StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 140: The Blade of the Empire - Astarte! (For support)

The decree of the empire and the outpost plan in outer space were carried out in an orderly manner.

Lu Ming seemed a little bored during this time.

But this peaceful life is broken today.

John News from Imperial Academy found Lu Ming and brought a piece of exciting news to Lu Ming.

The surgical modification procedure provided by ZERO has been initially completed!

"Are you serious?!"

Lu Ming looked at John News in front of him and stood up from his chair excitedly.

The surgical modification procedure is basically complete, and Lu Ming knows better than anyone what that means.

Astartes, an army or superman that was born in humans, but whose combat capabilities are far superior to humans.

Compared with the huge number of human races, the number of Astartes can be said to be small.

Even poor!

But the abilities of the Astartes are far beyond that of mortals.

If the imperial navy starships represent the supreme majesty of the empire, then the Astartes are the sharpest knives of the empire.

A sharp knife used to expand territory and be loyal to all outlaws.

How this news does not make Lu Ming excited.

Why did he instruct John Xun to focus on developing genetic engineering and drawing genetic maps at the beginning of the establishment of the Imperial Academy?

In addition to the follow-up more distant plans, the biggest purpose is to create conditions for the birth of Astarte!

Astartes, each of them is the most elite warrior of the Terran who has undergone genetic modification, surgical modification, spiritual training and various unimaginable trainings!

"Your Majesty, how dare I joke about something like this?"

John Xun smiled bitterly, with a little helplessness in his expression.

In addition to the special task of zero account, John has been devoted to the research of Astarte operation.

Just like Astartes' strength, the transformation procedures of Astartes are extremely difficult.

This is the main reason why it took so long.

After hearing John's news, Lu Ming finally accepted the surprising result.

Without further ado, Lu Ming took Tao and John Xun towards the Imperial Academy.

Along the way, John told Lu Ming about various matters related to Astarte.

Soon, everyone came to the Imperial Academy.

After passing through the strict guards, everyone came to the center of the research institute.

The research institute was heavily guarded, but it was nothing compared to the research center where Lu Ming was at this time.

Lu Ming and others walked into the elevator, and the elevator descended rapidly.

Astarte's research institute is located more than 500 meters below the research institute, it is absolutely safe here!

Even its level of security is comparable to that of the palace where Lu Ming is located.

It can be seen that Lu Ming's research on Astarte has paid so much attention to the madness.

After getting off the elevator, John Xun verified his identity and finally entered the interior of the institute after going through tedious procedures such as pupil and fingerprint scanning.

The various sophisticated instruments of the institute were displayed in an orderly manner. The staff who came and went greeted Lu Ming one after another, and then continued to work hard.

"Your Majesty, we have recruited fifty qualified soldiers within the Imperial Corps through the comparison of the genetic map in the early stage."

"Unfortunately, only ten soldiers have successfully undergone the transformation procedures."

John's tone was a little serious when he didn't say this.

Even if there is a black technology provided by zero, it is extremely difficult to complete a complete transformation procedure for Astartes based on the current technology of the research institute.

The first step in Astarte's transformation is not surgical transformation, but genetic screening.

According to the genetic map drawn by the institute, only those who have been screened out as the most suitable are eligible for the next stage.

Don't underestimate this step, because human genes will mutate.

And for the Astartes, it is easy to make their gene seeds invalid, thereby affecting the entire Astartes chapter.

Gene Seed, a special organ implanted in Astartes.

Its only function is to accompany the Astartes to grow, and once the Gene Seeds mature, they can be removed from the Astartes.

Then use the genes in the gene-seed to recreate the organs that the Astartes need to implant.

The same Astartes Chapter, implanted with artificial organs from the same gene seed.

And once the gene seed mutates, the impact on the entire Astartes chapter is far-reaching.

…for flowers…

Therefore, early genetic screening is a necessary and necessary stage.

Of the fifty soldiers whose genes met the requirements, only ten succeeded in the end. The difficulty of this can be imagined.

"Your Majesty, this way please."

John Xun brought Lu Ming to another room of the institute.

This room is filled with glass jars made of special materials, inside which are displayed various organs soaked in special medicines.

"This is the first procedure and the second heart of the Astartes."

The second heart is completely different from the human heart in appearance, but its function is similar, but it is more powerful.

It can not only accelerate blood circulation, but also maintain the same function as the human heart.

It can also replace the original heart if it is damaged.

This has led to the Astartes continuing to fight in extremely harsh environments, or in the case of bodily injuries.

In the institute, John Xun explained to Lu Ming about Astarte's reconstructive surgery one by one.

In order to facilitate Lu Ming to understand this research thoroughly.

The second procedure, bone strengthening organs.

As the name suggests strengthens Astartes' bones, this organ secretes a special hormone that promotes bone healing and bone strengthening.

At the same time, this organ can also absorb the porcelain compounds in the special ration of Astarte, which promotes the continuous strengthening of bones.

After that, there are muscle strengthening organ implantation, blood reconstruction organ implantation, Larryman organ implantation, ganglion organ implantation, pre-stomach implantation, gene detection nerve implantation, multi-lung organ implantation, etc. and other complex surgeries.

Each of these implanted organs has its own unique function and is indispensable.

Astarte needs to implant a total of nineteen organs, each of which is extremely complex and extremely difficult to operate.

And the operation must be carried out in strict accordance with the steps.

After surgery, Astartes warriors must also undergo professional corrective surgery and treatment to adapt and maintain physical function.

Various reasons have created difficulties in the birth of Astartes.

And this is the main reason for the scarcity of Astartes.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!! Knife.

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