StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Eighth Dog (For Support)

In the region of space between orbits 6 and 7 of the Terra star system.

Zhou Yang quickly fled outside the galaxy with the remnant Moon Lake fleet.

At the beginning, Zhou Yang was a little unwilling to accept that he was defeated by a fleet of less than 100 starships.

So what Zhou Yang wants now is to leave this devil galaxy as soon as possible.

This place is horrible!

Zhou Yang looked at the dark deep space outside through the glass of the bridge, and always felt that there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him hidden in that dark place.

Coming down from the orbital battlefield of No. 6, Zhou Yang's feeling of being stared at by the god of death became stronger and stronger.

He even saw a destroyer next to his command ship explode out of thin air in front of his eyes.

There is no warning.

Zhou Yang remembered very clearly that his command ship and the destroyer were neck and neck.

One is to protect the command ship, and the other is to confuse the other party, so that the other party cannot determine the specific location of the command ship.

But Zhou Yang saw that terrible scene with his own eyes.

The destroyer that was driving well beside it, its bridge part disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the entire destroyer was filled with explosive flames, and it was completely reduced to scrap copper and iron, and turned into garbage in the endless deep space.

This feeling made Zhou Yang feel horrified.

It's like you and your friends are talking and laughing while walking down the road.

One second, you two were joking half-baked, but the next second you turned your head and saw that your friend's head was gone.

This terrifying impact of the picture made Zhou Yang feel chills in his heart.

For the first time he felt so close to death.

It turned out that it was not an illusion, the shadows of death were indeed staring at him all the time.

It's really uncomfortable to feel the scythe of the god of death pass by.

"Quick! Run the engine to maximum power!"

Zhou Yang had lost his fighting spirit at this time.

There is only one thought in his mind now - run!

Zhou Yang can also be regarded as an old man who fought in the endless Xingyu.

He is naturally not afraid of death, if he was afraid of death, he would not be where he is today.

But not afraid of death does not mean that you are not afraid of dying in confusion.

Unknown enemies are the most terrifying.

Now Zhou Yang is facing an unknown enemy, and he doesn't even have any information about him.

Fear had been in his mind ever since he decided to retreat.

Now, Zhou Yang has been completely frightened.

Along the way, he saw too many starships being silently killed in such an unimaginable way.

Zhou Yang is worried all the time, whether the next person to be evaporated like this will be himself.

"Ghost Ship""!"

"It must be a ghost ship!"

"Only ghost ships can not be observed by radar, and only ghost ships can have such vicious means."

"It must be those fleets that were destroyed by our resentment and turned into ghost ships to seek our lives.

In the bridge, everyone's faces were not very good-looking.

Especially on Thursday.

At this time, the man was already squatting in the corner of the bridge, shivering.

He kept muttering about some ghostly things in his mouth.

If it was normal, Zhou Yang must have gone over to give Zhou Laosi a few words.

This unpromising look has almost completely disgraced their Zhou family.

But now Zhou Yang himself was a little scared, and he didn't even bother to teach Zhou Laosi a lesson.

An interstellar voyage that wasn't too long was so long in Zhou Yang's eyes.

A starship was destroyed in front of his eyes, but he could not even see the shadow of the enemy.

A deep sense of powerlessness permeated Zhou Yang's body, making him a little breathless.

"Report! We have reached the Megaera Star System!"

In the bridge, for the first time, Zhou Yang felt that the voice of the correspondent was so wonderful.

This time it was finally not that the XX starship was blown up.

"Quick! Rush to the Thai Shield Star at full speed!"

Tai, the civilized planet of the Megella star system.

It is also the home planet of Jia Siqi, who followed Zhou Yang and invaded the Terra star system.

Jia Siqi's Megella star system is adjacent to Lu Ming's Terra star system, which is the main reason why Zhou Xiaoguang will find Jia Siqi.

Zhou Yang glanced at the silent starry sky behind him with lingering fears.

It was dark and deep, as if an invisible mouth was smiling at him, ready to devour him at any time.

In the seemingly peaceful starry sky, there is a deadly hunter hidden.

Zhou Yang had a deep understanding of this on the way to retreat.

Now he's finally out of that damn galaxy.

As long as he arrives at Tai Shield Star, he can use the rules of Endless Xingyu to return to the Zhou family's base camp.

Zhou Yang swore that he would never come to this cannibalistic place in his life until he was absolutely sure.

Because Zhou Yang and Jia Siqi belong to the same alliance, they are also allies.

There are generally several ways for star masters to travel across galaxies between endless stars.

The first is to travel through the natural wormholes of Endless Xingyu, but most of these wormholes are controlled by large forces.

If you want to pass through the wormhole, you must get the approval of its controller, and you have to pay a toll.

The second is by declaring war or supporting allies.

Needless to say about the declaration of war, Tang Siyi used the method of declaring war to support Terra Star.

Support is similar to declaring war, but declaring war can be used by anyone, while support can only be used by one's own allies.

The last one is to use the starship to sail, which is relatively time-consuming, and few people will use it except for the closer galaxies.

The reason why Zhou Yang is so eager to return to the Tai Shield Star is also because only by returning to the Tai Shield Star can he end the support and return to the star field controlled by the Zhou family.

The Moon Lake Fleet had just entered the atmosphere of the Thai Shield Star, and Zhou Yang couldn't wait to end his support for Jia Siqi, ready to leave this terrible place.

As Zhou Yang ended the operation, a vortex appeared above the Thai Shield star.

Zhou Yang rushed towards the whirlpool without saying a word with the fleet.

That fiery look was as if he was afraid that he would be caught by Lu Ming one step later.

At this time, the Moon Lake Fleet can only be described in four words.

Lost dog!

"Second Master?! You can't just leave like this!"

"You're gone, how can I deal with that Lu Ming?!"

Seeing that Zhou Yang was about to run away without saying hello, Jia Siqi was dumbfounded.

If Zhou Yang leaves, what will he do?

The Moon Lake Fleet couldn't defeat Lu Ming, how could he resist Lu Ming's anger alone?

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!.

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