Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 78 Sudden Inspiration, Stars Can Collect Thin Films

Over the years, the Yashan Civilization has also purchased many weapons from the third-level civilization from the Aolin Civilization.

Their energy-like cannon was obtained by studying the energy cannon of Aolin civilization.

The same is true for other aspects of technology.

Now they have taken out all these weapons and equipment and are preparing to defend.

His own army was fully assembled and a large number of defense lines were deployed in his own star territory.

The Yashan civilization has used all its strength, and all warships, large and small, have been launched.

Even if you have to hold on, you have to hold on.

Zhou Quan is currently 30 days away from their territory.

In fact, what they have to stick to is 100 days.

After so many years of development, the Yashan civilization has an extremely broad territory.

Resource stars and workers are countless.

In their opinion, even if the Chinese civilization wants to occupy these planets, it will take a lot of time.

It should be able to hold for 100 days.

"The battleships of the Aolin civilization were repulsed. Although there are only 100 ships, it is enough to see the opponent's technological level."

"If the numbers are not much different, we have no chance of winning."

"According to my opinion, after this failure, Delin Civilization should send an army over.

"Core, what do you think about what to do next?"

[Our technological level still needs further breakthroughs. 】

[The research on the new generation of energy shields and energy weapons has just begun, and it will take a lot of time to break through. 】

[However, the research on energy bombs has already begun, and there may be results in the near future. 】

[Nuclear fusion technology is also about to break through, but according to calculations, this may be the last breakthrough. 】

Zhou Quan has already guessed before that the limit of nuclear fusion technology is approaching.

It’s just that new energy technologies have never been discovered.

"I have an idea. If we use the energy of stars, we build a super giant stellar energy collector. Can we use the energy of stars?

[Master, the stellar energy collector you mentioned has such technology in the Guardian civilization. 】

[They imagine making a net to wrap the entire star, and then absorb and utilize all the energy of the star. 】

[After realization, the energy is basically infinite. 】

[But it will also be restricted, unable to move, and the energy cannot be taken away. 】

The energy cannot be taken away, that is, it cannot be applied to the power system.

Even if wireless power supply technology is used, there is a distance limit.

In the end, the battleship's own system must be used for energy supply.

"I don't want to take it away. I want to use this technology to power the base number and make the base number improve quickly."

It now takes 1100 days to upgrade to a level, which is too slow. Zhou Quan is trying to find a way to speed up the process.

After the Zerg reaches level 20, the number of sub-bases can be 100 times greater than now, and its production capacity can also be expanded 100 times.

The daily production capacity of Earth-class warships can reach 20,000.

This is the real explosive force.

In addition, after level 20, some of the Zerg's advantages will really show up.

The core was silent for a few seconds, and then replied: [After calculation, the method you mentioned is very feasible, Master. 】

[It is indeed possible to obtain huge amounts of energy from stars. 】

[Take the No. 3 star as an example. We only need to build a stellar energy collection membrane with a side length of 10,000 kilometers at a distance of 50 million kilometers from the three-star star. 】

[Supply the collected star energy to the base through wireless energy transmission technology. 】

[The energy obtained per second can reach approximately 1 trillion, which can roughly double the upgrade time of the base number. 】

After core analysis, Zhou Quan’s idea is feasible.

Zhou Quan didn't expect this at first. He suddenly had an idea after hearing that nuclear fusion was about to reach its limit.

Aren't stars just super nuclear fusion bodies?

Theoretically, the energy of nuclear fusion is infinite, because stars are the best example.

However, due to the influence of many factors, such as nuclear fuel, device volume, device materials and other issues, there are limits to controllable nuclear fusion.

After several technological iterations, nuclear fusion technology has almost reached its limit.

Core and Zhou Quan are always looking for new sources of energy.

But it has never been found.

Now Zhou Quan had an idea and thought of the energy region of stars.

"I remembered that when we were on Earth, there was a scientist who imagined wrapping the sun in order to obtain endless energy.

Just do whatever you think of, and the dragon-armored warrior once again acted as free labor.

The side length of the stellar energy harvesting membrane is 10,000 kilometers, which is a square with an area of ​​100 million square kilometers.

Placing such a film with a thickness of only three millimeters at a distance of 50 million kilometers from the No. 3 star, the difficulty lies in how to ensure the stability of the film.

In the end, after verification and calculation, the core decided to adopt the degenerate coating technology that they had always looked down upon.

Adding a degenerate coating with a thickness of 0.01 mm to the film can ensure a certain strength and make the film more stable.

At the same time, biotechnology must be added to the film to make the film have self-healing properties.

If it receives some small impacts, the film will be broken down, but it will not be completely damaged. The biotechnology in it can repair itself.

After all the calculations of various ideas were completed, construction began.

One million dragon-armored warriors are almost in full force, and the permanent membrane can be built in 20 to 30 days.

Because of the idea that stars can collect membranes, Zhou Quan further imagined it.

Using nuclear star energy to harvest membranes for energy supply, it has an energy source that far exceeds that of a controllable nuclear fusion device. If the existing technology remains unchanged, a very large-scale energy shield can be created.

The strength of the energy shield can be greatly increased.

In this way, the Neng (Nuo Li Zhao) shield device on the Battle Star Fortress can be upgraded and transformed.

Although the range of activities of the Battle Star Fortress will be limited, in a fixed area, the combat power of the Battle Star Fortress will be greatly improved.

Even the energy cannon of Aolin civilization may not be able to break it.

Zhou Quan's idea immediately received core support.

Start immediately.

Three asteroids were found again and the terraforming work began.

Because there is a more powerful energy source, stronger energy emperor shields and energy cannons can be made.

Greatly improve the combat effectiveness of Battle Star Fortress.

Although it cannot attack, it is quite powerful for defense.

Zhou Quan's sudden inspiration created a powerful defense force.

While the base was undergoing extensive construction and renovation, 8 battle star fortresses brought more than 100,000 land-class battleships to the territory of Yashan Civilization.

Facing the awaiting Yashan Civilization, Zhou Quan's army rushed over with overwhelming force. .

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