Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 45: Fellow No. 01, The Energy Cannon Does Not Belong To The Patrollers

The core begins to infiltrate the electronic systems of the Guardian civilization.

The core did not want to be discovered by the Guardian Civilization, and because of the completely different system structure, progress was very slow.

After civilization entered Level 2, everything seemed to slow down.

Upgrade and development are based on hundred days.

Even in the future, it will be measured in years, decades or even hundreds of years.

The development of civilization is difficult, not that easy.

In the galaxy chat channel.

Everyone was still chatting, but some seemed to have fallen silent.

Some people have disappeared and new ones have joined.

Zhou Quan is always paying attention to the chat channel, and he sees all the changes in it, but he basically doesn't speak.

He knew that many people had been eliminated during the development process.

Many people were still chatting at first, but then they became silent.

I don’t know if it’s because of development problems or because it was wiped out by the indigenous people.

Or there was some natural disaster and the entire base was destroyed.

There was once a person who had developed a level 7 base, and his development speed was very fast.

As a result, due to an extraterrestrial meteorite with a diameter of 1 kilometer, the entire planet was plowed by terrifying energy.

From that day on, he never spoke in the chat again.

Another one seemed to have been assassinated.

How many people will be left in the chat channel in a few decades or a hundred years?

Only when science and technology reaches the first level of civilization can we have the opportunity to research corresponding drugs and extend our lifespan.

This is the category of genes.

If Zhou Quan hadn't become the Zerg master, he would definitely have to study this issue.

From the moment he came to Hydrogen, Zhou Quan has never given up on searching for other humans from Earth.

It's a pity that a large number of satellites have been launched and no one has discovered it.

During this time, he successively released thousands of satellites, flying in all directions.

Until today, there was finally news.

A base was discovered on a planet 50 billion kilometers away from him.

The satellite has entered the orbit of that planet.

The development of the base has begun to take shape, and steel factories have been built around the base.

A large number of robots are busy in steel factories.

"It seems that the base should have reached level 6 or 7."

"It's not too slow, it can only be said to be normal."

The satellite stopped there, and Zhou Quan would pay attention to it from time to time.

50 billion kilometers, a journey of approximately more than 140 days.

When it was discovered, a Xuan-class battleship had already flown over.

If necessary, Xuan-level Zhanbian might be able to help him.

After all, we all come from the earth, so we can help if we can.

"Include it into the database and group it as 'same family' number 01."

"As you command, Lord!"

Zhou Quan named the planet he just discovered Tongzu 01.

This discovery made Zhou Quan feel less lonely.

In addition to the galaxy chat channel, at least actually seeing fellow humans.

On Star 01 of the same species, Mo Qing walked out of the base, raised her head in confusion, and looked at the blue sky.

She felt like she was being watched.

It seemed as if a pair of big eyes were staring at him.

But there was obviously nothing around.

"what is going on."

"There should be no problem with my vigilance. Could it be that those guys from the Federal Army have developed some new weapons."

"Those damn guys can't coexist peacefully. They must kill me before they are willing to do so."

While Mo Qing was confused, Zhou Quan grinned slightly, "She's actually a woman."

"She looks pretty good, and her frown makes her look a bit like a woman who doesn't want to show off her eyebrows."

Through the satellite, Zhou Quan saw an army gathering not far away.

The alien army, no, it should be said to be the planet's indigenous army.

For them, their own side is the alien.

The army attacked, Mo Qing defended and counterattacked at the same time.

The two sides fought back and forth for a long time, but ended in a draw.

Obviously, the two sides have fought more than once, and Mo Qing is used to it.

Zhou Quan withdrew his gaze and said, "Spend 0.01 of your computing power and pay attention."

The core accepted Zhou Quan's order.

As the first compatriot discovered, it is worthy of Zhou Quan's attention.

Please help wherever you can.

Every once in a while, an industrial star of the Guardian civilization will be discovered.

Fifteen industrial stars that produce low-level warships and five industrial stars that produce mid-level warships have been discovered so far.

Moreover, a satellite has locked onto a suspected planet, an industrial star suspected of producing advanced warships.

At this time, hundreds of satellites have penetrated deep into the hinterland of the Patroller civilization, and they are getting closer and closer to discovering the Patroller civilization.

While the core is infiltrating the electronic systems of the Guardian civilization, it is also conducting scientific research all the time.

Many fragments of degenerate materials were brought back from advanced battleships, as well as some relatively complete parts.

Using reverse engineering, recent research progress has been good.

A large number of materials are in front of us, and research on degenerate materials has achieved results.

Zhou Quan looks down on degenerate coatings and would just produce finished materials.

He doesn't like semi-finished products like coating.

Zhou Quan is very ambitious, and the degenerate state he came up with is the kind of energy bomb shell, not the kind of advanced warship of the Guardian civilization.

There is no comparison between the two.

As long as degenerate materials can be officially developed successfully, the combat effectiveness of all warships, including dragon-armored warriors, can be greatly improved.

[Master, I have an idea for research on energy cannons for advanced warships. 】

[At present, it is certain that energy cannons do not belong to the patrol civilization. 】

[Although the energy cannon has been damaged, its internal structure can be analyzed and it is completely different from the technological structure of the patrol civilization. 】

[The technological level of many of these components cannot be reached by the patrol civilization. At least several orders of magnitude ahead. 】

. . .

First it was the energy bomb, and now it's the energy cannon.

Zhou Quan also believed that the Guardian civilization had a unique way of using energy.

It turns out that, as guessed, it comes from other more advanced civilizations.

This also shows that in the endless galaxy, in addition to the guardian civilization, there are also more advanced civilizations.

Moreover, this more advanced civilization's use of energy is far beyond its own.

"Can we use reverse engineering to develop a real energy cannon?"

[It can be researched, but the success rate is less than 10%. 】

[Many components are too technologically advanced for us to complete production. 】

"Isn't it possible to use biotechnology instead?"

[Biological technology can be used instead, but at least it must wait until the base reaches level 20 before the biological strength of the Zerg can be further improved. 】

Zhou Quan understood.

Biotechnology can solve parts problems, but the forces are reciprocal.

The stronger the energy, the stronger the reaction force it brings.

If it is not strong enough, it will not be able to control the powerful energy.

Restrictions, all kinds of restrictions.

Zhou Quan is also helpless. Scientific research will not let you skip a grade easily.

No matter how smart you are, no matter how genius you are, if you only learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, you still can’t understand calculus, right?

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