Star World Legendary Guild

Chapter 1510: Black Niu Tu Tribe and Bai Yue Qilala

At about ten o'clock in the morning on May 8, Xingyu 1180, five kilometers away from the Black Niu Tu tribe, the Holy Pattern Union was setting up camp. After all, Yan Tielong had promised to trade with the Black Niu Tu tribe, and their team was still quite armed. , which also caused the Heiniutu tribe to feel threatened in Hanhan, so they set up camp just five kilometers away.

But Yan Tielong didn't expect that when they just set up camp, a large number of cattle orcs arrived with goods. Yan Tielong originally thought that the cattle orcs were pulling goods to trade with them, but it turned out that they were also merchants selling goods.

After communicating with the guide of the Heiniutu tribe, Yan Tielong learned that today was the day when the Heiniutu tribe held a market trade, and it lasted for three days.

It didn't take long for a large number of herbivore orcs of various types to arrive not far from the Holy Pattern Guild's zero-hour stronghold. They were not afraid of humans. Instead, they curiously watched the Saint Pattern Guild, even though the Black Bull Tribe guards drove them away several times. Effect.

After setting up the zero-hour camp, Yan Tielong was not in a hurry to sell goods, and took Brulucos and a dozen orcs to the Black Niu Tu tribe to meet the leader of the Black Niu Tu tribe. After all, he was a foreigner and had to get along well with him. relationship, which can avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Regarding the arrival of Yan Tielong on behalf of the Holy Pattern Union, Heiniu Dedeke, the leader of the Hei Niu Tu tribe, actually received him in person.

After saluting, Yan Tielongguan thanked the clan leader for initiating the transaction, and then opened two iron boxes to reveal a high-quality black chopping knife made by dwarves and a shield of steel and fire.

Black Niu Dedeke saw that the gift given by Yan Tielong was actually a knife and a shield, and his eyes lit up. After all, for the fighting tribe of the Niu tribe, weapons are fatal to them.

After Black Bull Dedeko picked up the black sword and swung it more than a dozen times, he was still a little unsatisfied, so he asked the guard captain to compete with him. In the end, within a few moves, the guard captain's sword was actually cut off by him, and the sword in his hand was cut off. There was nothing wrong with the Black Zhan Dao, which made him couldn't help but sigh that it was a good sword.

Seeing the human caravan coming up to deliver such good knives, Black Bull Dedeke naturally became more enthusiastic, and even entertained Yan Tielong with the milk wine they brewed.

Yan Tielong really couldn't get used to the milk wine served by Black Bull Dedeco, but he still drank it and then made a simple request, such as recruiting members of the other tribe to help protect him at odd hours.

Faced with Yan Tielong's several requests, Black Niu Dedeke was a little stunned. He did not expect that the other party's request was not only simple, but also beneficial to their Black Niu Tu tribe, so he agreed with a wave of his hand and asked his son Hei Niu Tubos to come. Assist Yan Tielong.

After Yan Tielong resigned, he and Black Bull Tupos, who had already met each other, began to recruit strong warriors to serve as odd-hour bodyguards for the Saint Pattern Union caravan.

After hearing that as long as they worked as bodyguards for a human caravan for a week, they could get a pound of salt, thousands of black bull orcs came to sign up.

Seeing so many black bull orcs, Yan Tielong directly asked Black Bull Tupos to choose. After all, as the clan leader's son, the other party must know the members of the clan, and he thought that the black bull orc chosen by the other party would not be bad.

Black Bull Tupos was also a little surprised that the leader of the human caravan asked him to choose, but he didn't think much about it and started to select the best players in the clan for Yan Tielong.

Soon three hundred very powerful Black Bull warriors were selected, and Yan Tielong opened the box according to the agreement and paid two taels of rough salt for the three hundred Black Bull orc warriors.

Seeing the white coarse salt in the box, the Black Bull orcs looked at the three hundred tribesmen with envy. After all, one or two ounces of coarse salt in front of them can be exchanged for hundreds of kilograms of good pasture.

After selecting the guard warriors, Yan Tielong brought the dog orc guards and 300 black bull orcs back to the Saint Pattern Union zero-hour camp.

Princess Long Rias and Shite Aria, who were maintaining the camp, noticed that Yan Tielong and the others had returned, and they breathed a sigh of relief. After all, they also knew that there were many problems in the Orc Continent.

Yan Tielong, who came back, asked his fiancée if the taboo things about the cattle orcs in the camp had been put away.

When Shit Aaliya asked Yan Tielong, she said that her fiancé should rest assured that she had already hidden him before he set off to the Black Niu Tu tribe. However, she was still a little confused as to why her fiancé had to recruit Black Niu Tu tribe warriors at odd hours?

When asked by his fiancée, Yan Tielong said that the Qiangran Niu Orcs are simple and honest, but it is hard to say about other orcs. Moreover, with the protection of the Black Niu Tu tribe, they can also reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles. The most important thing is to recruit three hundred people. The protection of the Black Bull Orcs for a week only requires three hundred kilograms of coarse salt.

