StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 151 Trade Planet? (For support)

On the periphery of the star system where the original Pangbo's parent star was located, a huge fleet was quietly docked here.

Each starship is emblazoned with the domineering Imperial Eagle logo.

"Your Majesty, this unit has already set off.

On the bridge of the command ship, reporting to Lu Minghui.

Lu Ming nodded and said nothing.

The First Fleet of the Imperial Navy, for this wormhole battle, can be said to have carried out a major expansion.

The fleet currently has 100 Dagger-class frigates and 30 Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates.

Accompanying them are the supply fleet composed of the Jaeger-class industrial ships and the huge Hurong-class transport ships.

After taking control of Pangbo's original home planet, the Empire will build a port and military base here as an avant-garde base to defend the wormhole.

Before that, Pang Bo had already set off with the leading troops.

Originally, Lu Ming did not intend to let Pang Bo go, but Pang Bo said that this was his previous home planet, and he wanted to see the current situation with his own eyes.

In desperation, Lu Ming could only allow Pang Bo to follow the advance force.

Said to be an advance troop, in fact, it is just a short sword-class frigate.

After coming to this star system, Lu Ming found that it was unexpectedly prosperous, with many starships coming and going.

And looking at the signs on those starships, they do not belong to the same force.

So a dagger-class frigate is mixed in, and it won't attract anyone's attention at all.

The other half, Pang Bo stood on the bridge of the Dagger-class frigate, looking at his former home planet with excitement.

It's just that Pang Bo can't figure it out. Although his original planet can't be said to be barren, it's not much better.

Why are there so many starships coming and going?

Pang Bo: "Your Excellency, we have reached the outer edge of the planet's atmosphere, are we entering a low-altitude orbit?"

"Come in."

Dagger-class transport ships are equipped with deflector shields and sub-light speed engines, and have no problems entering the atmosphere.

Even if you encounter danger inside, you can withdraw in time.

If it were a regular starship, Pangbo would never make such a reckless move.

In a planet with so many starships, he rushed in without knowing what was going on inside.

This behavior is tantamount to courting death.

The dagger-class frigate slowly entered the atmosphere, and the continuous fiery red surface came into view.

Lava Ocean!

These red places are extremely hot magma.

When Pang Bo saw this familiar scene, his excited hands were shaking slightly.

Although I don't know who is currently ruling this planet, I can see the starships and various transport aircraft that shuttle back and forth in the sky.

Such a prosperous scene also made Pang Bo feel a little better.

His biggest worry is that his homeworld, or rather his native race, is being abused.

Although he is no longer the star master.

"This is the No. 3 trading market, newcomers, go to the No. 2 port to dock."

Pang Bo was still immersed in memories and emotions, when a strange voice suddenly came from the public communication channel of the bridge.

Market No. 3? Port No. 2?

Has his home planet become a commercial planet?

Pang Bo was a little stunned.

In the endless star universe, many planets have evolved into prosperous trade planets because of their location.

The most representative of these are the planets in each channel.

These planets will build a large number of ports and supply depots for the docking and supply of the commercial fleets coming and going.

And these trading planets have a common feature, that is, they are rich and oily.

But despite this, few people would provoke these trade planets.

Being rich and oily also represents a local tyrant, and the fleet under his command is even more luxurious than you can imagine.

Furthermore, these trade planets generally seek the protection of large-scale forces, and they all have backers.

Pang Bo was a little surprised.

If this place is also a trade planet, then it would be a little difficult for the empire to take this place.

For the Empire, a thriving planet is no big deal.

But they had to consider the forces behind this planet.

But Pang Bo has a doubt.

This is not the passing point of any important waterway, why does it become a trading planet?

"The new arrival, the milky-white frigate with the eagle logo on it, what about you guys?!"

"What are you doing there stupidly?"

"Aren't you here to buy goods?"

"If yes, hurry up and stop at the second port of the No. 3 trading market. If not, hurry up and be a bastard, don't block other starships."

…for flowers…

There was another burst of communication in the public channel, but the other party's tone was very rude.

Pang Bo frowned, and he found that things didn't seem to be as simple as he thought.

Normal trade planets treat any fleet with the exception of interstellar pirates.

The attitude of the service was just so welcoming.

After all, for the trading planet, the customer is God.

But looking at the attitude here, it is somewhat intriguing.

"According to what the other party said, dock the starship."

Pang Bo frowned and gave an order.

There must be something strange in such an abnormal attitude.

Soon, the Dagger-class transport ship found the No. 3 trading market that the other party said.

After docking the starship in port number two, Pangbo saw a more prosperous scene.

Some containers kept being loaded onto the ship, and business seemed to be doing very well.

"Excuse me a few."

Pang Bo decided to go down and have a look to see what was going on here.

Thinking about it, Pang Bo looked at the two Astartes behind him and said very politely.

Astarte is now Lu Ming's guard, and even Pangbo is polite to him.

"Your Excellency Pangbo, we will protect your safety."

The two Astartes received Lu Ming's orders and did not refuse Pangbo's request.

Soon, the hatch of the Dagger-class frigate opened.

Pangbo walked off the board with two Astartes and several loyal soldiers.


"What do humans come here for?"

"Are they also here to buy goods?"

"Haha, it was fun to watch"

People of various races who were originally carrying goods around them stopped their movements when they saw Pang Bo and his party.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little weird, and Pang Bo felt that these eyes were full of jokes and badness.

Pang Bo didn't know what was wrong, but he slowly came to the entrance of the trading market with a suspicious attitude.

"Newcomer, here, register your information, human?!"

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!! Knife.

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