Star Wars

Chapter 71

"Oh……"An old lady zombie appeared out of nowhere and rushed towards the bus. She was still wearing her morning exercise clothes, but no one knew where her dancing fan or handkerchief was.

Zhang Xiaowen, who was driving, pulled out a pistol and pointed it out of the side window at the old lady zombie's head.

Bang! The zombie fell backwards immediately.

Because of the ghost town, there were not many zombies and there was no pressure. The bloody smell after killing the zombies would attract other zombies. Some wanted to eat people, and a few zombies lay on the ground and grabbed the meat of the dead zombies and stuffed it into their mouths. They especially liked to eat internal organs, and did not let go of the bloody intestines, whether it was the rectum or the small intestine……

"The taste is really strong!"

Zhang Xiaowen continued to shoot from the window, and one shot shattered the head of the zombie who was grabbing his internal organs. All around were either the zombies' howling or the chewing sounds that made people's scalps numb and their bodies goose bumps. The windows on both sides of the bus were full of bloody handprints, and some team members with weak psychological quality had their legs trembling.

The magic cube looked at the situation of the bus.

The total number of zombies approaching the bus would not exceed 20, but it caused a lot of pressure on the team members.

One kid was so reliable that he actually broke the car window with one shot.

If it weren't for the fact that he was a human, the magic cube would even think that this kid must have had an affair with the zombies, otherwise why would he open the window for the zombie girl in the sexy short skirt? Tsk tsk ~ This kid's taste is slightly stronger than that of the zombies.

Well, humans often say that love has no borders and love has no race.

Da da da...

A series of bullets went down to clear an area, and the propeller was raised and tilted and circled to the front of the car. There were four zombies standing in front of the car window and could not be eliminated. Although the front glass was not shattered, it was a matter of time.

Buzz Buzz...

Whoosh - the Rubik's Cube whizzed past the front of the bus, and the high-speed rotating sharp propeller accurately cut through the back of the four zombies' heads. Zhang Xiaowen only saw a blue-red shadow flying past the four zombies' heads, and blood mist sprayed out from behind them before they fell down helplessly. She raised her hand and gave a thumbs-up to the

Rubik's Cube hovering in the air. After shooting for a few minutes, the zombies around this route were lured out and killed. Almost no one could see them. The advertising paper that was originally pasted on both sides of the bus has now turned black and red with minced meat. The bottles on some beverage advertisements are all bloody. The back of the bus is even more amazing. In the middle is a passage as wide as a car, and zombie bodies are piled up on both sides of the passage.

The bus stopped when it was less than 200 meters away from the school, and the last zombie was also shot in the head.

Zhang Xiaowen grabbed the submachine gun and got off the bus and ran to the corner of a bank. She squatted at the corner and scanned with goggles. From this position, she could see the school by turning a corner. More than 300 zombies were trying in vain to go upstairs. If she went any further, she might attract the attention of those zombies.

"Rubik's Cube, do you have any good ideas?"

"I was thinking, I have never encountered this kind of creature before so I have zero experience, but I have a lot of experience dealing with Zerg."The Cube said helplessly.

"How about using firecrackers like last time? I remember that's how they did it at No. 6 Middle School."

"No, that's because the zombies here are completely sure that there is food upstairs, such as the noisy talking and crying in the teaching building, and the frequent throwing of excrement and so on, which makes the zombies smell the strong smell of human flesh and blood. They will not leave at all, and if they are not careful, it will completely anger them. However……"

The Cube suddenly thought of a good idea, and in excitement the engine almost stopped. After trembling for a few times, it finally stabilized its flight posture.

"We can use flesh and blood bait to lure these zombies away!"

"Blood and flesh? But the pork sold in the market has already rotted."Zhang Xiaowen didn't know where to get the blood and flesh.

"We need fresh ones, such as human flesh, or the flesh of evolved rats!"

Zhang Xiaowen was shocked when she heard the word human flesh. Fortunately, the magic cube quickly said rat meat. She thought the magic cube was going to kill a few people.……

"Rats… the kind as big as puppies?"

The Cube circled above Zhang Xiaowen’s head and flew towards the back door of a restaurant.

Every minute she stayed here was a minute more dangerous, so she needed to hurry.

In the city, besides residential areas, another place with a large number of rats is the back kitchen of a restaurant.

The sewers there are most likely to attract rats, and there is a lot of oil and water, and you can choose any delicacies from land and sea.

It can be said that living near the back kitchen of a restaurant is simply a paradise for rats.

The Cube’s method is to catch a few rats to attract the attention of zombies.

Compared with piglets, rats that bleed a little will be more attractive than a group of humans.

As the rats grow in size, The rat hole will certainly get bigger, but you can also use existing things to convert it into a rat hole, such as a sewer, which is very suitable!

Sure enough!

The sewer manhole cover outside the back kitchen door of this restaurant was thrown aside, and there were many rat paw prints in the garbage on the ground.

After scanning the size of the paw prints, it was calculated that at least seven or eight rats lived here.

The Rubik's Cube fell to the ground with a few clicks and turned into a robot.

The left arm turned into a machine gun at the same time, and the right manipulator flashed with arcs.

The wheels turned and drove to the sewer without a manhole cover.

Bending over and looking into the well, the detection and scanning distance was not far due to the corner below, and there was a strong stinking smell.

"I hope the news of my starship drilling into the sewer won't get out.……"

With a light leap, it fell straight down the manhole!

Bang—Huahua— the Rubik's Cube fell into the shallow water in the sewer. Swish! Both arms instantly aimed at both sides of the sewer. At the same time, the detection and scanning equipment also began to scan and map the terrain of the dark sewer. Under my feet, the filthy dirty water only covered the wheels. This felt very uncomfortable.

"Damn it! This dirty water will make me rust!"

The sewer is about 1.5 meters high and 1 meter wide. Water drops keep falling from the top of my head. The Cube turns on the two headlights on his chest to illuminate the sewer, hoping to use this to attract the rat family out. I should have brought some dried fruits earlier. However, perhaps these rats are no longer interested in dried fruits and have switched to eating meat, such as... the pile of human bones in front!

"Wow~ They eat really clean food, even the thigh tendons are not spared���Oh my god...

this skull has obviously been gnawed halfway.

That's right, mice need to sharpen their teeth, and eating this can also supplement calcium.

"Under the light of the car headlights in front of the chest, a pile of pale bones with bloodshot eyes are very obvious.

The cube is commenting on the pile of bones in front of it.

A red light slowly scans the pile of bones.

After the scan, it is found that there are viruses on the bones.

Obviously, these are the bones of zombies.

"Now they eat zombies, and they will start eating humans in the future. Fortunately, humans still have cats, but those who hated cats before the end of the world are unlucky. After evolution, the intelligence of animals has improved. Those people can't expect cats to provide protection."

After a long time of nagging, Mofang grabbed a thigh bone.


The thigh bone was broken into two pieces, and the sound of the bone breaking was heard far away in the sewer...

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