Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 5: Level 2 Gun Fighter, Lack Of Brainpower

Sword fighters hunted wild beasts in the forest and kept bringing back their corpses.

There are not many wild beasts in the forest.

With energy, Zhou Quan began to hatch sword fighters and resource collectors in large numbers.

The hatching ratio is 1:1.

For every sword fighter hatched, a resource collector will be hatched at the same time.

With a two-pronged approach, the energy continues to grow, and the number of sword fighters and resource collectors also skyrockets.

In just one day, the number of sword fighters exceeded 100, and the number of resource collectors reached 130.

Now just leading the resource gatherer can have 700 energy per hour.

Sword fighters are divided into a team of 10 people to hunt wild beasts, and can provide more than 500 energy per hour.

After the number of sword fighters reached 100, Zhou Quan chose not to continue hatching and began to accumulate energy.

Get ready to upgrade your base again.

This base upgrade requires 10,000 energy points.

As the sword fighter's statistics increase, Zhou Quan feels that his strength is gradually improving.

Both physical strength and mental strength have been significantly improved.

Sword fighters and resource gatherers faithfully carry out Zhou Quan's orders, never resting.

The energy continues to accumulate and improve, and when the stars rise the next day.

Zhou Quan issued an order to upgrade the base.

The area of ​​the base expanded again, from 200 meters to 300 meters on a side.

The area reaches 90,000 square meters.

The central core tower has once again grown 5 meters in height and its footprint has been further expanded.

In the huge base, apart from the energy blanket covering the ground, there are only the light central core tower and an arsenal.

The rest are large areas of open space, very empty.

Open the data panel.

【Mechanical Biology Base】

[Base Level: Level 3]

[Civilization level: less than level 1]

【Has energy: 381】

[Have larvae: 10,000]

[Automatically produce larvae every day: 10,000]

[Has core facilities: material energy converter. 】

[Base upgrade requirements: 100,000 energy]

Level 3 base can hatch two new types of troops.

[Consume 3 larvae and 100 energy points to hatch a gun fighter. 】

[Level 2 gunfighter, long-range unit, accurate range 500 meters, maximum range 1000 meters, attack power 25, speed 6, vitality 120. 】

[Comprehensive combat power: 40. 】

The first ranged unit appeared, and combat formations became more perfect.

Check out another class now.

[Consume 1 larvae and 1 point of energy to hatch a mechanical mosquito. 】

[Level 2 mechanical mosquito, reconnaissance type, flying at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour, and can transmit the images it sees back through the neural network. 】

At the same time that two new units appear, level 1 sword fighters can be upgraded. Upgraded to Level 2 Sword Fighter.

The level has been increased by 1 level, and both attack power and speed have been improved.

The overall combat power has been increased from 25 to 30.

"Hatch 100 mechanical mosquitoes and 1 gunfighter."

[Start hatching mechanical mosquitoes, consuming 100 larvae, 100 energy, and takes 10 minutes]

[Start hatching gun fighters, consuming 3 larvae, 100 energy, and takes 10 minutes]

A large number of larvae left the central core tower, entered the arsenal along the energy blanket, and began to hatch.

There are a large number of robotic arms at work in the arsenal, cooperating with the hatching larvae.

Ten minutes later, 100 mechanical mosquitoes flew out of the arsenal.

The mechanical mosquito is no different from an ordinary mosquito, but it can transmit what it sees back, and Zhou Quan can view it through the neural network at any time.

Gunfighters hold special firearms in their hands. The bullets fired by the firearms are all bone bullets provided by biotechnology.

They can produce infinitely themselves and can keep fighting as long as they have enough energy.

But the moment the mechanical mosquito came out, Zhou Quan felt dizzy and nauseated.

"What's wrong with me?" Zhou Quan asked.

[Due to the large number of troops joining the Dominator’s neural network, the Dominator’s brain activity is insufficient and the computing power is insufficient to support it. 】

"What is the solution?"

[Solution 1: Domination improves strength and spiritual power can solve this problem. 】

[Solution 2: Develop biological neuron chips to form a biological neuron computing system to help the master perform computational control. 】

After hearing the core explanation, Zhou Quan understood.

It's because my brain is not enough.

Even with the auxiliary computer that comes with mechanical technology, it is still not enough.

A more powerful computer is needed for support.

Mechanical technology has a variety of research routes in computers, and you can choose from the technology tree.

They are photonic computers and quantum computers.

The Zerg biotechnology has a more powerful computer system than these two.

Biological neuron chips can be directly added to neural network computer systems.

Not only does it have huge computing power, but it can also be developed into an intelligent brain in the future, making it a good helper for the Zerg masters.

However, to develop biological neuron chips, scientific research institutes are needed.

Scientific research institutes are also the prerequisite for the progress of civilization.

The mechanical mosquito flew out of the base and flew in all directions.

They will record what they see, and Zhou Quan can view it through the neural network.

But now he can't see it because his brain is really not enough.

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