StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty-Six Can't See, Can't Touch (For Support)

A Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate left the formation and traveled alone in all directions.

These Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates all carried their own missions and left the fleet with Lu Ming's expectations for them.

They had no support, not even a supply ship to follow.

Some are just their solitary figures.

They will travel to the edge of the most dangerous battlefield, sniping any intruding enemy for the victory and glory of the Empire.

"The No. 1 Shadowthorn-class ship has reached the designated position.

"The second ship of the Shadowthorn class is in place.

"Shadowthorn-class No. 3 ship.."

It didn't take long for the reports from the captains of the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates to come through the communication.

Seven Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates have reached the designated positions, occupying the favorable space "Nine Four Zero" on the battlefield, which is conducive to observing the battlefield and sniping targets.

The holographic concealment system is activated, the engine power is reduced to the minimum, and the plasma beam cannon is ready to launch.

At this time, the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate is like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows waiting for its prey, ready to launch a fatal blow at any time.

"For the Emperor! For the Holy Terra! Lords, the fortunes of martial arts are prosperous!"

As the communicator fell, the channel of the communicator fell silent.

The eve of the great war was quiet, like a moment of tranquility before a storm.

At the end of orbit No. 6, a large number of starships appeared in Lu Ming's field of vision.

Just like the dark clouds that rolled from the sky, it brought an indescribable sense of oppression.

It's a quantitative oppression.

Lu Ming patted his thigh and forced himself to calm down.

One day, he will lead a fleet larger than this scale to conquer the entire endless star universe!

"Report! Enemy fleet appears! Into main gun range!"

"The blue laser beam cannons of each ship have been fully charged!


Lu Ming nodded without any thought, and said in a deep voice: "Launch!

The blue laser beam cannon has two major advantages of the laser cannon.

Long range and strong penetration ability.

Therefore, when the own fleet is still out of the opponent's range, the Moon Lake Fleet has already entered the range of the blue laser beam cannon.

Obviously, Zhou Yang also knew that the main guns of the dagger-class frigates had a farther range than them.

Therefore, all the frigates in front of the fleet are specially modified frigates equipped with anti-laser mesh plastic steel plates.

These frigates can minimize the damage caused by the blue laser beam cannon to the greatest extent possible.

For Zhou Yang's arrangement, Lu Ming was not surprised at all.

After all, Zhou Yang is not a fool.

If Zhou Yang didn't arrange it like this, then there would be a ghost.

Following Lu Ming's order, the blue laser beam cannons of the sixty dagger-class frigates shot out at the same time.

In an instant, a blue halo filled the entire starry sky, which was beautiful.

Can't help but be dazzled.

However, those who really understand the power of these blue lasers will only feel terrified.

The blue laser beam cannon was fired neatly, profoundly explaining what is called "the truth is everywhere within the range".

When you can't hit me and you're in my range, anything I say is the truth!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Following a round of firing from the blue laser beam cannon, the vanguard of the Moon Lake Fleet in the distance was directly drowned in the blast of fire.

Those frigates that are used as cannon fodder, even if they are equipped with anti-laser mesh plastic steel plates, it is difficult to resist the terrifying power of the blue laser beam cannon.

The anti-laser mesh plastic steel plate cannot completely resist the power of conventional laser cannons, and can only be reduced.

Blue laser beam cannons are several times more powerful than conventional laser weapons, and these frigates are naturally impossible to block.

After the violent explosion, the Moon Lake Fleet's opposite starships were emptied directly.

The area affected by the explosion is full of floating starship wreckage, which looks like a large space junk dump, which is horrible to see.

It's just that the Moon Lake Fleet did not back down because of this. Instead, they took advantage of the gap between Lu Ming's blue laser beam cannon charging and pushed forward aggressively.

Zhou Yang is not stupid, he naturally knows to shorten the distance between the two sides.

If you don't take advantage of the charging time of the opponent's main guns, why don't you wait for the opponent to finish charging before giving them a second shot?

Seeing this scene, Lu Ming sighed.

He knew it was the opponent's turn next.

"Each ship opens the deflection shield! Own attack!"

Lu Ming gave his order.

A layer of light transparent light shield lit up around the short sword-class frigate, which was the deflection shield.

At the same time, the dagger-class frigate did not stare at the charging stage of the blue laser beam cannon...

Various kinetic energy artillery, space missiles, torpedoes, etc. fired at the Moon Lake Fleet.

In the rear of the fleet, a supply ship is ready to go, ready to support the front line at any time, and replace the energy device for the dagger-class frigate.

At this moment, the outer space of the sixth orbit of the Terra Star System became very lively.

After you sang, our side appeared, and the battle was extremely fierce.

One side relies on the large number of people, and the other side relies on the excellent performance of the starship.

In a short time, the battlefield fell into a state of anxiety.

Lu Ming had thought about fighting while retreating, taking advantage of the blue laser beam cannon range advantage of the dagger-class frigate, and waiting for the opponent.

But let's not say whether Zhou Yang will be fooled.

As far as the number of the opponent's fleet is concerned, even if Lu Ming withdraws from orbit No. 6 to orbit No. 2 of Terra Star, it is impossible to destroy so many starships.

After all, there are too many Moon Lake fleets, and the blue laser beam cannon is not a machine gun, so it takes time to recharge.

Lu Ming himself was unwilling to bring the battlefield too close to the center of the Terra star system.

There is not only the home planet of the empire, but also the space facilities of many empires.

That's why Lu Ming chose to start a head-to-head battle with the Moon Lake Fleet on orbit 6.

This choice is actually similar to Blue Star's Eagle Sauce.

No matter what happens outside, whether the world is turned upside down or the sea is pouring in, as long as it doesn't affect my homeland.

On the other hand, the Moon Lake Fleet has an absolute advantage in number.

But Zhou Yangke didn't broadcast Police 2.2 vigilance at all.

"Report! Hurricane-class guided missile cruiser No. 357 was attacked by an unknown attack!"

Hearing this news, Zhou Yang got up from his chair in a hurry.

"Did you pinpoint the source of the attack?"


"The radar didn't detect it either?

"The radar didn't give any hints!"

"What about the spy planes on the edge?"

Zhou Yang asked unwillingly.

In fact, he had been waiting for that unknown attack, and then locked the other party.

He vowed to pull out those mice that were hiding in the dark and attack and smash them to pieces!

But unfortunately, Zhou Yang was also shocked by this strange attack method.

"The reconnaissance plane didn't return any news either!

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!

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