Star Wars

Chapter 9

The building where Zhang Xiaowen lives used to be a very prosperous area. Living here brought great convenience to her work, whether it was getting her hair done, going to the movies, shopping or going to a restaurant, it was very convenient. After the apocalypse, it became a zombie disaster area. Looking down from the window, the street was still as bustling as before, except that zombies were wandering around numbly. After four days, the convenience of the past has become a dead end today.

"Rubik's Cube...How do we go?……"

"The situation is not good. There are too many zombies. I haven't installed a weapon system. If you force your way in, you will get hurt. I suggest you wait."

"The country will definitely send troops to rescue us, it will definitely"

"You should not hold out too much hope. Even with the army, it is still very difficult now. The social system has been severely damaged. Many weapons and equipment systems are no longer usable. Besides, the dark side of human nature has also erupted."

The Cube is not optimistic about humans. It continues to sit on the windowsill and detect the environment and collect various data. Suddenly,���Something strange was found in a high-rise residential building.

"At one o'clock ahead, on the eighth floor of the residential building"

"What's wrong? Where is it?……"

Zhang Xiaowen covered her mouth and stared at the opposite residential building in disbelief.

A beautiful young girl with disheveled hair and no clothes was lying on the windowsill crying and screaming.

Behind her was a middle-aged man who kept moving, and two young men were waiting beside her.

Zhang Xiaowen originally hoped that someone would come to save her.

When a zombie outbreak occurs, the most important thing is to be with humans, but...

why is it like this!

Shouldn't we help each other when facing difficulties!

After witnessing the experience of the girl in the opposite residential building, Zhang Xiaowen's heart was suddenly filled with fear.

Even a zombie outbreak would not be so terrifying.

"rubik's cube……"

"I didn't install a weapon system, otherwise they wouldn't survive. However, I have decided to upgrade my body. If I can't install an ion cannon, I'll install a low-tech weapon from Earth."

"Rubik's Cube, you will definitely protect me, right?"

"Before I install the weapon system, you'd better learn to hide. Also, you must learn to fight zombies to increase your chances of survival."

"But I'm afraid"

"I won't be afraid if I kill more people."

"How to kill……"

"Practice killing the zombies that cannot move first to train your courage, then train your body to kill the zombies that can move."

Too lazy to talk nonsense, Mofang jumped off the window sill, opened the door and entered the corridor, and pulled down a wire from the wall. He was too short and the stairs were too high, so he could only jump down the stairs one by one, looking for zombies in each room. Luckily, he found a female zombie on the fourth floor.

"Hi~ Hello Earthlings, I am Rubik's Cube, I need to borrow your physical body to try it out"

"Maybe you can't answer, but I'm not interested in your answer. Now, tie a knot and make a set."

"Then, tie your hands"

"All right, come with me. I haven't tied your legs yet."

Pulling the zombie with wires, he walked step by step to the top floor.

Although it was very slow, it could at least move.

Only the Cube could do this job.

After all, no zombie would take metal as food.

Even if the virus evolved more powerfully, it would not change the fact that it was a carbon-based life form.

He pulled the zombie into the room next to Zhang Xiaowen, tied the heating pipes with wires, and fixed all the parts.

After doing all this, he ran to the zombie that was killed in the stairs, pulled out a sharp knife, and wiped it on the zombie's clothes.

"Stupid woman! Come and cut the rotten meat!"

"I won’t go! Take it away quickly!" Zhang Xiaowen screamed

"…………"Rubik's Cube is speechless

"I give you two choices. First, live well. Second, be like the girl in the opposite building. You choose one."

The Rubik's Cube looked at the zombies in front of him and became excited because of Zhang Xiaowen's voice. The sharp knife flew up and down in the small mechanical hand. The detector kept scanning Zhang Xiaowen's room. Zhang Xiaowen could be seen walking around nervously. Everyone would be nervous and panic when facing zombies for the first time, but if they couldn't even pass this level, how could they continue to survive in the future.

