Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 24: Nuclear Power Transformation, Targeting Mars

"Finally level 10."

"Enable battleship form!"

Zhou Quan conveyed the instructions in the neural network.

The base begins to deform.

The defensive turret automatically disassembled and deformed, and together with the energy blanket formed the outer shell of the battleship.

The central core tower became the battleship bridge.

The scientific research institute and arsenal have become the internal rooms of the battleship. Their functions are still retained, but the appearance and size have changed.

All the soldiers returned to the base and they became part of the battleship.

The transformation lasted for a full 30 minutes, and a huge space battleship with a length of 500 meters appeared on the island.

A huge blue flame was ejected from the tail, and the biodynamic system began to work at full power.

The battleship took off and flew towards the sky, getting higher and higher, and disappeared after a while.

Zhou Quan stood in the bridge, looking at the white clouds passing by on both sides and the blue ocean below. He was moving away from the planet.

If it is a Zerg base, you can directly take off after level 10 and fly directly into the void of the universe in the form of a base.

But the disadvantage is that it is very slow, and the fastest speed can only reach 10 kilometers per second.

This kind of speed is considered to be extremely slow in the universe.

After reaching level 10 of mechanical technology, you can create the most basic space battleship.

And when the Zerg biotechnology is integrated into mechanical technology, it becomes the current space battleship.

It combines the essence of biotechnology and mechanical technology. The shell looks like metal but actually has biological components.

If you are damaged, you can automatically recover as long as you have energy.

There are no electronic circuits inside, and it will not burst into flames or explode if attacked.

Even if someone interrupts you, as long as you have energy and time, you can slowly grow back.

In terms of power, relying solely on the biodynamic system, the speed can be propelled to 50 kilometers per second.

Although this speed is still a turtle speed, it is not even comparable to the speed of self-launched satellites.

But you must know that this is a battleship, and its weight is far greater than that of a satellite. It is already very impressive to be able to reach this speed.

After 10 minutes of flying, Zhou Quan suddenly felt a lightness in his body, as if he was floating.

The scene in front of me suddenly changed from blue to pitch black.

"Come to the universe!"

Zhou Quan said to himself, with a hint of excitement in his tone.

It is the dream of many men to enter the outer space.

"Start the gravity system and check whether the life support system is normal!"

[The gravity system started successfully. 】

[All systems are normal. 】

Zhou Quan felt the familiar gravity again and took a few steps back and forth, which was no different from how he was on land.

"It will be called the base number from now on."

【Follow your orders. 】

The spacecraft is still accelerating. After getting rid of the gravity of Aquamarine, it will accelerate to 50 kilometers per second in the next 10 minutes and go straight to Aquamarine.

Ten satellites have arrived at Aquamarine and sent back images of Aquamarine at the same time.

This is a desolate planet, the whole planet is full of sand and dust.

Other than that, nothing has been discovered yet.

But what Zhou Quan wants is nothing.

Desolation means that there is no interference and just enough time for development.

Zhou Quan was thoughtful while browsing the images sent back by the satellite.

"After level 15, can you survive in the universe with your physical body?"

[Yes, Master, as long as you can reach level 15, you can survive in the universe. 】

[If you can reach level 20, you can evolve into a second-level civilization creature, and you can travel freely within the star system. 】

The first-level civilization is a planet-level civilization, and the second-level civilization is a star system-level civilization.

It is normal for a secondary civilization to rule the entire star system.

Even more powerful second-level civilizations, with their technology developed to the top, can transform various planets in the star system.

Become an environment suitable for your own survival.

Of course, the exception is the second-level civilized creature in a single body.

For example, there are many creatures in Aqua Blue Star that have reached the second level of civilization.

But they are single, they have power but they don't know how to develop and utilize the power in their hands.

From Mercury Blue to Aquamarine, the distance is 720,000 kilometers.

At the base's speed of 50 kilometers per second, it will take 4 hours to arrive.

"How is the research institute's research on space battleships going?"

[Some results have been achieved. With the help of microscopic controllable nuclear fusion technology, the research on the power part has been completed. 】

[We are currently simulating and calculating the weapon system, and whether to use biological weapons or mechanical weapons is being verified. 】

"Then can the nuclear power system be installed on the Base?"

[It's absolutely possible, but the transformation needs to be done with the base's power system turned off. 】

Zhou Quan said he understood, "Let's start the transformation after getting rid of the gravity of Aquamarine. After the transformation is completed, we will go to Aquamarine."

【Follow your orders. 】

Zhou Quan wants to try out how fast the modified base number can be.

With the efficiency of the Zerg, the transformation will not take too long and should be completed within an hour.

If a new nuclear power system is used during the introduction, perhaps the base will arrive at Aquamarine earlier than expected.

After 30 minutes of navigation, the Base finally got rid of the gravity of Aquamarine and truly entered space.

The base calculated the fastest route and flew towards Mimas.

The biodynamic system was shut down, and the Base continued to fly ahead of the inertia.

[Start transforming the power system of the base. 】

[It is estimated to take 42 minutes and 39 seconds,]

Sure enough, it was about the same as Zhou Quan estimated, taking less than an hour.

A total of ten thousand larvae got into the biopower system and began to hatch into a nuclear power propulsion system.

In 42 minutes and 39 seconds, not a second more nor a second less, the transformation was completed.

[The power system of the base has been modified. 】

[According to calculations, the base number can currently reach the fastest speed, 500 kilometers per second. 】

[The level is improved, the power system is improved, and there is still room for further improvement. 】

Zhou Quan is very satisfied with this renovation.

The speed is directly increased by 10 times.

At this time, he is still 550,000 kilometers away from Hydromare, and it only takes 18 minutes to arrive.

Time is greatly reduced.

"Let's go, Aquaman"

With high-spirited shouts.

The Base accelerated violently and rushed towards Aquamarine, leaving Aquamarine far behind in the blink of an eye.

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