StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 124 On the eve of the war, the fleet is assembled! (For support)


On the bridge of the command ship of the Moon Lake Fleet, a loud mouth sounded.

Zhou Yang slapped Zhou Laosi's face fiercely.

The strength was so great that it directly deformed the plastic-packed face of the fourth week.

However, due to the special physique, Zhou Laosi's company quickly returned to its original appearance.

Zhou Yang was very angry when he saw this scene.

Do you dare to change back?

For the first time, Zhou Yang felt that the plastic body was so disgusting!


Zhou Yang slapped him again.

Even if his appearance is not human now, the way of venting his mouth can't be changed.

No way, people do have the urge to slap people in the face when they are angry. This is a memory engraved in the bones and cannot be easily changed.

It's just that Zhou Laosi's face quickly recovered.


Zhou Yang was so angry that he didn't know what to say.

The hand that pointed at Zhou Laosi also trembled slightly.

"Tell me! What the hell is going on?!"

Zhou Yang angrily roared at Zhou Laosi, the anger in his tone seemed to wish to burn Zhou Laosi directly.

"Second Master, according to your battle plan, in order to prevent the laser cannons of the dagger-class frigates, I dispersed the fleet.

"And the heavy-fire starships are protected by 940 frigates.

"In the beginning, nothing happened, everything went smoothly, and everything was developing according to Du Erye's prediction."

"After a round of attacks, the dagger-class frigate began to retreat, and I chased after it.

"But at this moment, the attack from nowhere...

"I. I saw with my own eyes a hole in the hull of the Black Rhino-class battleship, and then it exploded."

Zhou Laosi told Zhou Yang in detail what he had encountered.

Don't dare to hide anything.

There are too many witnesses to this kind of thing, and there is absolutely no need to hide it.

As long as Zhou Yang casually asked a soldier who was chasing with him before, he could get a similar answer.


"No, no more.

"Where's the source of the attack? How's the attack? Where's the enemy starship?!"

"No, I didn't see it.


Unbearable Zhou Yangmang used all his strength and slapped Zhou Laosi to the ground with a slap.

Then he punched and kicked Zhou Laosi.

"I'll let you ride the horse!"

"are you a pig?!"

"No (cbcc)! No more! For two whole days, at the cost of more than two hundred starships, you will tell me this news after riding a horse?!"

Zhou Yang scolded and punched and kicked Zhou Laosi, even though for the Charen tribe, this kind of blow had no meaning at all.

However, Zhou Yang, who was angry, couldn't care so much anymore.

If this kind of loss was passed back to the family headquarters, even he would not be able to escape a punishment.

Even in a serious situation, his status today may be directly robbed to the end.

This is far from what Zhou Yang is willing to bear.

The most urgent task is to make up for mistakes and make atonement!

After punching and kicking, the anger in Zhou Yang's heart was finally vented.

Zhou Yang didn't want to see Zhou Laosi now, and when he saw him, he couldn't help but kill him.

If it weren't for the fact that Zhou Laosi was also an old man who followed him to fight in the north and south, he would definitely kill that idiot just now!

"Assemble the fleet now!"

"Withdraw the fleet of Planet Seven! All starships are prohibited from acting alone for any reason!"

"Also, turn on the detection equipment of all starships for me, and release the reconnaissance drones!

"I can't believe I can't find each other!"

Zhou Yang didn't believe the "ghost ship" mentioned by Zhou Laosi at all.

Not to mention that it was just fabricated by the star masters, just like the myths and legends of Blue Star.

Even if there is a ghost ship, it is not impossible to see it.

Because of the strange attack method of this unknown starship, Zhou Yang had to make temporary adjustments to the fleet.

The previous tactical arrangement is obviously inappropriate.

Although more than 200 starships were lost, Zhou Yang knew that he still had an absolute advantage in the number of rounds.

Since the divided troops will be attacked by the opponent, then assemble the fleet and force Lu Ming to fight him head-on!

He doesn't believe that Lu Ming's starship is invincible, can he still defeat his more than 700 starships?

So Zhou Yang gave up the encirclement of Planet 7.

The reason why he cut off the route between Planet 7 and Terra was nothing more than to lure Lu Ming to come to support.

Now Lu Ming is here, and he gave him a great gift as soon as he came.

But anyway, his goal was achieved.

The next step is to completely defeat Lu Ming's fleet, and then get some daunting black technology.

As for whether Lu Ming will fight him head-on...

Zhou Yang was not worried about this issue at all.

If Lu Ming doesn't fight him head on, he will lead the fleet directly to Terra.

The initiative rests with him, not Lu Ming!

Zhou Yang's order was issued, and the Moon Lake Fleet of the Terra star system quickly gathered in one place.

And such a large-scale mobilization of the Moon Lake Fleet was naturally hidden from Lu Ming's eyes.

When Lu Ming learned that Zhou Yang had ended the blockade of Planet 7, he was also relieved.

Lu Ming ordered the Dagger-class frigates of Planet Seven to immediately assemble towards the orbit of No. 5.

As for those Fox Weasel-class transport ships, Lu Ming just let them act on a whim.

After all, the Hurong-class transport ship is not a dagger-class frigate, and rushing to the No. 5 orbit with such a big thorn can easily be destroyed by the Moon Lake Fleet.

Rather than this, it is better to let the transport fleet act accordingly.

Thanks to the sub-light speed engine of the Dagger-class frigate, Lu Ming's fleet's assembly was not much slower than Zhou Yang's.

The Dagger-class frigate that returned from Planet 7 was resupplied at the supply ship on Planet 5, and joined the support fleet.

A fleet of sixty Dagger-class frigates and seven Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates was formed.

During this period, Xinggang supported two Shadowthorn-class frigates.

This gave Lu Ming a lot of confidence.

Lu Ming changed the position of the command ship from the No. 3 Shadowthorn to a Dagger-class frigate.

Because of the upcoming battle, the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate will have more important tasks.

For Lu Ming's safety, Tao urged Lu Ming to return to the Dagger-class frigate.

The Dagger-class frigates have deflector shields, making them more secure than the Shadowthorn-class.

On the command ship at this time, Lu Ming called many captains over and arranged a battle plan.

Especially the captains of Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates, their mission is particularly important.

The Shadow Thorn is used by Lu Ming as a sniper.

And Lu Ming always remembers how a good sniper should fight.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!.

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