Starcraft For All: My Base Fusion Zerg Core

Chapter 95: The Robot Is Launched And Enters The 3Rd Planet

The sky-class battleship took off with a compelling momentum and stayed in the orbit of Planet 11.

Compared with sky-level battleships, earth-level battleships are like children's toys.

Ten days later, an army of one million sky-class battleships headed for Planet No. 9.

The layers ejected a strong flow of energy, revealing astonishing energy waves.

The three-stage power system works together to achieve full thrust.

The sky-class battleship flew out like lightning, accelerating to the limit speed of 30,000 kilometers per hour in just 3 seconds.

At this time, there are still more than 5 million earth-class warships fighting in the star system.

Planet No. 10 has been captured and is now preparing to attack Planet No. 9.

The combat power of the Soul Clan on Planet 9 has reached the high level of the first-level civilization.

This combat power is somewhat similar to the energy life forms on Planet 381.

Another similar thing is that the soul clan on planet 9 will merge, just like the soul clan on planet 381.

After fusion, their strength has reached the peak of first-level civilization.

However, this kind of combat power is still not enough for earth-level battleships. As long as enough time is given, they can be cleaned up.

With the addition of sky-level battleships, the cleanup will be several times faster.

“When are you going to collect the genetic data?”

[According to detection, the stronger the number of genes, the better. It would be best to obtain the genetic data from Star 3 and beyond, which would be of greatest help to the main base. 】

Zhou Quan also agrees with Core's view.

Either don't take it, if you want to take it, then take the best one.

Zhou Quan even wants Planet No. 1, or even the soul race closer to the star, and taking their genetic data may be more helpful.

The Soul Clan is a very special race, and each time the members are divided, their potentials are different.

Absorption points with low potential will be full of energy and can only be divided.

With good potential, you can absorb more energy and reach higher levels.

As for the Soul Clan that started on Star 3, its strength has reached the level of a third-level civilization, and its potential is obviously quite great.

As for the nearest star, it is larger.

However, there are not many soul tribes there, so it’s hard to say whether they can get it.

Now Zhou Quan no longer worries about energy. A large number of stars can collect thin films and element decay energy devices, bringing him huge energy at every moment.

What he is worried about now is the number and types of genes.

[Master, life gene technology is about to be developed. 】

"Well, when the time comes, use my cell genes for experiments and make sure there are no mistakes."

"As commanded."

Life gene technology directly acts on the genetic part and absolutely cannot make any mistakes.

It would be best to use ordinary people on earth for experiments, but we don't have this condition now, right?

Fortunately, Zhou Quan had all the genetic samples stored in the base at the beginning, and they could be cloned and used.

Three days later, the core officially informed Zhou Quan that the gene potion had been successfully developed.

Moreover, safety experiments have been completed, which can increase the life span by 800 to 1,000 years.

This effect varies from person to person, and the potion needs to be configured individually for each person due to versatility.

Zhou Quan thought for a while and asked the core to build a robot with a full set of equipment and an appearance in the shape of a meteorite.

Set the course and fly to the star No. 01 of the same species at a speed of 30,000 kilometers per second.

"This can be considered a gift to you."

Looking at the robot disappearing from sight, Zhou Quan smiled.

The starry sky in the universe is too big, and he is too lonely.

Now he basically doesn't watch the chat channel. His mood seems not suitable for watching such a lively environment.

While watching those people still discussing about level 8 and level 9 bases, Zhou Quan was thinking about how to deal with advanced civilizations like Aoan Civilization.

The two parties are already living at different levels, just like adults watching a three-year-old child playing house, which is boring.

With the addition of the sky-level battleships, the speed of advancement has accelerated dramatically.

The sky-class battleship relies on its powerful firepower and energy shield to feel like it is in an uninhabited land.

Countless soul clansmen were wiped out in its cannon fire.

In just 30 days, Zhou Quan's territory advanced directly to Planet 6.

On Planet 6, Zhou Quan's army encountered resistance from the Soul Clan.

The individual combat power of the Soul Clan here has reached the level of a second-level civilization.

After integrating with each other, they can reach the high level or even the peak of the second-level civilization.

At the same time, they also possess Zhou Quan's most annoying ability, self-destruction.

He even self-destructed against the energy shield.

At this time, the energy cannon of the Earth-level battleship can no longer kill it with one shot, and it often takes several shots to kill it.

…………Please give me flowers…0

The number of the Soul Clan is too large and they can always be found.

The power of the blast is very powerful, not even weaker than the primary energy cannon.

Earth-level battleships may also be blown up if they are not careful.

"Let all the Earth-level battleships withdraw and go to the periphery to clean up the Soul Clan."

"Send all the sky-level battleships up."

These days, only 3 million Tian-class battleships have been produced.

As a new force, the 3 million sky-class warships immediately changed the situation of the war.

Faced with the powerful firepower of a total of 4 million Tian-class battleships, Star 6 was quickly cleared.

Then the sky-level battleship took No. 6 as the central star, wiped out all the souls within a range of 10 million kilometers, and then continued to No. 5.

According to the core's prediction, although the strengths of the souls on planets 4, 5, and 6 are somewhat different, the differences are not very big.

The key is on the last stars 1, 2, and 3.

The souls on these three planets are the most troublesome.

Each one has reached the peak of level 2 civilization, or even the initial stage of level 3 civilization.

Of course, it cannot be compared with the initial stage of real level 3 civilization, but it also has similar strength.

If they are fused together and then self-destruct, their power may even surpass that of a sky-level battleship.

Fortunately, the number of such soul clans is not large, and they are not endless.

Otherwise, there is no need to fight and just give up.

"Be prepared when we attack. We also need to obtain genes. I mean their genetic upgrades."

Zhou Quan said with a smile, joking with Core.

After Star 6 was captured, Star 4 and Star 4 were also captured soon after.

Although the soul clan above had become stronger, their strength was limited. Facing the overwhelming firepower of the sky-level battleships, the soul clan was quickly wiped out.

[Lord, there is something strange happening in the soul clan on Planet 3. 】

[They seem to have discovered us and have begun to merge. 】

[The burst of energy is very strong, reaching the level of a primary energy cannon. 】

"Oh? They will act in advance. In this way, the soul clan of Changxing gave birth to wisdom. 11

Core didn't answer, because he didn't know the answer to this question, and he could only know it if he was actually exposed to it.

The army of sky-level battleships quickly rushed towards Star 3, and the war was imminent. .

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