Chapter 142 The Desolation

Walking in the jungle filled with the moist moisture that is characteristic of the tropics, Yunxi curiously looks at Mumu, who is like a bunny. Look at 1 hair 2 line 3 Chinese network

Looking back from the back, the strange hair accessories that stand on Mumu's head are like a pair of cute long ears, and even tremble inadvertently.

"Mu Mu, who made this headdress?"

"Dad, it is a gift that my father left for me."

“Mom always tells me that Dad is actually a very amazing person and can do things that many people can never do.”

"Even if it is a very trivial thing, he can unearth an extraordinary meaning."

"So, Mumu's father is very, very, very great!" Mumu extended his hands and exaggeratedly described the great figure he had never seen before.

"So, what does he do?" The more he listened to Mumu's description, the more confused Yunxi was.

In the end, what kind of person is Mumu’s father?

It is obvious that he will leave his wife and leave, but whether he is a wife or a daughter, he is so in love with him. He seems to have never complained about this.

Obviously, there is a loss in character, and it seems that doing things is not so reliable, but it is considered to be a very great person.

"Daddy's words will do very, very beautiful things."

"He has created beautiful and lovely dolls, and it can make people move around and look like a living person."

“He wrote old and long poems that record the truth and future of the world.”

"He has created a gem that is as beautiful as the sun, the mysterious moon, and even the gods will **** the gems he created."

"In short, it is Mumu's favorite, very, very great dad."

Is that right?

According to the outline described by Mumu, Yun Xi’s mind slowly draws a vague outline.

Age is about three to forty.

Personality, it seems to be a little unfettered, like Mumu, some innocent, unintelligible artists?

From the point of view of the beauty who can be fascinated by Mumu's mother, it may still be a talented and extraordinary artist.

Making gems, dolls, poems, all proficient, and works are very popular in the upper class.

Because I am too fond of my own art, I am a little absent-minded about my emotional life. It can be said that it is a state of chaos.

Inadvertently let Mumu's mother become pregnant. After giving birth to a child, she couldn't afford the family's responsibility and fled. She didn't even leave a message. It seems that she still owes other romantic debts.

Hey, is the artist such a wayward person?

Ming Mu Mu is such a jealousy that you dad, even alone to find out.

Since even the children have, and grow up to be able to come out alone to find you this father, you will go home and enjoy the family fun.

Mumu, a child of this age, has never grown up with his father, very poor.

However, it is unrealistic to expect to find it on this island. Even if the artist escapes, he will flee to the place where the Western gods are in the upper class.

"I hope, I can find it soon." Going to Mumu's side, and embarking on the highest volcano top that once the Shadow Spider occupied, Yun Xi looked down on the desert island, and always felt that there is something wrong with this island. Look like that.

Is it an atmosphere or a shape? Yunxi has no way to describe what the weird feeling is.

Every time he stood in this position and looked at the whole island, he felt like this. He seemed to see something full of violating feelings.

It’s like, intuition, it’s obvious that it’s wrong, but it’s not good to describe what it’s wrong.

"This island... Why don't you feel that coordination?" Unconsciously, Yunxi leaked his own voice.

"Of course it is because this is the eye." Mumu naturally leaked the correct answer.

"Eyes!?" awakened the dreamer, Yunxi finally knows what is wrong!

The outline of the entire island is too flat! Especially in the part of the coastline, there is no natural reef group!

The shape of the entire island is like a slanted eye, showing a narrow shape.

The highest volcano he is now in is the central area of ​​this huge eye, and the continuous volcanoes around it are the scattered parts of the eyelids.

Is it true that the true body of this island is... Looking at the land under his feet, Yunxi has a creepy taste.

If the whole island is really part of the outcrop of a behemoth, then this one eye can form the life of an island, and how great the body is.

Perhaps, than the one that was short-lived, the Baishenglong, which is 100,000 meters long, is much broader and has a long history.

"White Lotus's secret treasure... Is it..." Even though there is an answer in the mind, Yunxi still has to shake his head.

Can't say it, let alone expose the truth.

The island where everyone is at the foot may be part of a creature, and it’s too creepy to say it.

If this one eye forms an island creature, then waiting for the Star Knights of the Stars on the island is the real end.

Why, but it is the core of the white lotus sword field in the lower sword field, and will sleep like such a super monster!

It's no wonder that the trials of the stars have not started for a long time. It is a huge project to pull this sleeping big guy into the dream of weaving stars.

Yunxi couldn't think of it, and he had any hope of defeating this sleeping world-class monster in the trial of the stars.

This has nothing to do with perseverance and enlightenment. It is completely hitting the stone with an egg, and the stone is still a hundred times larger diamond than the egg!

"When Mu Mu came down, I saw it."

"Here is the eye, there is the tail, and there is the heart." Mumu waved his little hand and pointed out the huge secret hidden in the eye of the storm.

"It's a big, big guy."

"Looks like it seems to have been sleeping for a long time, and the storm around it may be the dream it made.

She, have you seen it, the truth of this storm eye? Yunxi looked at Mumu with amazement. When she fell from the sky, the child actually observed the strangeness of this sea area.

It turned out that Huayue said it was right, and the eyes of the storm really inhabited the evil things.

However, I am afraid that Huayue never imagined how much this ridiculous thing was so large.

In fact, they are the ones who live on the body of this ridiculous thing!

Author's message:

Ps: The second is more, tomorrow, don't power off again, the bread is tossed without temper, thank you for your monthly ticket, recommended ticket support, the end of the month, the convention is the time to break out, the bread is ready to go .

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