl was searching while mumbling something. The green screen was shaking. All objects in the camera, whether buildings or streets, were green. At this time, the sound became more and more obvious. Finally, when the screen turned to another building next to it, a moving object appeared.

"Helicopter? The girl was startled, and then she felt that the sound really was like the sound of a helicopter engine.

"No! The building opposite is so close to us and this helicopter is between our two buildings. It should be a remote-controlled helicopter about half a meter away. Who would play with a remote-controlled plane at night without turning on the lights?……"

The one flying over was the Rubik's Cube. He was going there to get information, so why would he turn on the light!

"A remote-controlled helicopter? Who has so much free time? How about we shoot it down?" said the boy named Xiaogang.

"Forget it, wasting bullets on a toy plane, it would be better to save the bullets to fight zombies, forget about him, go back to sleep quickly, we still have to go downstairs to grab food tomorrow." Handing the night vision goggles to Xiaogang, the girl went into her tent with the gun on her back, and the roof returned to peace...

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