When they heard that recruiting three hundred black bull orcs only required three hundred kilograms of coarse salt, Lionte Aria and Princess Long Lias were still a little surprised. After all, it was too cheap, cheaper than cabbage prices, so they didn't say anything.

Yan Tielong saw the surprised look of his fiancée and Princess Long Lias. He suddenly thought of something, so he asked his fiancée and Princess Long Lias to pass it on to the members of the Holy Pattern Guild. Do not expose your wealth in front of outsiders, especially on the issue of salt.

Hearing Yan Tielong's instructions, Princess Long Lias couldn't help but frown and asked if it was necessary. After all, if their human merchants don't show wealth, how can they convince the orcs that they have sufficient goods?

Faced with Princess Long Lias' doubts, Yan Tielong said that Princess Long Lias's idea depends on the occasion. If you go to a large tribe or to the orc king's capital, it is true that the orcs can be consumed as Princess Long Lias said, but like the Black Bull Orcs It is better for these small and medium-sized tribes to pretend to be poor so that low-end goods can be sold at high prices.

Princess Long Lias still didn't understand what Yan Tielong said, but she still passed on Yan Tielong's reminder.

After finishing the team's affairs, Yan Tielong immediately formed a small team to transport some salt and various farm tools to the market, belonging to the Heiniutu tribe, and gave them stall space.

When Yan Tielong and others put the goods on the shelves, a large number of orcs immediately gathered around them. After all, the orc continent has always been short of salt and agricultural tools. Of course, when they saw the appearance of human stalls, they naturally liked the high-quality refined salt and agricultural tools.

Soon a Linlu orc came forward to ask about the price of salt and farm tools; when faced with the Linlu orc's inquiry, Brulukos directly stated that he could trade with various specialties of the orc continent, including feathers, animal hair, milk, etc. Classes, leather, horns, etc., and even forage can be traded.

Many orcs couldn't believe it when they heard that forage could be exchanged for salt. After all, it was spring now, and forage could be said to be everywhere, and most of it could be considered top grade, so they asked Brulukos at one place. , after receiving the affirmation, a large group of orcs immediately dispersed and began to purchase forage.

However, some smart orcs did not follow the majority. One of the female White Moon Sheep orcs actually exchanged the fifty kilograms of wool she brought with her for five scythes. Then she took her younger brothers and sisters to cut grass with the scythes.

Not long after, the grass around the market was cleared. This also caused the Heiniutu tribe to feel a sense of crisis, so they sent tribesmen to investigate. They learned that it was human traders who wanted the grass to produce grass. The grass was cleared within three kilometers of the market in front of them. They immediately They want human merchants to give them answers.

When asked by Black Bull Tubos, Yan Tielong said that when their caravan came to the Orc Continent, there was a serious shortage of grass for the livestock responsible for transporting them. He saw that the Orcs were living in poverty, so he announced the exchange of grass for salt. , but he didn't expect it would have such a big impact. In the end, he expressed that he would compensate the Heiniu Tu tribe and hoped that the Hei Niu Tu tribe would not punish the orcs who cut pasture.

Hearing the compensation expressed by Yan Tielong, Black Niu Tubos said that he would go back to the tribe to discuss with his father before giving Yan Tielong a reply. However, it didn't take long for him to agree. Then the Black Niu Tubos tribe announced that they forgive the orcs of other races who cut grass in their territory, but they also This was not the case even under warning, but they did not mention the compensation they received from the Holy Mark Guild, which made many insider members of the Holy Mark Guild dissatisfied.

Yan Tielong was a little surprised by the treatment of the leader of the Heiniu Tu tribe, but it was also a good thing for Yan Tielong. After all, he knew that there were wise men in the Hei Niu Tu tribe, so some things had to be tempered, otherwise conflicts would not be beautiful.

In the evening, the leader of the Heiniu Tu tribe invited Yan Tielong to participate in their bonfire banquet. Naturally, Yan Tielong would not refuse the invitation from the leader of the Hei Niu Tu tribe. He would attend even if he was not used to drinking milk wine. After all, a bonfire banquet can improve people's abilities. The relationship with the Black Niu Tu tribe.

During the banquet, Yan Tielong got to know many other senior orcs, and he was a little surprised that the female White Moon Sheep orc also attended the banquet at noon. Of course, she was not a guest, but danced and performed as a dancer.

When the leader of the Black Bull Dedeko saw Yan Tielong paying attention to the White Moon Sheep orc, he asked the White Moon Sheep orc to accompany Yan Tielong after the dance performance.

Through communicating with the female White Moon Sheep orc, Yan Tielong learned that the female White Moon Sheep orc was named Bai Yue Qi Lala. What surprised him even more was that the other person's knowledge was not simple, which made him doubt her true identity. After all, ordinary orcs could not contact her at all. Knowledge.

What Yan Tielong didn't expect was that through communicating with Baiyue Qilala, he learned why the wolf tribe disappeared from this continent. It turned out that in the battle for the beast king's capital last year, the wolf tribe actually defeated the masters of the leopard tribe. As a result, the Leopard Clan obtained a plain territory, and that territory was richer than this one, so they all moved to a plain that originally belonged to the Leopard Beastmen.


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