Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 17 Microscopic Controllable Nuclear Fusion

With Qinghu's flesh and blood, the research progress has been greatly advanced.

Flesh contains the secrets of controlled nuclear fusion.

In particular, flesh and blood is also a biological category. For the Zerg, this is their line of work.

Soon, each theory was verified, and we were getting closer and closer to truly developing controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Resource collectors are still working tirelessly to collect energy.

Zhou Quan continued to increase the size of the legion as planned.

Now there are no green tigers on the island where he is, and there may still be some powerful beasts, but he is not afraid of them anymore.

The Legion once again went to the place where Qinghu's body was located.

After the beasts fought for it, all the flesh and blood exploded, but a large number of beast corpses were left behind.

These are the losers in the competition.

For Zhou Quan, these corpses are full of energy, and he doesn't want to miss them.

In fact, there are also a large number of corpses in the northwest corner of the island, where the tsunami hit the south.

But the distance is too far, spanning thousands of kilometers, and it doesn't make much sense for a few corpses.

Five days later.

The number of swordsmen and gun fighters each reached 2,000.

The number of heavy gunners also reached 1,000.

When the heavy gunner fires a salvo, it is enough to cover a one kilometer radius.

Research on nuclear fusion has finally come to an end.

The principle of nuclear fusion is not difficult, the methods and materials are not difficult, it can almost be said to be at your fingertips.

The difficulty is that a large amount of heat energy is released during nuclear fusion.

The temperature can rise to thousands or even tens of thousands of degrees in a very short period of time.

Materials such as steel, iron, and copper cannot withstand this temperature.

The main problem of research is to solve the material problem.

Until now, through the study of the green tiger's flesh and blood, we finally have a clue.

[Microscopic controllable nuclear fusion technology]

Controllable nuclear fusion is carried out at the microscopic level, so that while energy is obtained, the heat energy dissipation is not large.

A special biological flesh and blood structure is used to create a biological electromagnetic field for restraint.

This technology is the same as controllable nuclear fusion in the traditional sense, but also different.

When the news of the successful development of core nuclear fusion was told to Zhou Quan, Zhou Quan was really excited.

Deuterons and tritium nuclei required for nuclear fusion are both found in seawater, but the content of deuterons is abundant and the content of tritium nuclei is very small.

But it doesn’t matter. On this planet, which is at least 10 times larger than the earth, there is as much sea water as there is need.

If that doesn't work, there's also a matter-to-energy converter.

A piece of flesh and blood the size of a fingernail was produced from the scientific research institute and placed on the energy blanket.

Zhou Quan looked across the central core tower.

This newly manufactured microscopically controllable nuclear fusion device may burst out with astonishing energy and release deadly radiation.

"Start experimenting and see how much energy such a piece can release."

All aspects have been prepared and the test has begun.

Nuclear fusion was activated, and almost instantly, the energy in the base increased explosively.

Originally, the energy of the base was still 300,000, but it instantly increased to 310,000, and it is still increasing.

Ten seconds later it exceeded the 400,000 mark.

Ten thousand energy points can be added almost every second.

Time passes little by little until the isotope material inside is exhausted.

The energy of the base has exceeded 1.3 million.

[According to tests, such a microscopic nuclear fusion device can release a total of 1 million energy. 】

Such a piece is enough to upgrade the base.

With nuclear fusion, there is almost unlimited energy.

Therefore, nuclear fusion is the basis for the leap from first-level civilization to second-level civilization.

With energy, Zhou Quan immediately upgraded the base.

The base extends outward again.

It is 500 meters long on a side and covers an area of ​​25,000 square meters.

【Mechanical Biology Base】

[Base Level: Level 5]

[Civilization Level: Level 1]

【Has energy: 9315265】

[Have larvae: 100000]

[Automatically produce larvae every day: 100000]

[Has core facilities: material energy converter. 】

[Base upgrade requirements: **Energy]

Looking at the data of the level 5 base, I asked, "Why isn't the number of larvae increasing?"

[Master, the upper limit of the number of larvae in a base is 100,000. If the master wants to have more larvae, he can build a sub-base. 】

"Sub-base? How to establish a sub-base."

[The Zerg base starts from level 5 and can build sub-bases. 】

[At the same time, wormhole tunnels can be established, and you can travel between bases through wormholes. 】

[The Master can bring two larvae to a certain place. Through the neural network, one larvae can hatch into a base and the other can hatch into a wormhole tunnel. 】

Zhou Quan thought a lot in an instant.

If this is the case, he can establish sub-bases on other planets.

Some dangerous experiments can also be carried out on other planets.

At the same time, you can also build some sub-bases on the planet you are on.

The cunning rabbit's three caves are always right.

"Is it possible to build a base under the sea?"

[Yes, the Zerg base can be built anywhere without any requirements on the environment. It can be built even in the vacuum of the universe. 】

[The same is true for the base that incorporates our Zerg biotechnology. 】

The core answer gave Zhou Quan peace of mind.

The base function is there, the energy is there, and now all that is left is to study the carrier of energy.

The easiest way for a carrier is to push the base directly to level 10.

Or build corresponding aircraft through mechanical civilization.

available before then. . .

"Create 1,000 microscopic controllable nuclear fusion devices."

[Master, a large number of microscopically controllable nuclear fusion devices will be sensed by Level 2 civilized creatures. 】

[We may be attacked. 】

. . .

Zhou Quan misfires, isn’t this seeking death?

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