Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 58: An Inexplicable Light Signal, A Fight To The Death That You Know You Will Lose

Worth it!

Seeing the scene of the super warship being destroyed, Zhou Quan secretly said, "It's worth it!"

Although tens of thousands of Xuan-class warships were lost during the advance, it was worth it if they could destroy the super warship.

The patrol civilization was stunned. The super warship they had always thought was invincible was actually destroyed.

Destroyed by a means unknown to them.

Is it possible that Zhou Quan's technological level has exceeded the level of second-level civilization?

Before Zhou Lai could be happy, an explosion caught him off guard.

【There is an energy bomb!】

The core sent a warning at the same time as it exploded, but it was too late.

Two seconds after the super warship exploded, an energy bomb was detonated at the same time.

The energy bomb swallowed up the starry sky tens of millions of kilometers in diameter almost instantly.

Not only Zhou Quan, but also almost all the warships of the Guardian Civilization were swallowed up by "Nine-Four-Seven".

Only a few scattered warships on the edge survived.

Zhou Quan shouted, and sure enough, there was an energy bomb.

Fortunately, I divided the battleship into three waves: front, middle and back, otherwise the losses would have been even greater.

The energy bomb is too scary,

However, he gained a comprehensive victory in this battle at the huge cost of 40,000 battleships.

Zhou Quan led the army with two waves, and the second wave of 30,000 warships was launched at the same time, entering the battlefield as quickly as possible to eliminate the remaining patrol civilization warships.

The third wave of 30,000 warships turned around and headed straight towards the Guardians' civilized territory.

This time, the guard civilization will be destroyed.

Zhou Quan has deeply realized the cruel competition among civilizations in the universe.

From the beginning to the end, the guard civilization never had a conversation with him.

When I saw his battleship for the first time, I immediately opened fire and strangled him.

In this case, Zhou Quan would not give them any chance.

If the two sides switch sides, it is obvious that his end will not be good, and the Guardian Civilization will never give him a chance.

It’s just that why the guardian civilization wants to directly deal with the civilization that comes to the starry sky.

Could it be because of resources?

For a second-level civilization, the resources of the endless galaxies may not be exhausted in tens of millions of years.

The reason is currently unknown.

After the warship entered the battlefield, it quickly caught up with the remaining warships of the Patroller Civilization and strangled them directly.

Because of the energy bomb, the starry sky has become very clean.

But something is not left.

Those are some parts of the super warship.

"Things that can be left in the energy bomb...bring back all the fragments!"

While the battlefield was being cleaned, a ball among these components suddenly burst into a bright light.

The brightness was frighteningly high, covering up the light of the stars for an instant, and the starry sky tens of millions of miles in radius was illuminated into daylight.

Its brightness exceeds the nearest star No. 1 by at least 100,000 times.

Then the light quickly alternated between light and dark several times, and finally disappeared invisible.

"How is this going."

[It should be that a signaling device was activated, transmitting information in the form of light waves. 】

A signal was transmitted outwards, what signal was transmitted, and to whom.

"Can it be deciphered?"

[There is too little data to decipher directly. 】

[However, the signaling device is still there and can be brought back to try to decipher it. 】

Indeed, just a few flashes are difficult to decipher.

However, the signaling device was not destroyed.

Bring back all the remaining super warships in the starry sky.

This is something from an advanced civilization, at least a product of a third-level civilization, and has very deep research significance.

The army of the Guardian Civilization was defeated and the super warship was damaged.

This information has reached the territory of the Guardian civilization.

The civilization of the guards was in chaos. They had already announced that Zhou Quan's battleship army was rushing towards them.

As a result, a large number of warships took off, and the patrol civilization began to make its final resistance.

The Guardian civilization is very clear about the rules in the universe. The loser has no other choice but to die.

Maybe some kind-hearted civilization would let them live, but they didn't dare to gamble.

The chance of losing is 99%.

And they have another reason to make a desperate struggle.

All the remaining items of the super warship were brought back and brought into the giant laboratory led by the core, and analysis and research began.

On the other side, 30,000 Xuan-class battleships are rushing to the guardian's territory at a speed of 6,000 kilometers per second.

Zhou Quan was very curious about their dying struggle.

Why don't you run away even though you know that doing so will lead to a dead end? Why do you still have to make the final resistance...

"How is the translation of the civilized language of the patrollers?"

[According to the obtained data, the Guardian civilization has two languages. 】

[The first is their own language, which is how they communicate with each other. 】

[The second language, which they call lingua franca, is the language translated from electromagnetic waves. 】

Zhou Quan instantly thought of the meaning of the second language, lingua franca.

That is the language used among civilizations in the galaxy.

From this point, we can relate that there is not no communication between civilizations, otherwise it would not be possible to have a common language.

"So can we use the lingua franca now?"

【Already available for use. 】

The language function is just a piece of cake for the core computing power, and only 0.1% of the computing power is used to complete the learning work.

"Make a civilized announcement to the patrollers and ask them to surrender, otherwise they will be killed without mercy."


The message is sent out in the form of electromagnetic waves, the speed is the same as the speed of light, and the frequency is consistent with the frequency often used by the patrol.

The message quickly spread throughout the entire ranger civilization.

Only half a day later, Zhou Quan received a reply from the Guardian Civilization.

"Never surrender, fight to the death!"

Patroller Wenming answered simply, but it made Zhou Quan even more curious.

As the 4.4-win side, he has given the opponent a chance, but the opponent still chooses to fight to the death.

Is this a moral festival?

Zhou Quan doesn’t think so.

As a civilized leader, he must consider his own people. There must be some unknown special reasons for this.

But as Zhou Quan, this is not something he needs to consider.

Since you were given a chance, you gave up.

Then you can't blame me.

“From now on, there are still 60 days until the Xuan-class battleship reaches the territory of the Guardian Civilization.

"For 60 days, we asked them every three days if they were willing to surrender.

"If after 60 days, they still choose to fight to the death."

"Then destroy it!"

Zhou Quan sighed softly, looked at the starry sky, and said no more.

The core loyally executes Zhou Quan's orders. .

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