StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 195: The old imperial capital battle (for support)

As the main force of the Guardian Army landed on TAI Shield, the empire's suppression of TAI Shield officially began.

Thom commanded the escort army to take the No. 1 port as a stereotype and began to march towards the old imperial capital of Tether Star on a large scale.

Along the way, Tom saw the horror of the "doll".

The infected objects of the puppets are not only the knife mantis and human beings, but even other creatures of the Tide Shield star have also mutated.

It can be said that there are no living creatures in the Thai Shield star except the landing escort army.

This is a veritable puppet's paradise.

Because of the previous martial law in the empire, the dolls that were secretly sent to Terra and Catachan were intercepted.

These dolls were sent to the Imperial Academy for analysis and research.

The preliminary judgment given by the Imperial Research Institute is that this is a nanoworm that has never been seen before.

These worms are released and spread by breathing.

Once the creature is touched by these worms, it becomes a worm-controlled puppet.

Therefore, the Imperial Guardians were all equipped with special respirators before they set off.

Its purpose is to prevent the parasitism of these worms.

Research on these worms is still ongoing at Imperial.

As for whether these worms have other functions, it is still uncertain.

But these have little to do with Thom, his task is to recover the Thai Shield and completely calm down here.

The streets of the old imperial capital of 983 were equally desolate, and large numbers of apologists poured into it.

All creatures were suppressed along the way.

In the northern part of the old imperial capital, in an abandoned outpost, a team of escorts are fighting fiercely against infected monsters.

"Damn it, where did these monsters come from?!"

The team leader of the escort army looked at the monsters that were advancing one after another, constantly pounding the alloy wall of the outpost, and said angrily.

Their team started to suppress the old imperial capital from the north.

The old imperial capital was too big, so the Guardian Army was divided into many squads, and each squad had its own area of ​​responsibility.

And they are one of them.

Up until the outpost, they all went smoothly and did not encounter any difficulties.

But when they entered the interior of the outpost, those monsters rushed over from all directions like a tide.

They were completely trapped in the outpost.

The squad leader looked at the monster in front of him that seemed to be unclean, and picked up the communication device in his hand.

"This is the 73rd squad in the north. We were ambushed by monsters and were trapped in the outpost. We asked for support!"

(cbcc) "Repeat, ask for support!"

Being trapped in the outpost not only means that their escape route is cut off.

Even the supplies at the rear were cut off.

Time remains the same, and the loss of the outpost is inevitable.

At that time, their entire squad will become a member of these monsters.

Headquarters "Received, please hold on for ten minutes, support will be here soon!

Hearing the answer from the communicator in his hand, the team leader breathed a sigh of relief.

As a escort, they were not afraid of death.

The selection of the Guardian Corps is different from that of the Imperial Corps.

The Imperial Corps pays more attention to the combat quality of the soldiers, while the Guardian Army pays more attention to faith loyalty and harmony.

It can be said that every apologist is the most devout believer.

Only these people are eligible to join the Guardian Army.

As a devout believer, they are not afraid of death.

But the thought of being a member of these monsters after death is something they cannot tolerate.

For them, being a monster was betrayal of the great Emperor.

This is an absolutely unacceptable result!

The squad leader received a sigh of relief.

"Support will be here soon, keep your post for me until then.

"Don't let any bugs in!"

"For the Emperor!"

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The bolt guns in the hands of the escort soldiers kept firing, and each bolt could blow those monsters into pieces.

However, there are too many monsters to kill at all.

That is to say, apologists have firm beliefs and are the most devout believers.

If it were an ordinary person, facing this endless number of monsters, I would have collapsed long ago.

"Hot Melt Thunder!"



Boom! Boom! Boom!

A violent explosion came, and a terrifying heat wave directly melted the monster in front of him.

But soon a new monster pounced.

Going forward and backward, there is no end in sight.

Ten minutes was the first time the team leader felt that ten minutes were so long.

His arm had long since been numb from the recoil of the bolter, just mechanically pulling the trigger.

More and more monsters began to break through the firepower network and approached the alloy wall of the outpost.

The monster's sharp claws left terrifying scratches on the alloy wall.

Looking at the monsters on the ground that had begun to build human ladders, the squad leader's eyes were a little desperate.

Under this situation, it will be difficult for them to hold out until reinforcements arrive.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Just when the squad leader felt desperate, a roar of the engine came from a distance.

The team captain looked up, but saw the imperial transport plane shuttled between the high-rise buildings of the old imperial capital.

The transport plane flew directly above the monster group, and the rear hatch opened.

From the inside jumped out three figures wrapped in battle armor.

As soon as these figures landed, the power swords in their hands began to slash.

Accompanied by the sound of the bolt gun in their hands, these three figures descended from the sky and began to slaughter the surrounding monsters mercilessly.

Severed limbs were flying everywhere, and the stench of blood was everywhere.

Especially the power sword that flashed blue arcs like thunder.

Chopping on these monsters is as easy as cutting tofu.

"What exactly is this?"

The escort army beside the squad leader also saw the figure of the monster slaughtering the Quartet.

They have never met these people.

How does the armor look like Astarte's power armor, but it is much smaller and lighter.

Are all three of them Astartes?

But didn't the Astartes all follow the Emperor's Crusade?

How can it appear here?

Everyone was a little stunned when they looked at the three figures that were like tigers entering a pack of wolves.

"What are you doing? Hurry up and support each other!"

Fortunately, the team leader responded quickly enough, and when he heard the sound of the bolt guns being much more relaxed, he immediately roared.

This is not the time for consternation.

Although there were only three people in support, inexplicably, the escort troops in the outpost suddenly felt much less pressure.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!.

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