StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 155 Surrounding the Planet (Seeking Support)

On the other side, the bridge of the command ship was eerily silent.

Lu Ming looked at the video materials that Pang Bo wore back, and only felt a fire in his heart.

Just like a volcano about to erupt, it urgently needs to vent.

Lu Ming thinks that he is not a saint, let alone a bitch.

But seeing the shocking scenes in the video, I still felt extremely angry.

Lu Ming couldn't understand, who could give such an order.

Even if you are a noble star master, you are a god-like existence who controls the life and death of a planet.

But don't forget, you were just an ordinary human being before you entered the Endless Xingyu.

"Little Luzi, these people are damned!"

On the other hand, Tang Siyi was also burning with anger.

Even because the imagery was too shocking, her face was pale.

She couldn't imagine how such a cruel thing could happen.

Thinking of those horrible pictures, Tang Siyi felt chills all over her body.

It is understandable that the star masters are fighting for hegemony and launching wars.

After all, this is the general trend, and it cannot be changed by one or two people.

But what's going on right now is just a metamorphosis.


A pervert can't do such a thing.

"Little Luzi, why do you think the star master behind this is so mad?"

Tang Siyi didn't understand.

Anyway, 960 felt that if it was herself, she would never be able to do such a wrathful thing.

Even Lu Ming was a little shocked.

As a P club player, he can destroy a planet in the game without any psychological burden.

But he couldn't do such an inhuman act.

What's more, this is not a game, but a real reality!

"Your Excellency Tang Siyi, according to psychology, a person's psychology will become extremely distorted when he lives in a long-term repressed environment."

At this time, one side spoke up.

Compared to Lu Ming and the angry Tang Siyi, they are much calmer.

"This kind of person has mastered power in a short period of time, and the psychological distortion will be amplified without limit, and it is not surprising to do anything."

"Besides, wealth is moving, and as long as one thing brings them enough benefits, they can make any crazy actions.

Tao's words made Lu Ming fall into silence.

He remembered that Blue Star had a famous quote.

It is said that if there is a ten percent profit, the capital will be used everywhere; if there is a twenty percent profit, then the capital will be active.


If it is 50% profit, capital will take risks; if it is 100% profit, capital will dare to trample on any law.

So what if it's 300 percent, or even higher profits?

The answer is obvious, capital can commit any crime by unscrupulous means.

This sentence is very consistent with what Lacquer said.

Isn't the trade that the planet is doing right now, the devil whose profits have stirred people's hearts?


"His Majesty!"

"Order the fleet to set sail and encircle all the passages of the entire planet, and are not allowed to let go of any starship!"

Lu Ming stood up.

Looking at the red planet outside the window, his tone was low.

"Notify Hannah, Yang Zhongtang and Ma Bo to prepare them for the landing operation. The war has begun."

"It's Your Majesty!"

Cross was given orders to begin an emergency deployment.

The huge First Fleet of the Imperial Navy, under the order of Cross, set sail.

The target, the sinful planet.

"Your Majesty, you should calm down now."

In the bridge, Tao looked at Lu Ming, who was silent, and reminded him.

"Ling, I'm very calm now."

Lu Ming himself was a little weird.

He clearly wanted to kill someone, but his brain was extremely clear.

He knew exactly what he needed to do and what he needed to get.

This planet, Lu Ming must be taken down.

Leaving aside the reasons for Pangbo.

This is the natural base for the Empire to defend the wormhole, and it is also the base for Lu Ming to form an air force.

According to Pang Bo's description, the ecological environment of this planet is almost 90% similar to the Fan Ting world he is familiar with.

The people of this planet are simply born ace pilots.

The current armed forces of the Empire include the Imperial Navy Fleet and the Ground Corps.

But only the lack of air power.

So Lu Ming actually planned to conquer this planet from the beginning.

In addition to the benefits of its strategic location, Lu Ming also wanted to form his own "Fanting Air Guard.

With air power, the Imperial Corps will also be much easier to land in combat.

Then there would be no need for massive starships to run the risk of being shot down by ground fire for aerial fire support.

The Imperial First Naval Fleet moved quickly towards the planet.

Along the way, many starships panicked when they saw this huge fleet.

However, the Imperial Fleet would not be polite to them.

Under Cross's order, the Imperial Fleet expelled all these starships to the direction of the planet.

If there are any starships to cooperate with, then I am sorry, and the blue laser beam cannon will serve directly.

In the face of the sub-light speed engines of the Dagger-class frigates, these starships have no possibility of escape at all.

Soon, what was happening in space was being relayed to the planets.

When they heard that there was a huge and unknown team attacking the starships that traded, the first thing that many people thought was to escape from this place of right and wrong.

But before their starship set sail, the empire's huge fleet had already landed in a low-altitude orbit.

Any starship that attempted to escape from here was destroyed.

Knowing that this mysterious fleet is not good, the trading houses on the planet did not sit still.

Soon sent its own fleet.

At the same time, these trading houses also sent messages for help to their home stars.

However, the fleet of vampires was so vulnerable in front of the Imperial Navy that they were beaten to pieces in just one encounter.

In such a scene, whether it is those who came to trade, or vampires, they dare not take the initiative to attack.

Various exchanges were deployed urgently, and a large amount of anti-aircraft firepower was deployed.

These exchanges are usually trading places, but in the event of an accident they will become defensive fortresses.

After all, to guard such a large-scale business, how can you do it without any strength?

However, Lu Ming had no intention of letting the starship approach at all.

There are a large number of Terrans in these defensive fortresses, and it is impossible for him to order the bombing of the fleet.

"Notice, the Astartes are ready to fight!"

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!.

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