Soon, the Rubik's Cube showed a human smile on his face. Zhang Xiaowen finally came out.

Grabbing the door handle and taking a deep breath, Zhang Xiaowen slowly turned the anti-theft door. One step, two steps. He took three steps slowly, looking at the neighbor on the ground who used to be friendly, but now has become a pile of rotten meat. The stinky smell kept drilling into his nostrils. He suppressed the nausea in his stomach and quickly ran into the familiar next room.

Hehe~ The zombies who were tied up tightly became more excited when they saw Zhang Xiaowen coming in, and struggled hard to pounce on the delicious food.

What is that! The eyes on the gray face were white, and the mouth was drooling and biting. There were meat threads between the teeth in the mouth, and the pajamas were covered with dark brown blood.……

"Don't shout! Stupid woman, remember this, shouting is courting death!"Mofang quickly stopped Zhang Xiaowen from shouting.

"Woohoo...can I not chop her?……"

"Remember! It's not a human! The sharp knife is on the table, take it, and cut the zombie's head or neck. There is no need to attack other parts, because it will not have much effect on the zombie. Of course, you can cut off the zombie's legs to make it crippled."

Zhang Xiaowen held the sharp knife tightly in both hands, trembling, walked forward, closed her eyes and cut at the zombie.

"Stupid woman, open your eyes.

This is not a knife-throwing acrobatics.

Also, increase the strength of your left forearm by 20%, and move forward 20 centimeters.

"After taking a deep breath, Zhang Xiaowen opened her eyes and looked at the zombie struggling in front of her.

The knife just now only scratched the zombie's face, and the white muscles were still exposed.

Zhang Xiaowen tried her best to hold back the nausea in her stomach and raised the knife again with a pale face.

Maybe after the first cut, the second cut became less scary.

She held the sharp knife tightly, aimed at the zombie's forehead, and stabbed it hard.

With a puff, the sharp knife pierced deeply into the weak skull, and the zombie immediately stopped struggling. With a tilt of its neck, the woman's body finally got rid of the virus.

"Well done, although stupid."

Zhang Xiaowen threw away the sharp knife, squatted on the ground, buried her head between her legs and sobbed, trying to calm down, ignoring the Rubik's Cube.

"Go back to your room and close the door.

I'll go out and get you a weapon.

I'll also prepare materials to upgrade myself.

" After saying that, the Rubik's Cube jumped out of the window with a few bounces.

Zhang Xiaowen was shocked to see the Rubik's Cube jump out of the window.

After thinking for a while, she realized that he was a Transformer, so there was nothing to worry about.

She looked at the dead zombies, turned around and ran back to her house, locked the security door, and looked at the empty room.

She felt a sense of fear again, and kept muttering the name of the Rubik's Cube.



After the Rubik's Cube jumped out of the window, it grabbed the telephone wire in midair and swung a few times, then jumped down towards the sunshade of a fruit stand.

Bang! It bounced off the planned trajectory and fell face down on the tar road. Several zombies heard the sound and looked over here.

""You damn rotten pieces of meat! Haven't you seen a starship fall over? Stupid low-level creatures!" He shook his head fiercely and tore off the plastic bag hanging on his head.

He cursed fiercely, and the Rubik's Cube was deformed. With a few clicks, it quickly turned into a remote-controlled blue big-wheeled toy off-road vehicle. With the sound of a faint motor, the Rubik's Cube passed by the feet of a group of zombies one by one with full power.

"You idiot! Watch your step!"While dodging the falling big feet, he rushed towards the pedestrian street. There are many prosperous electrical appliance stores and mobile phone stores on the pedestrian street. These things have some metals needed for the Rubik's Cube to upgrade. If the world is still normal, the Rubik's Cube cannot do anything out of line. Now it is ownerless and anyone can take it. No one has called the police yet.

Behind a window

"Brother! Look! There are still people playing with remote control toy cars…………"

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