Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 208 Stellar Battle Star

Transforming a star into a battle star is completely different from transforming a planet into a battle star.

The nature of a star is different from that of a planet. Inside it is a huge nuclear reactor, which is constantly undergoing violent nuclear fusion reactions.

Although the energy level of nuclear fusion reaction is completely inferior to elemental decay and space energy absorption.

But that also depends on the volume.

To talk about quality without talking about quantity is to be a hooligan.

Under the same volume, the efficiency of nuclear transformation is indeed insufficient.

But how big are stars? Just like the star in front of you, it is slightly smaller than the sun in the solar system.

Its volume is equivalent to the volume of 1 million Earths, and its mass is even more difficult to calculate.

Compared with it, those nearby battle stars are simply tiny.

And his own battleship can only be regarded as a grain of sand on the star.

The difference is huge.

It is simply difficult to calculate how much energy such a large nuclear fusion body can produce every second.

Dozens of nearby battle stars have been captured by its gravity, and will soon be pulled over by it, swallowed and destroyed.

[No wonder there is such a strong gravitational force that it transforms stars into war stars. 】

Xiaoxin felt that she had no idea where to start.

She had just received some data.

Although the opponent is large in size, relying on its nearly unlimited energy supply and the butterfly civilization's understanding of space technology, it can actually achieve space jumps.

In this way, the mobility problem is solved.

At the same time, because of the nearly endless energy and huge size, the space weapons built on it will be even more terrifying.

This is the real trump card of Butterfly Civilization.

Zhou Quan suddenly thought of the neutron star he encountered when approaching the center of the galaxy. That neutron star could also perform space jumps and did not require any rest.

Energy is everything, this statement is true.

In the universe, as long as there is energy, there is nothing that cannot be achieved.

Zhou Quan suddenly understood the intention of Butterfly Civilization.

The Butterfly Civilization uses space materials to cover the surface of the star. The density and thickness of the space materials used far exceed that of ordinary battle stars.

Moreover, according to Zhou Quan's estimation, the butterfly civilization is definitely not a single-layer arrangement, but a multi-layer structure, and space materials must also be arranged inside the star.

If there are enough space materials, rely on the energy of stars and space technology.

It may be possible to allow stars to partially navigate deep space.

Not jumping, but sailing, sailing in deep space.

This should be the sign of level six civilization.

Navigating in deep space is faster than jumping in space. At the same time, the understanding of deep space is deeper, and Mokang space weapons and equipment can be researched.

It is even possible to directly attack the outside in deep space.

Realize the effect that I can hit you, but you can't hit me.

Level six civilization. . .

Zhou Quan feels that even if his idea is not completely successful, it is still close to ten.

After the stellar battle star appeared, the fluctuations in space never stopped. It only stayed in place for half an hour before rushing towards Zhou Quan's fleet group.

The speed was very fast. It was not a conventional voyage or a space jump, but it was rushing over at super-light speed.

But because of its large size, it did not completely enter the subspace. Instead, it used its own energy and gravity to forcefully press the main space and the subspace together.

Achieved faster-than-light navigation directly in the main space.

The speed is not fast, starting at about 10 times the speed of light, but it is accelerating and the speed is still increasing.

Zhou Quan was furious.

How to play this!

"Use the source to make a powder bomb and see if you can explode it!"

Xiaoxin looked slightly serious and quickly made a calculation.

[Based on its volume and density of space materials, assuming it only uses a single layer of space materials, if we want to explode it, we will need at least 5 million Yuanlingmomo bombs. 】

[If it uses a multi-layer structure of space materials, then it will be far more than this number. 】

Xiaoxin's calculations were naturally correct. Zhou Quan asked: "How many Yuanling powder bombs do we have?"

[There are 800,000 more. 】

Far from enough, too different.

The Yu-class battleship retreated rapidly, and as it approached, the gravitational force became stronger and stronger.

Suddenly, the other party disappeared without warning.

Zhou Quan's eyelids twitched and he quickly said: "Leave immediately with a space jump!"

While Zhou Quan was talking, Xiaoxin had already controlled the Yu-class battleships and space dragons to start space jumps and escape from here.

0.1 seconds later, where the battleship group originally was, the Eternal Battle Star suddenly jumped out.

Then the huge gravitational force seemed to have substance, affecting the surrounding starry sky.

…Please give me flowers…

Most of the space-class battleships and space dragons have jumped several light years away.

But there are millions who haven't had time to escape.

They were instantly captured by the gravity of the Eternal Battle Star. The powerful gravity not only captured them, but also affected space, causing them to lose the ability to jump in space.

The huge ability dragged these battleships and space dragons towards him.

At the same time, space weapons deployed on the surface of the star opened fire.

In the blink of an eye, millions of battleships and space dragons were wiped out.

The whole process takes less than 2 seconds.

The movement is clean and crisp, and there is no sense of sloppiness at all.

The gap in combat power between the two sides is too great.

Zhou Quan has a headache.

The Hengzhan Star is too powerful, and its technological level has completely surpassed its own.


Although I can forcefully rush through the gap in the defense line that is now open, it doesn't mean much.

First of all, there is strong space interference within the butterfly civilization, and space jumps are definitely not possible.

Even faster-than-light travel will be suppressed.

But the Hengzhan Star can rely on its endless energy to forcefully perform space jumps, so no matter how many battleships you put in, the final result will be wiped out.

Even though it caused some damage to the butterfly civilization, the huge scope of 600 light-years in diameter cannot be solved in an instant.

And he didn't know how many such constant war stars there were in the Butterfly Civilization.

What if there are more eternal battle stars within the civilization?

But having said that, there must be problems with the Hengzhan Star.

Otherwise, why was Butterfly Civilization not activated at the beginning and has been delayed until now?

As for what problems exist, Butterfly Civilization will naturally not say anything and can only analyze and judge by itself.

After a jump, the Eternal Battlestar began to sail at super-light speed and began to return to the defense line.

The gap that was just opened was filled again.

All the efforts of the past few days were in vain.

It cannot be said that the work was in vain. At least in Zhou Quan's induction, the cosmic points of his civilization seemed to have increased, and the fog shrouding the civilization seemed to have become a bit thicker.

Previous battles were affirmed.

"That's good, at least we know the true trump card of Butterfly Civilization.

"In this case, we will also use the trump card stone when we are surrounded."

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