StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 160 Fan Ting Air Guard (seeking support)

Not long after, Zero walked in with the three of them.

"Your Majesty, someone brought it here."

After speaking, he stood on the left side of Lu Ming.

Behind Lu Ming, several loyal soldiers stared at them.

As long as these people act rashly, they will directly kill each other.

Lu Ming looked up at the three and nodded.

Although the three of them all looked like they were in the dust, they were a little miserable.

But looking at that look, you can tell that these are all determined and unyielding soldiers.

"Ruth (Kaeno, Ralph) see Your Majesty the Great Emperor!"

Three people, two men and one woman, bowed and saluted Lu Ming.

Apparently, the woman named Ruth was in charge.

"Are you the leader of the rebel army?"

Lu Ming looked at Ruth curiously, somewhat shocked.

He didn't mean to look down on women, but how?

In Lu Ming's mind, wars are mostly men's games.

As a result, a woman like Hannah, who is not allowed to be a man, has appeared again.

"I'm Ruth Cassia, the leader of the Resistance, and these two are my assistants.

Ruth wears a pilot's helmet on her head, 963- in an old military uniform.

The weapon on his body has been removed.

Looking at Ruth, Lu Ming smiled.

"I'm curious, as the leader of the resistance army, why did you take the initiative to see me?"

Lu Ming leaned forward and squinted at each other.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you all?"

Lu Ming was a little curious.

Why did Ruth dare to come to see him so directly.

Isn't she afraid that she is the second Rosell?

For this planet, the rebel army is the last hope of the human race.

Once the resistance army is destroyed, the human beings on this planet will be completely heartbroken and completely desperate.

"Your Majesty needs our help, doesn't he? And...

For Lu Ming's words, Ruth did not have the slightest fear or concern.

Instead, he shrugged freely and said, "We are not the opponents of those vampires. Every day, our compatriots are taken away. Even if the situation is bad, where can the bad things go?"

Although Ruth didn't say it clearly, Lu Ming also understood what the other party meant.

The rebels were not Rosell's opponents at all, and the reason why they were able to hold on until now was nothing more than hanging in one breath.

If Lu Ming didn't come, sooner or later the rebels would be wiped out by Rosell.

So in Ruth's view, the situation is already like this, it is better to gamble.

Moreover, it was the human race who captured the exchange, which strengthened Ruth's determination even more.

Let's not say "how bad can the situation get, and what can you do to help me?"

Lu Ming pointed to the loyal soldiers behind him, and pointed to the direction above his head.

"I am strong and strong, and the fleet is on standby in outer space, why do you say you can help me?

Lu Ming looked at Ruth inexplicably, no one knew what he was thinking.

The atmosphere in the office was a little quiet.

The three of Ruth were silent, and Lu Ming didn't urge him, just looked at each other quietly.

After a long time, Ruth finally spoke.

Ruth first chuckled, then looked up at Lu Ming stubbornly.

A wild and somewhat cunning expression came into view.

"Your Majesty, I passed the No. 2 Exchange when I came."

"Then what?" Lu Ming looked at Ruth and said calmly.

"Your fleet is strong and your soldiers are well-trained and brave, but it has a fatal flaw."

"Late?" Lu Ming's expression remained unchanged, and he explained in detail, what are the shortcomings?"

"Here!" Ruth pointed to the top of her head, imitating Lu Ming's previous movements.

Ruth looked at Lu Ming confidently and said, "Your soldiers lack the cover of air power!"

"Air power? But I have a fleet."

Lu Ming spread his hands and looked at each other inexplicably.

"No no no, Your Majesty, you have misunderstood me, I am not talking about starships." (cbcc)

Ruth shook her head and continued.

Starships "belong in outer space, not in the sky."

"The sky belongs to fighter jets!

Ruth said this in a firm and unmistakable tone.

Starship belongs to outer space, sky belongs to fighter plane?

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Lu Ming's applause sounded from the office.

Lu Ming was very satisfied with Ruth's sharp point of view.

Yes, the most powerful battlefield of a starship is in outer space, not in the atmosphere.

This is one of the reasons why Lu Ming came to this planet.

Lu Ming looked at Ruth with admiration, and was very satisfied that Ruth could recognize this.

"Not bad! You are very good!"

Lu Ming didn't say anything about his own praise.

Ruth is not a star master, and has not even boarded a starship.

But it is such a person who can accurately distinguish the difference between a starship and a fighter.

This has to be said to be vicious.

"Would you like to join the empire?"

"After joining, are there any vampires to catch us?"

"No alien race dares to indulge in the empire's territory.

"Can we go back to Sky City?"


"Can my compatriots be fed and clothed?"


Your Majesty "will always protect my home planet?"

"As long as I'm still the emperor of the empire.

Ruth and Lu Ming asked and answered questions, as if the two had a special tacit understanding.

In the room, no one could speak.

After listening to Lu Ming's answer, Ruth smiled.

"If that's the case, what else is there to consider, I'll join!"

Ruth's answer was not in the slightest sloppy, decisive and outrageous.

Ruth's two companions were a little confused when they saw that Ruth joined the empire that they knew nothing about in a few words.

But for Ruth, they are extremely trusting.

A large part of the reason why the rebels can survive to this day is because of Ruth's leadership and charisma.

"Hahaha, the Empire welcomes you!"

Lu Ming smiled happily.

Because of the special ecological environment here, the people and transportation here are all types of aircraft.

In other words, these people are all ace pilots.

What's more, Ruth and the others were born in the resistance army, the ace of the trump cards.

How can this not surprise and satisfy Lu Ming.

"From now on, the resistance army disappears, and the Fan Ting Air Guard is established."

"Ruth, I appointed you and me as the top commander of the Fan Ting Air Guard, are you competent?

Ruth smiled between words, and the confidence in that smile did not need any words to repeat.

"Your Majesty, the sky resides in fighter planes, and we are professionals in flying fighter planes!"

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!.

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