Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 14: Tsunami Breaks Out In Full Force, Two Development Routes

Heavy gunner, 5 meters tall and over 2 meters wide.

Standing among the crowd of sword fighters and spear fighters, he was very conspicuous.

He holds a huge cannonball launcher in his hands, which can fire incredibly powerful energy cannonballs.

There are no physical cannonballs, but the power is much more powerful than physical cannonballs.

Zhou Quan is very satisfied with the heavy gunner hired by New Fusion.

If there were such gunners around, the Sea Snake PLUS from yesterday would not be able to escape.

Two shots down and killed directly.

"It's still an energy issue."

"If there is infinite energy, then we can create an infinite sea of ​​soldiers and drown the enemy."

[Master, the tactics of war and sea can only form an absolute advantage in civilized battles of the same level. 】

[Once there is a civilization level gap, no matter how many soldiers there are, it is useless. 】

The core kindly reminds Zhou Quan.

Differences in civilization are shortcomings that are difficult to make up for.

The sea of ​​soldiers is only effective against opponents of the same level or weaker than yourself.

Zhou Quan is also clearly aware of this.

This is not a game. No matter how powerful the BOSS is, it can be pushed to death with endless minions.

This is the real world, and the differences in levels of civilization cannot be crossed.

No matter how powerful the primitive tribe is, even if it spreads across the entire planet, they will blow up the entire planet with one attack. There is no use in large numbers.

Thinking of this, Zhou Quan is more urgent about the improvement of science and technology and the progress of civilization.

After all, there is a second-level civilization boss in the center of the big island, and there must be others of the same level or even more powerful in the sea.

"This world is very dangerous, and the only way to protect ourselves is to improve our civilization and combat capabilities."

"Acquire energy and improve the base."

The progress of nuclear energy research is faster than expected, with progress made in just two days.

This is due to the large amount of data collected this time.

Coupled with the powerful computing power of the biological neuron computing cluster.

[Master, according to the current progress, it will take some time to make a breakthrough. 】

Some time, no specific date.

This is how scientific research is originally done, with only constant experimental attempts.

These days, I can get more than 100,000 energy every day.

Most of the energy is used to make soldiers.

The main purpose is to hatch the new unit of heavy gunner to make up for the difference in quantity.

Now it has 1,000 sword fighters, 1,000 gun fighters, and 500 heavy gunners.

With this strength, as long as the creatures of the second-level civilization in the center of the island don't take action, other beasts and creatures are no match for Zhou Quan.

However, Zhou Quan is very afraid of the creatures of the second level civilization. Although he will not mess with them,

I was afraid that if one day the other party couldn't think of it, he would just wipe out this little ant.

The sense of crisis is always there.

Satellites monitor each other day and night.

In the past few days, dozens of satellites have been launched into space.

This planet is much larger than the Earth used to be. According to calculations, at least 36 satellites are needed to achieve true coverage.

Therefore, Zhou Quan builds several satellites and launches them into space every day.

There are currently 36 satellites flying in orbit over the planet, basically achieving full coverage of the planet.

Ninety percent of the planet is ocean.

The remaining ten percent are islands and land.

The data obtained from the core statistics is no more and no less, exactly one hundred thousand islands.

There is a second-level civilization-level creature on almost every island.

They have evolved nuclear power systems, have attack methods based on the same principles as nuclear weapons, and can travel across the stars. Each one is comparable to a walking nuclear bomb.

Extremely powerful.

Even the former Earth army was not enough to fight any of them.

[Master, we have detected changes in the ocean currents, as if a powerful creature is driving the tsunami. 】

On the real-time satellite map, you can see that tsunamis have occurred on every island.

The tsunami rolled up waves tens of thousands of meters high, many times more powerful than the natural tsunami that day.

The sea level has also dropped a lot, exposing a long and narrow coastline.

These tsunamis must be caused by powerful creatures, and a war will break out.

Fortunately, the tsunami that hit our island happened on the other side, otherwise our base would definitely be spared.

He is in the southeast of the island, and the tsunami rushes from the northwest of the island, so he should not be affected.

While feeling lucky, Zhou Quan felt very bad. This kind of situation where life and death depended entirely on other people's faces and luck was very uncomfortable.

"Can the base be moved?"

[After reaching level 10, the base can be upgraded to a cosmic fortress. 】

[Leave the planet with the help of nuclear power. 】

[That is, you can continue to develop in the vast universe, or you can choose other planets for development. 】

[This is also one of the signs of secondary civilization. 】

The symbol of the second-level civilization uses nuclear power as its source and no longer worries about insufficient energy.

At the same time, the second-level civilization possesses powerful nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

But it’s not easy to reach level 10.

The base is only at level 4 now, and the energy required for upgrading has reached 1 million.

Based on the 10-fold increase in base energy requirements for each level, 1 trillion energy is required to upgrade to level 10.

This is impossible to achieve by relying on gathering resources.

Zhou Quan stared at the images sent back by the satellite, his thoughts diverging in the neural network.

[Master, the Zerg upgrade method and the mechanical technology upgrade method are organically combined, and we have obtained a brand new upgrade method. 】

[That is, you can rely on energy to get a level upgrade. 】

[You can also lead in technology to get a level upgrade. 】

[We can take these two paths at the same time or separately, which gives us more choice. 】

Zhou Quan is very focused on the core analysis.

The second level civilization, in the eyes of the Zerg, is a combat power level of around level 20.

If the base can be upgraded to level 21, the sword fighter can also reach level 20 and have combat power equivalent to a second-level civilization.

And the Zerg also have a way to solve their energy needs.

If you can research science and technology to the level of a second-level civilization, you can also gain corresponding strength.

Zhou Quan can choose to go one way, or he can go both ways together.

Needless to say, I want bread and milk. The two paths must go together.

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