StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 199: Sneak attack! It's a sneak attack! (For support)

The huge M9 wormhole in space is like the eye of a storm, and it looks majestic at first glance.

Anyone who sees this wormhole will only feel the great masterpiece of the starry sky.

Not the slightest blasphemy.

In the channel next to the wormhole, there are two space fortresses on the left and the right.

"Report Commander, Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates are all ready!

On a Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate, Cross stood on the bridge with a serious face, looking at the huge space fortress in front of him, his face was solemn.

Although Battlestar is inconspicuous compared to wormholes.

But in front of a starship, this is the Big Mac.

After getting close to Battlestar, Cross realized how correct Lu Ming's decision was.

Looking at the huge laser transmitter in front of him, Rao was used to seeing strong winds and waves, so he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This thing is like the two tentacles on the snail's head, and it is big and shocking.

Maybe these laser weapons are not as advanced as the Empire.

But people's caliber is here.

The laser launcher in front of Cross's eyes, in terms of volume, is almost the size of ten dagger-class frigates.

Even if these laser weapons are lagging behind, this bombardment is not something that the imperial fleet can afford.

At first glance at these laser emitters, Cross was certain.

The deflector shields on which the Imperial starships hit cannot defend against such terrifying cannons.

Listening to the soldier's report, Cross nodded slightly.

Looking back, Cross walked to the bridge console and picked up the communicator.

"This is the No. 1 Shadowthorn-class ship. I am Cross, Commander of the Imperial Fleet. Have the ships reached their designated goals?"

Although the soldier had already reported the situation, Cross had to confirm it again out of an abundance of caution.

Missing a single laser transmitter would be a devastating disaster for the Imperial fleet.

In this case, Cross will never allow it!

"The second ship is ready.

"Ship Three is ready.

"The fourth ship is ready."

In order to completely destroy these huge laser launchers, Cross even allocated two Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates to each laser launcher.

The purpose is to completely destroy these big killers with one blow, leaving absolutely no hidden dangers.

The Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate has good camouflage because it is equipped with a holographic concealment system.

Even if it is close to the space fortress, the other party does not notice it at all.

This gave Cross an opportunity to sneak attack.

Perhaps the sneak attack is despised by many people, but there is no justice in the war itself.

All ships "Unify the time, launch the attack on time in five minutes!" Cross heard the report, took a deep breath, and ordered.

Time passed by, and Cross stood motionless on the bridge.

Look at the time from time to time.

It was extremely quiet on the huge bridge, and the soldiers even breathed a lot lighter.

It was as if he was afraid of disturbing the sleeping terrifying cannon in front of him.

On the other side, the Imperial Fleet in the rear is waiting.

Once Cross's side successfully destroys Battlestar's laser weapons, the Imperial fleet will swarm.

With lightning speed, the two space fortresses were completely occupied.

"Little Luzi, can these cannons really be destroyed?"

On the bridge of the command ship, Tang Siyi looked at the live video data sent back by Cross, and her face was full of nervousness.

This thing is too big, big unbelievable.

As far as the dagger-class frigate under their feet, the width can't even keep up with the caliber of this laser cannon.

The huge caliber and size brought unparalleled psychological pressure to everyone.

Not only Tang Siyi, but even Pang Bo on the side nodded in sympathy.

Regardless of their lack of self-confidence, this thing is ridiculously big.

The Imperial Starship has always brought them unparalleled confidence, but today this confidence seems a little lacking.

Compared with these terrifying laser cannons, whether it is the plasma beam cannon carried by the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigate or the blue laser beam cannon carried by the dagger frigate, they are all the same as toothpicks.

An Xin "Well, this thing is just bluffing." Lu Ming could see the nervousness of Tang Siyi and others.

Said with a relaxed smile.

In fact, he was also a little out of mind.

However, out of trust in the empire's black technology, Lu Ming felt that this battle could be successful.

Moreover, in addition to this operational plan, there is no other better way.

"Your Excellency Tang Siyi." At this time, Zero said.

"Your Majesty is right. These laser cannons seem to be very powerful, but don't forget that laser weapons are very precise launchers, which are different from traditional artillery."

Everyone looked at Ling, including Lu Ming.

Seeing everyone looking over, he continued: "I think you may have made a cognitive error, the mission of the Shadow Thorn is not to destroy these laser cannons, but to paralyze them and prevent them from firing.

"And this couldn't be easier for a plasma beam cannon.

Hearing Tao's words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Yes indeed!

Just make these laser cannons unable to fire, no need to destroy!

Completely destroyed is not good.

When the empire occupied these two space fortresses, wouldn't it be delicious to use these laser cannons for yourself?

All along, everyone has been shocked by this incredible laser cannon, completely forgetting the original purpose.

After a reminder from Zero, everyone suddenly realized.

Yes, although laser weapons are powerful, they are more delicate than traditional artillery.

A little damage to this thing could set off a chain reaction that would paralyze it.

What's more, the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates led by Cross are the core launchers of the aiming laser cannons.

As long as the core device is attacked, the laser cannon can never be fired for a while.

And these times are enough for the Imperial fleet to break into the interior of the Battlestar.

The crowd did not continue to say anything, quietly waiting for the news from Cross.

After a few minutes, the Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates hiding around Battlestar finally launched an attack.

After Cross gave an order, all Shadowthorn-class heavy frigates opened fire at the same time, launching a fierce attack on the target.

Seeing that the plasma beam cannon directly penetrated the core area of ​​the laser cannon in front of him, Cross breathed a sigh of relief.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!

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