Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 56 Ultra-Miniature Nuclear Bomb!

The line of patrolmen stopped again.

This time the stop lasted for ten days.

There is a lot to do, repairing the warship and counting the losses.

Ten days later, the team started again.

But they changed direction and calculated a new route.

Zhou Quan sat outside the base and laughed.

He said in a voice that only he could hear: "Is it useful to change the route? I have laid traps for the eighteen most likely routes."

In the neural network, that area has long become a sea of ​​hydrogen bombs.

Millions of hydrogen bombs covered much of the area.

Unless the patrolmen come in a large circle with civilization, it will take at least a hundred more days.

Zhou Quan concluded that the Guardian Civilization would not do this.

When they find that the shortest route cannot move forward, they will definitely choose a relatively short route.

There are eight such routes.

Zhou Quan had already thought about it for them and even helped them expand it.

Expanded eight routes to eighteen.

On these eighteen routes, hydrogen bomb traps were laid out.

Five days after the Guardian civilization changed its route, the explosion struck again.

The Guardian civilization lost thousands more warships.

The procession stopped again.

This time, they were completely enraged.

The super warship rose from the transport ship and then turned on the detection system.

All of a sudden, all the hydrogen bombs were exposed to the sight of the patrol civilization.

The patrolmen opened fire civilly and cleared the hydrogen bombs within 1 million kilometers of the route.

Zhou Quan was stunned for a moment, "Since there is a way to detect hydrogen bombs, why not use it in the first place?"

[This is a detection method that belongs to super warships and does not belong to the patrol civilization. 】

[The signal from the super warship was just detected. There is a problem with its detection system and it is very unstable. 】

As soon as Core finished speaking, a ball of sparks suddenly burst out from the super battleship in the real-time video.

Then the super warship flew back to the transport ship.

[The detection signal disappeared. It may be that the detection system is damaged. 】

Zhou Quan believed what the core said. No wonder the detection system of the patrol civilization is so advanced. The source is here.

The Guardian civilization must have obtained this super warship by accident, and all of its own technology was copied from the super warship.

It's just that the imitation has not surpassed it, everything is quite different.

It shows that the guard's civilization talent is not strong.

Without the latest detection systems, hydrogen bombs would still be difficult to detect.

However, the patrol civilization chose the method they thought was the safest.

Another firepower opened the way.

All meteorite-like objects along the way will be destroyed.

In this way, although the security is greatly enhanced, the speed is slowed down.

The speed dropped to 1,200 kilometers per second.

As a result, Zhou Quan has 50 more days.

The hydrogen bomb trap was completely useless, but Zhou Quan's purpose had been achieved.

I bought myself more than 70 extra days, which was enough.

Everything that can be done has been done.

The core is also working hard on experiments.

There are still less than a hundred days before the arrival of the patrol civilization.

Good news finally came from the core.

[Master, there has been a breakthrough in the experiment, we have found a way to defeat degenerate materials. 】

"Oh? Tell me!" Zhou Quan, who was originally sitting outside the base, suddenly stood up. He used too much force and there was no gravity, so he immediately flew up.

[The characteristics of degenerate materials are ultra-high density and mass, which is a bit like neutron stars in cosmic objects. 】

[Of course, the density and mass of degenerate materials are less than one billionth of that of a neutron star. There is no comparison between the two, but their essence is the same. 】

[To destroy degenerate materials, you need to destroy their high-density structure. 】

[The ultra-high temperature of the hydrogen bomb can destroy this result, but the coverage area of ​​the hydrogen bomb is too wide, the killing area is large, and the core lethality is insufficient. 】

[As long as the killing area can be reduced and the power can be concentrated on one point, the destructive power can be further enhanced. 】

[I used my own microscopic controllable nuclear fusion technology to create ultra-miniature nuclear bombs. 】

Not bombs, bullets.

At this time, the core sent a bullet-like thing into Zhou Quan's hands.

The bullet is about 100 mm long and very inconspicuous.

[When this ultra-micro nuclear bomb explodes, its 100 cubic millimeter center can instantly erupt to a high temperature of more than 300 million degrees for 2 seconds. 】

[This high temperature is enough to destroy degenerate materials. 】

[Even the degenerate materials of super battleships can be penetrated by up to 100 rounds. 】

Zhou Quan looked at the ultra-miniature nuclear bomb in his hand, "But how to launch it? Physical weapons are too easy to intercept."

[Due to the characteristics of biotechnology, micro-nuclear bombs have 'stealth' technology and are difficult to detect. 】

[And it can use bioenergy cannons to propel it, and its speed can reach 100,000 kilometers per second, which is one-third of the speed of light. 】

[As long as it is launched within a range of 100,000 kilometers, it will be difficult to avoid. 】

Finally there is a countermeasure.

Ultra-miniature nuclear bombs began mass production.

All production capacity is given way to it at this moment.

At the same time, the Xuan-class battleship began to undergo transformation.

One-tenth of the bioenergy cannon on each warship needs to be modified to be suitable for firing ultra-micro nuclear bullets.

The transformation project of 100,000 warships is very huge, but Zhou Quan has a large number of bases and is very efficient.

After 50 days, all renovations were completed by the people.

Hundreds of millions of ultra-tiny nuclear bombs were produced.

When all the modifications were completed, Zhou Quan gave an order, and the 100,000 Xuan-class battleships set off in a mighty manner.

Quickly accelerating to the ultimate speed of 6,000 kilometers per second, it rushed straight towards the army of the Guardian Civilization.

At the same time that the Xuan-class battleship was launched, the patrol civilization had discovered them.

The detection system of the patrol civilization is copied from the super warship. Although it is not as good as it is, it is still the top among the second-level civilization.

Firmly grasp the whereabouts of the Zhou Quan battleship.

Based on the relative speed of the two sides, the war will break out in 10 days.

"After this battle is over, it's time to go to the patrolman's hometown."

Zhou Quan murmured.

In the deduction, he was still the winner.

Even if the opponent has an energy bomb, Zhou Quan still has full confidence.

Eight days later, the 100,000-strong army was divided into three groups before and after Gan.

The first group rushed to the front, numbering 40,000.

The second group, numbering 30,000, remains 20 million kilometers away, which is a distance that can be reached in one hour.

The number of the third group is 30,000, and the distance is once again 20 million kilometers.

The three groups of teams were all dispersed in a fan shape, and the distance was very wide.

This is to prevent the energy bombs of the patrol civilization as much as possible.

In Zhou Quan's vision, if the battle goes well, the first group of 40,000 warships alone will be enough to wipe out the Guardian Civilization team.

The last two groups are just in case.

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