Star Wars

Chapter 91


The seven people were speechless. Everyone in the factory was busy except the seven of them who were still standing here. They wanted to at least entertain them.

"Hey, make way. Are you seven standing here to act like the Seven Swordsmen? You're blocking the road." The fat man said to the seven people in a sarcastic tone. A flatbed truck next to them was blocked by the seven people and they didn't dare to honk. The machine on the truck was still waiting to be loaded. The fat man saw that the seven people had just attracted the monsters, so he naturally didn't have a good face.

Zhang Nan shrugged and led his men to step aside.

Because of the noise outside, more and more zombies were attracted.

The roars and stench of the zombies could be heard from a long distance away.

The imminent zombies made everyone work harder and they couldn't wait to finish loading and leave.

Zhang Nan and the other seven ran to the factory employee parking lot to find a usable vehicle.

Fortunately, maybe because the suburbs were too far away, the cars were full of gas.

The seven people drove two cars to leave the factory, but before leaving, they used a miniature camera to record the zombies.

The camera on the head recorded everything here, but unfortunately, I couldn't take a picture of the strange sniper rifle again, as it seemed to have been put away.

Zhang Xiaowen didn't want to let these people observe the Rubik's Cube at will.

She had already found a deserted place to let the Rubik's Cube turn back into a remote-controlled helicopter.

There were too many things that needed to be transported, so they had to get another large truck, which was full of various machines and factory colored steel plates.

Fortunately, several drivers who could drive large trucks were rescued from the new area.

Finally, when the transport team was so tired that they could hardly stand up, they finally filled all the vehicles.

Zhang Xiaowen didn't hesitate and immediately asked everyone to start boarding and left two armed team members in each truck.

At this moment, the Rubik's Cube hovering in the air found that more and more zombies were gathering outside the factory!

"Wenzi, there are more and more zombies outside, hurry up and leave, otherwise it will be bad if you are blocked in the factory by zombies and can't get out, it's all the fault of those seven idiots!

" The magic cube was very dissatisfied with the mess made by those seven guys.

Although these machines are for the benefit of the survivors of Longshan Camp, they are also the basis for building a space signal transmitter.

What is the difference between disrupting the situation and hindering the arrival of the original body?

""Get in the car! Let's go now!" Zhang Xiaowen shouted on the intercom.

Everyone quickly got into the car. This time, because the entrance was blocked by many zombies, they could only go first with the modified truck, then the truck, and finally the riot vehicle.

"Cube! There are too many zombies outside! Can you think of a solution?"

"Damn it!

I'll go clean it up first, I hope those evolved zombies won't come to mess with us.

"The Cube flew directly towards the shaky automatic retractable gate, circled around, stretched out the machine gun and fired fiercely at the zombies that continued to run from a distance!

The zombies lying on the gate were not killed, because after killing them, the zombies would fall to the ground, which would make it more difficult to push the V-shaped steel plate of the modified truck open.

If they were standing, they could all be knocked away with a collision.

Da da da...

There were several expensive-looking imported motorcycles parked on the roadside outside the factory. The Cube accurately shot the bullet into the fuel tank port, detonating the fuel tank full of gasoline!


The violent explosion and fierce flames blocked a large number of zombies.

Seeing the explosion and fire The flames were effective, so the Cube simply shot at the roadside fuel tanks.

Zhang Xiaowen saw that the Cube had blocked the zombies and quickly started the modified truck and drove it towards the gate.

The fragile automatic telescopic door and the zombies behind the door were hit by the V-shaped steel plate and rolled far away.

The zombies were stuck in the twisted gap of the telescopic door and could not move.

The front of the modified truck and the V-shaped steel plate in front of the rear wheels cleared a wide road like a bulldozer. The trucks behind drove out one after another, and the guard team members shot at the zombies that were about to rush over.

On a high slope in the distance

"They also have attack drones, and their equipment is more complete than ours. There are so many zombies on the road, do we need to help them?" Another soldier said to Zhang Nan

"Wait, I want to see how powerful that female mutant is. I can wait until they are in danger before going over, and I can also repay the favor."

Zhang Nan and his group continued to observe Zhang Xiaowen because they suspected the origin of the strange sniper rifle.

It stands to reason that ordinary people can't develop or manufacture that kind of high-precision and high-lethality sniper rifle.

No military power in the world has such a thing.

Moreover, coincidentally, a piece of alien spaceship debris fell into Jiangcheng, and a strange sniper rifle happened to appear here.

Zhang Nan even suspected that this gun was left behind by the crashed alien spaceship.

Just when Zhang Nan and his group thought they were observing in secret, Mofang and Zhang Xiaowen saw seven people, and cursed them for not leaving but standing here to watch the excitement.

"Beep! Beep! Warning! Two evolved zombies appear ahead!" Cube heard the warning from the detection system. At the same time, two small red boxes were approaching quickly from the dense farmland in the distance. Judging from the direction they came from, they seemed to have run out of the resort over there.

At the same time, the seven people on the high slope also saw the two evolved zombies in the farmland.

"Chief! They are in danger, should we go and rescue them?"

"Get in the car! Our assault rifles are extremely lethal to the evolved zombies, and their submachine guns have a hard time dealing with them. Hurry up and save them!"

Seven people got in the car and drove towards the front of Zhang Xiaowen's convoy.……

"Wenzi, there are two evolved zombies ahead, it's best to kill them"

"Okay, we'll take one each." Zhang Xiaowen told the team to slow down, handed the steering wheel of the modified truck to a driver, jumped out of the car, and rushed towards the evolved zombies at super fast speed with her slender legs.

Buzz buzz buzz - the magic cube swooped down from a high altitude towards one of the evolved zombies.

Anyway, as long as it entered the cornfield, no one could see it.

���, and simply rushed straight towards another evolved zombie.

When it was close to the evolved zombie, it quickly transformed and hit the evolved zombie's face!

By the way, it also used its mechanical hand to dig out one of the evolved zombie's eyes.

After the collision, the Rubik's Cube and the zombie rolled into the cornfield together.

"Oh……!"The evolved zombie felt the pain and became ferocious. He slapped the Rubik's Cube with his hands, and the corn stalks in front of him were smashed into pieces.

After nimbly dodging the zombie's claws, his left mechanical arm twisted and folded into a machine gun with a few clicks, and the red cross in his sight was aimed at the zombie's head!

Da da da... puff puff puff... The evolved zombie was not paying attention and was immediately covered in bullets. Some bullets even broke his skull. However, this evolved zombie was lucky enough not to be killed by the bullets and used his arms to protect his face. Although his arms were also hit with blood holes, he was not seriously injured.

"F**K! I'll break your arm first and see how you can block the bullets!"

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