StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 133: Arrival in the Megella star system (seeking support)

Thanks to the terrifying speed provided by the sub-light speed engine, in two days, the Imperial Expedition Fleet had reached the outer periphery of the Magella galaxy.

Unlike Tara, Jasic's Tether is on the outermost planet of the Megella star system.

Lu Ming said that he had reached the outer periphery of the Megella star system.

But this is actually no different from arriving at the door of Jia Siqi's house.

No, the Lu Ming fleet has just appeared in the Megella star system, and the fleet received a strange communication request.

This unfamiliar communication is none other than Megella's honorable star master - Jia Siqi.

Jia Siqi originally called Lu Ming directly, but because he didn't know Lu's planet number, he didn't care.

He also asked Zhou Xiaoguang about Lu Ming's planet number, but the other party ignored him at all.

Jia Siqi is not a fool and knows that he has been abandoned by the Zhou family.

Birds do their best to hide.

This result made Jia Siqi scold Zhou Xiaoguang for not being human.

What's more, the "bird" Lu Ming has not been defeated yet.

The regret in Jia Siqi's heart, he had known that he should not have been the thief ship of Zhou's family.

Well now, in the end, it was himself who was the one to be pitted.

Where is Lu Ming a bird waiting to be hunted, "Oh, this is clearly a ferocious catfish, okay?

As Lu Ming guessed, Jia Siqi knew that he would jump after he was abandoned.

But he couldn't afford to offend Lu Ming, and he couldn't afford to offend the Zhou family either.

Just take the time to prepare.

It's just that Lu Ming's fleet is coming so fast that Jia Siqi is almost desperate.

This is not Lu Ming's fleet was discovered by Jia Siqi as soon as it entered the Magella star system.

Without further ado, Jia Siqi sent a message directly to Lu Ming's fleet.

"Master Lu Xing, I don't know what you mean by entering my galaxy with such a big fanfare?"

The communication was connected, and Jia Siqi's voice came through the communication device.

Hearing this, Lu Ming smiled.

What time has this happened, and he is still playing this trick with him.

What, are you disguising yourself as a victim and carrying out a wave of moral kidnapping?

Moral kidnapping in Endless Xingyu, are you stupid or am I stupid?

"Cough cough, I'm sorry that you misunderstood that.

Lu Ming coughed twice, and said in a playful tone.

"I said I was passing by, do you believe it?"


I believe in your grandma's legs!

Who walks across other people's star fields without saying hello to the owner in advance?

And you came here with such a huge fleet, for fear that others would not know, you call it passing by?

Did you pass by so aggressively?

"Aah, Master Lu Xing is really joking, but I haven't received any notice from you that you are going to pass by."

Thai Shield Star, Jia Siqi said with a smile.

In fact, everyone knew about this, but Jia Siqi pretended to be confused, and still had a bit of luck in his heart.

What if Lu Ming didn't come to pick him up?

"Well, actually I'm lost."

Jasic: "...

Do you dare to be fake?!

Do you think I don't know there's a nav on a starship?

Or do you think that interstellar voyages are the same as self-driving tours, that if you get lost, you will get lost?

You have been pitted by wicked navigation!

Jia Siqi felt that his IQ was insulted and his personality was destroyed.

He could tell that Lu Ming was playing him like a fool.

But he didn't dare to attack.

There is no way, the form is stronger than the person, the fist is bigger~

"Lord Lu Xing, let me tell you the truth. I was wrong in the past. I was blinded by lard. I beg Lu Xingzhu to let me go this time. I promise that I will never have any more thoughts about the Terra star system."

Jia Siqi was too lazy to argue with Lu Ming.

Lu Ming is qualified to tease him, but he is not qualified to fight with Lu Ming here.

This is like Jack Ma joking with Wang Goal, they are just as lucky as ordinary people.

But people are of equal status.

Why don't you go over there and make a joke with an ordinary person?

It is important for people to recognize their own position, and Jia Siqi is now very clear about his position.

"Let go of you? Are you kidding me?

Listening to Lu Ming's words on the other end of the communication, Jia Siqi fell silent.

Not to mention Lu Ming, even he knew it was impossible.

We are all adults, and we need to consider the consequences before doing anything.

He followed Zhou Yang to invade the Terra star system, and he should have considered this long ago.

This is because he was blinded by lard, carried away by the olive branch of the Zhou family, and got on the boat of thieves.

Now regret it, everything is too late.

It is impossible for Lu Ming to turn over him, this is not a family game.

Since Lu Ming came with a fleet of thousands of miles, it has already explained everything.

"", Lord Lu Xing, aren't you afraid of the Zhou family's revenge?"

Jia Siqi was not reconciled, he gritted his teeth and said to Lu Ming.

If soft is not enough, then hard.

The Zhou family may not be a big force, but they are still very deterrent to these little star masters.

Although the Zhou family's actions had abandoned him, he, Fei Siqi knew, Lu Ming didn't.

As long as Lu Ming is still afraid of the Zhou family, then he still has hope.

"The Zhou family?" A playful voice came from the other end of the communicator, "I can beat him once, and I can beat him countless times. Is it inappropriate for you to threaten me with the Zhou family?"


What an arrogant statement!

Even Jia Siqi was taken aback by Lu Ming's words.

It must be known that Zhou Jiake not only has a fleet of the Moon Lake Fleet, but its power is beyond the imagination of their single star masters.

Otherwise, Jia Siqi would not have gone to the Terra star system without thinking about anything because of the olive branch of the Zhou family.

Isn't he doing this because (Nor is it good) to hug the Zhou family's thighs, so that they can enjoy the shade under the big tree?

But obviously, Lu Ming doesn't eat this set at all.

But Jia Siqi didn't have any real solution, because he knew that the Zhou family had completely abandoned him.

The so-called letting him join the Zhou Family Alliance is nothing but empty talk by Zhou Xiaoguang.

After a long silence, Jia Siqi knew that he had to make a choice.

"Master Lu Xing, I am willing to surrender to you.

On the other side, Lu Ming laughed when he heard this sentence.

What a good thing to think about, I spent a lot of resources to build an expedition fleet, which came all the way.

You just want to send me off just by surrendering?

"Brother Lu, Jia Siqi is very insidious and cunning. His words cannot be trusted."

Pang Bo next to him also heard Jia Siqi's words, worried that Lu Ming would agree, and quickly stepped forward to remind him.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!

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