Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 53: A Warship Belonging To An Advanced Civilization!

Zhou Quan didn't know how to describe this battleship.

No, it should be said to be a warship.

The body is not big, and its length is one thousand meters, which is the same as the patrol's mid-level warship.

But the technological content is completely different.

The entire body of the warship is made of degenerate materials.

It is not a 1 mm thick degenerate material like the Guardian civilization.

It is the same degenerate material as the energy bomb shell, even thicker.

The appearance looks like a mirror, extremely smooth.

You can see thousands of cannon ports on the hull, all of which are energy cannons.

Most of the cannon ports have been removed. Except for the hole, the energy cannon inside has disappeared.

Zhou Quan understood it after just one glance.

Why is the energy cannon technology of advanced warships in the Guardian civilization completely different from its own technology specifications?

The probability of two technologies of different specifications appearing in one civilization at the same time is quite low.

Now it is clear that apart from some of the energy cannons imitated by the Guardian, some of them came from this warship.

It is even said that the warships of the Guardian civilization are imitated from this warship.

It goes without saying that the energy bombs and energy shields all come from this warship.

This warship is obviously the product of advanced civilization.

Warships appeared and began to attack Xuan-class warships.

Zhou Quan had the attitude of giving it a try and let 1,000 Xuan-class battleships fight it.

Only five minutes into the battle, nearly a hundred Xuan-class battleships were destroyed.

The degenerate armor of the Xuan-class battleship is like paper in front of the opponent's energy cannon.

But the opponent's armor is hard and terrifying, and the main gun of the Xuan-class battleship cannot be shaken at all.

Zhou Quan did not give up and used the hell-level hydrogen bomb.

The hell-class hydrogen bomb detonated almost close to the warship.

The opponent's warship swaggered out of the explosion of fire.

Energy cannons are ineffective, and hydrogen bombs are ineffective.

This warship is not only powerful in attack, but also indestructible.

The technological level is completely superior to that of the Xuan-class battleship.

The Xuan-class battleship had no choice but to launch guerrilla tactics.

Want to escape.

But what surprised Zhou Quan was that the opponent was faster than the Xuan-class battleship.

It reached 10,000 kilometers per second, and this was not the opponent's top speed.

Zhou Quan clearly saw that there were eight sets of engines at the back of the warship, and only one of them was running now.

After dozens of consecutive shots, more than a dozen Xuan-class battleships were destroyed.

"Spread out!"

Following Zhou Quan's order.

The remaining more than 800 Xuan-level battleships immediately dispersed and flew in all directions.

The warship only paused for half a second before flying in one direction.

At the same time, another set of engines began to ignite and work, and the warship's speed doubled. It quickly caught up with the Xuan-class warship that had escaped more than 100,000 kilometers, and destroyed it in one fell swoop.

"If my guess is correct, that direction should be the direction where the core of the Guardian civilization is."

"Write it down for future use."

The core responded and immediately incorporated the data into the database.

Then, record them one by one according to the order of the battleship pursuit.

These sequences may represent directions of importance to the Guardian civilization.

The Xuan-class battleships are scattered in the territory of the Guardian Civilization. It is only a matter of time that they are wiped out. It just depends on how long it can be delayed.

Zhou Quan ignored this and started to have a headache.

"How can we defeat such a powerful defense?"

"If it comes, can I stop it?"

"Core, have you deduced it? What are my chances of winning?"

[Unstoppable, winning rate is less than 1%. 】

"You don't have to say it so tactfully, just tell me that you're dead."

The opponent's speed is so fast, it is definitely impossible to escape.

[Based on probability calculations, the possibility that the other party will come to Aquamarine is no more than 10%. 】

Zhou Quan was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something.

If the opponent really has such a powerful weapon, it will be enough to sweep all directions.

Why not use it in the first place.

Not even if you fail three times in a row.

He waited until his side broke into the opponent's hinterland before coming out.

There must be something wrong with it.

Either it is unable to attack long distances, or its sustained combat effectiveness is limited, or it has some fatal flaw.

Anyway, there must be a problem.

Otherwise, he would have come here and killed himself.

If that's the case, there's no need to worry so much.

But how to break through the opponent's defense.

The opponent's degenerate materials have reached a considerable height, far exceeding the technological level of his own and the guardian civilization.

And the opponent's energy cannon is also very powerful.

The patrol civilization only dismantles the opponent's secondary guns and can use them as the main guns on its own advanced warships.

Moreover, the secondary guns of the Patrol's advanced warships are all copied from it, and their power is less than half.

etc. . .

"Why didn't I see its main gun..."

"Bring out the scene just now and view it from all angles."

Zhou Quan suddenly thought of a problem. He had only seen the opponent's secondary gun fire before, but the main gun had never been moved.

All the pictures were immediately brought up, hundreds of high-definition pictures from all angles.

And the core algorithm further improves the clarity of the picture.

Zhou Quan looked at the screen and saw a hole where the main gun was.

Because the hull is made of black metal, the hole is not obvious against the black background of the starry sky.

"Its main gun is damaged!"

Zhou Quan pointed at the hole and said with certainty.

[Not only is the main gun damaged, the energy defense device should also be inoperable. 】

The core analysis gave Zhou Quan a more in-depth answer.

On the upper part of the hull, a piece of equipment was obviously destroyed.

Through shape analysis, the core should be the generating device of the energy shield.

Not only that, but the power system was also damaged.

Of the eight power systems, only two can be used, and the remaining six are all damaged.

Even the remaining two groups are not very stable.

The technological level of the Guardian civilization is absolutely incapable of repairing it.

Just based on a large number of pictures, from the appearance and core of the warship, and in harmony with Zhou Quan, many problems were analyzed.

It may not be completely correct, but it is close to ten.

"I see, that makes sense."

Zhou Quan smiled.

"What we need to study now is how to break the opponent's turtle shell."

"As long as you can break the opponent's defense, and then rely on numbers, you can push the opponent to death!"

[Research has begun, conducting various experiments based on the properties of degenerate materials. 】

Zhou Quan is patient. As long as the test is successful, it will be the moment when the army is overwhelmed.

At that time, it will be the end of the guardian civilization.

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