Star Wars

Chapter 61

Swish! The searchlight in front of the remote-controlled helicopter turned on, and two beams of light fell on the dark glass of the building. The windows of the two rooms where the equipment was placed were equipped with strong guardrails. The Cube had no choice but to focus on the window glass next to it. With a few clicks, a machine gun stretched out from the bottom of the helicopter and fired at the window glass!

Da da da... clatter...!

Large pieces of glass were continuously destroyed by bullets and turned into glass shards all over the sky and fell to the ground with the heavy rain.

There was an unlucky zombie behind the window who was staring at the light coming in from the window, but was shot into a sieve.

The zombie who happened to be standing downstairs was even more unlucky.

Glass shards fell all over the sky, and many of them were stuck in the rotten flesh.

When the light passed by, you could see many reflections on the zombies.

It flew into the room through the window, folded into a robot with a few clicks, and the wheels turned as if it was roller skating and headed straight for the door.

Outside the door, I suddenly saw a red hot bayonet stabbing at the wooden door, and then drew a big circle in a very standard way. After drawing, the round wooden block was kicked away with a bang and rolled away to the far end of the corridor. Then the Rubik's Cube staggered out of the round hole. Anyway, this broken door is useless, and you have to climb up to unlock it. It would be more convenient to just make a door hole.

"Get out of the way! You damn bacterial incubator!" The Cube pushed aside a zombie that was looking over curiously and pushed it directly into the stairs. The unfortunate zombie rolled down the stairs while roaring and grumbling. Unable to find a target, it instinctively smashed the wall everywhere.

"It should be this iron door, um, it's still so low-level."

The mechanical arms and legs emitted magnetic force to attract the iron door, and easily climbed to the keyhole.

Swoosh! The bayonet popped out and stabbed into the keyhole, and then the bayonet made a mechanical deformation sound to adjust the shape of the simulated key, whether it was a straight or a cross shape, it could be simulated. It was a joke to use a mechanical lock to stop a mechanical life form. It took less than three seconds, and the iron door was successfully opened after a click.

"La la la la ~ la ~ la la la la ~ la ~"

The little squiggly Rubik's Cube crawled into the room with its wheels stopped, and its mechanical eyes scanned the things in the room.

"Tsk tsk~ More pistols, submachine guns and ammunition, oh, and cute flash grenades, stun grenades and smoke bombs, how wonderful~ Wow, click, click~" The Rubik's Cube was so happy that its mechanical mouth kept clicking.


He pulled out a metal box from the corner, and without looking back, he threw the pistols behind him and dropped them into the box.

They were all the latest Type 92.

I don't know if there are very few crimes in Jiangcheng or what, but these guns have hardly been used.

This is better, at least they have a longer service life.

There are nearly 200 pistols on the shelf.

It is estimated that all the police's guns in the city are stored here.

Maybe because it is a border city, the pistols did not choose large calibers with stronger rejection power, but small calibers with the strongest lethality and penetration.

This way, there will be more ammunition and greater power, which is simply prepared for the crisis of the end of the world.

After filling a box, he closed the lid and dragged it out, came to the room where the glass was broken, and jumped into the air.

Click... Ding...


The landing gear on the belly of the remote-controlled helicopter transformed into a mechanical arm, firmly grasping the handles on both sides of the box, and then the engine increased its horsepower.

A whirlwind blew in the room.

After three seconds, the box was slowly lifted up, and then the remote-controlled helicopter turned its nose and flew towards the wide-open window.

When it passed the window, the bottom of the box smashed a piece of glass standing on the windowsill, and the nose of the box flashed with lights and flew into the heavy rain.

The dizzy girl who was sitting in the driver's seat of the riot car suddenly saw the lights in the rain.

"Open the rear door wide and pull the wrench from inside."

The girl was stunned for a moment, then recognized the voice of the Rubik's Cube. She quickly got up from the driving seat and walked along the narrow aisle between the driving seat and the co-pilot seat to the rear compartment. In order to carry more armed soldiers and equipment, the rear compartment of this riot control vehicle is designed to be very spacious. The seats are arranged on both sides of the compartment, and there is only a thick iron door that is not very wide at the back.

After opening the iron door, the girl saw the remote-controlled helicopter that the Rubik's Cube had turned into was flying over with a large box underneath. She quickly helped to pull the box into the compartment. The heavy iron box almost exhausted all the girl's strength. The

Rubik's Cube also turned into a robot and got into the compartment. After pushing the box to the innermost part, he poured the pistol on it. In the carriage, under the stunned gaze of the girl, he dragged the box and went into the heavy rain again...

Then he kept pouring a large number of pistols into the carriage, and then the submachine guns.

Maybe because there were fewer special police officers, there were only more than 50 submachine guns, which was already very good.

When building a starship, you have to know how to be content occasionally.

However, submachine guns are larger than pistols, so it took many flights to move them all.

It is not enough to have guns without ammunition.

The ammunition can be moved directly in boxes, but the space in the rear compartment of the police riot vehicle is a bit insufficient.

After putting in more than 20 boxes, no more can be put in.

This is because the vehicle is strong enough and the engine is powerful enough to carry so many guns and ammunition.

"Looks like we need to find a tow truck."

What the Cube meant was that not even a single bullet could be left behind, and there were still protective equipment such as combat uniforms that had not been loaded onto the truck. If we missed this opportunity, we would lose it forever, and we didn't know when we would see equipment next time.

Finding a long van in the parking lot next to the gate, the Cube got under the van and began to dismantle and modify it. He also violently removed all the seats in the car, and then fixed the front of the van to the rear of the anti-riot vehicle. Although it was unprofessional, it was fine as long as it could move. Anyway, if some vehicles were broken, they could be thrown away.

The rain was still so violent, and the Cube was still busy going back and forth...

After moving the ammunition and equipment, the energy consumption and replenishment could not be balanced. Fortunately, when the energy bar turned into an orange warning, the Cube finally finished moving all the equipment..

Bang! He slammed the back door of the van shut.

He climbed onto the riot car and stood in the driving position that the girl had given up. He started the riot car. The girl stepped on the accelerator and the car dragged the van into the heavy rain. Somehow, the girl always felt that the little robot in front of her had a feeling of insufficient power. Could it be that it was running out of power?

He drove the vehicle around in a big circle and turned at the fork in the road to the northern suburbs of Jiangcheng City.

There were a lot of vehicles on this road.

In order to avoid accidents, the vehicles drove very slowly.

Occasionally, zombies would pounce on the riot car and hit it.

The girl was even frightened by the pale and rotten faces washed by rain outside the glass.

The Rubik's Cube didn't even look at it.

Anyway, this thing couldn't keep up when the road conditions were good.

In the middle of the night, she was in a hurry to travel and had no time to waste time with this thing.

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