StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 131: The Imperial Third Corps 11 Katachang (for support)

"Your Majesty, I was about to tell you about this."

When Tao heard Lu Ming's words, he took two steps forward and put a document on Lu Ming's table.

The data is exactly related to the fifth planet.

Most of the information is about the various tribes of Planet 5, including Mabo's tribe.

The supplies the empire provides, and how many warriors each tribe will provide to the empire, etc.

Unlike the Krieg Death Corps and the Stormtroopers.

Mabo and others are more like maintaining a cooperative relationship with the empire.

I will provide you with soldiers, and you will provide me with survival materials.

Cooperation and mutual benefit.

Of course, there is also the reason that Planet 5 has been included in the empire for a short time.

Lu Ming believes that over time, this relationship will gradually improve.

"The fifth planet is named "Nine Four Thirds" Catachan, and its corps is called Catachan Jungle Warriors, the commander's words..."

Lu Ming pondered for a while, and said: "Let Ma Bo top for the time being.

The Catachan Jungle Warriors, like the Krieg Death Corps, are very distinctive corps.

Just as Krieg soldiers have difficulty cooperating with other regiments, Catachan is actually quite xenophobic.

First, it was caused by the living environment of Catachan, and secondly, it was also because these warriors were originally from different tribes, and they were all elite warriors in the tribe.

Elites, it is normal to be rebellious.

Therefore, Lu Ming has no idea of ​​assigning a commander to Catachan for the time being.

Rather, it would be better for Mabo to temporarily serve as the commander-in-chief of Catachan.

The reason why Catachan was able to cooperate with the Empire this time, the importance of Mabo is obvious.

Moreover, Mabo himself was born in Catachan, which made it easier to convince those proud warriors.

If Mabo is incompetent for this position later, Lu Ming will consider substitutions.

"Tao, make preparations for the formation of the Catachan Corps. Just like Krieg and the Fengfeng Zhonghe Army, the number of the Corps is temporarily maintained at around one million.

"Okay, Your Majesty, I'll take care of it."

Zero nodded in agreement.

For the next period of time, under the command of Lu Ming, the empire was completely busy.

The Empire's transport fleet transported large quantities of mineral resources from Planet 7 back to Terra, and then handed them over to Tang Siyi's Dwarf Star for processing.

The processed materials were sent to the star port to build an imperial starship.

These starships will serve in the Empire's forthcoming expedition to the Megaera star system.

At the same time, the formation of the Katachang Corps was also started.

The Imperial Armament Factory was also working day and night for the newly formed Catachan Corps.

Batches of new standard equipment are newly released from the workshop.

It is different from the laser guns that the Krieg Death Corps and the Storm Loyalists are equipped with in large quantities.

Catachan's main battle weapon is an assault bolter.

Although the bolt gun does not have the long range of the laser gun, it is more powerful.

At the same time, the recoil of the bolt gun can only be ignored by the men of Catachan.

In addition, according to Mabo's request, in addition to the necessary protective measures, Catachan did not wear bulletproof armor or other props.

In Mabo's words, bulletproof armor is too conspicuous in the jungle.

Mabo didn't think anyone could beat them in the jungle.

So bulletproof armor is completely unnecessary.

The second is that Catachan is not equipped with sapphire shovels and bayonets, but the latest alloy war knives produced by the empire.

These alloy war knives, like Krieg's anti-all sapper shovel, are made of imperial monomolecular alloy metal.

In theory, as long as you are strong enough, you can cut anything.

To a certain extent, this thing is also a kind of imperial black technology.

The rapid operation of the empire allowed Lu Ming's plan to move forward with swagger.

In a month's time, the fleet of the Empire's expedition to the Megella star system was completed.

The starships before the integration of the expedition fleet included a total of 180 starships.

Among them, the short sword-class frigates are still the main combat model, with 80 ships.

Twenty Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates.

The rest are all Foxtouch-class transport ships, which are used to transport imperial corps, combat equipment, landing ships, and various logistical materials.

The establishment of the imperial expedition fleet means that the expedition to the Megella star system prepared by Lu Ming is about to begin.

This is the Empire's first strategically active expedition.

In the palace hall, Lu Ming held a battle meeting before the expedition.

Tang Siyi, Pang Bo, Tao, Hannah, Yang Zhongtang, and the newly appointed naval supreme commander of the Imperial Expedition Fleet, Cross Smail, were all present.

Among them, Ma Bo was still waiting for the fleet to arrive on Planet 5, so he could only participate in this battle meeting through a remote meeting.

"Are you all here?

Lu Ming glanced at everyone and sat in the first place.

Everyone looked at Lu Ming, but no one spoke.

Tang Siyi, who was beside Lu Ming, nodded slightly, then looked away.

During this time, Tang Siyi was also very busy.

Not only do she have to explore her own galaxy with the starship Lu Ming gave her, but she is also busy with various imperial productions.

It can be said that this girl has experienced a wave of overtime.

The two have not seen each other for a while.

"You all know the purpose of calling you here this time."

Lu Ming turned on the holographic image on the table, the lights in the room dimmed, and a huge holographic map appeared in front of everyone.

The area shown on the map is the detailed location of the two adjacent galaxies, the Tara and Meghera star systems.

"According to imperial intelligence, there is a star master in the Megella star system named Jia Siqi, and he has a close relationship with our old rival Zhou family."

"So this time I'm going to pull the nail out completely and expand Empire 2.2 to the Megaera star system.

Everyone knew about this news for a long time, so they were not surprised.

Empire "This expedition is of great importance, and you must go all out.

Lu Ming's tone was serious.

Jia Siqi must be removed, this guy has a close relationship with the Zhou family.

It was simply the monitor that the Zhou family placed beside him.

Lu Ming didn't want to have a camera beside him staring at him at all times.

In order not to give Jia Siqi too much preparation time, Lu Ming can be said to have spent most of the empire's materials to form the imperial expedition fleet.

With such a huge amount of supplies, Lu Ming is determined to pull out the nail of Jia Siqi.

PS: Thanks for the monthly ticket support of "Night", thank you big guy!!

Kneeling and begging the big guys for your support, please!!!!

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