StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 41 What to do when the enemy rushes into the trench? (asking for support)

With the Vulcan Bolter muted, there was a time to reload the ammo.

The flames of the explosion on the battlefield slowly dissipated.

Tall figures were reflected in the smoke and dust.

As the tall figures burst out of the smoke, the Krieg soldiers in the trenches opened fire.

Poof~! Poof~!

The crisp sound of laser gun shots came one after another, and a barrage network composed of laser columns covered the road in front of the tearer.

The Ripper's dark red special metal armor can withstand traditional kinetic firearms.

However, in the face of the Lucius laser gun with powerful penetrating ability, it is still a bit unattractive.

Nick saw with his own eyes that the laser gun pierced the armor of the Ripper's chest.

The powerful instant heat can melt a thumb-sized wound directly on his armor.

There was no blood flowing out of the wound, but a faint black smoke that rose and was almost undetectable to the naked eye.


The attacked Ripper's charge suddenly lost its power.

Yang Tian roared, his voice hoarse like a knife slicing through glass shards, making his scalp numb.

The ripper who lost his strength continued to rush forward under the inertia of speed.

One step, two steps... When he finally rushed out about six or seven meters, his tall body finally exhausted and fell to the ground.

Can't get up again.

Seeing this scene, although Nick didn't say anything, he was still relieved.

The Lucius Laser Gun can deal lethal damage to these monsters!

"Report this news to Commander Hannah!"

Quadruple heavy artillery, Conqueror, Vulcan, and Lucius laser gun can all cause fatal damage to Ripper.

Nick needs to report this information.

A herald left, and another Krieg soldier stepped forward.

"Commander, confirm that the number of enemy troops is around 1.5 million."

Nick nodded when he heard the words, and let the soldiers continue to report the news.

It is now six twenty in the morning.

He knew that the Empire had been waiting for this news.

Nick looked at the advancing army of Rippers in the distance, and he didn't know what to think.

Compared to the Vulcan Bomber, the Lucius Laser Gun's suppression strength is not as good after all.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Macharius Vulcan to reload.

The Vulcan Bolter began to roar again.

However, Nick can see clearly, although the Vulcan Bolter can temporarily suppress the Ripper army.

But in general the Ripper army is still constantly approaching their first line of defense.

"Order: Vulcan retreat to the second line of defense after one shot."

"The 1st and 2nd regiments of Krieg are stationed in the first line of defense to buy time for the rest of the chapters to retreat."

As the highest-ranking commander of Krieg, a military fortress in the third district, when Nick issued this order, he almost held back his inner shame and issued it.

This order meant that he abandoned the first and second regiments.

In other words, the Krieg soldiers of these two regiments are abandoned sons who sacrificed themselves to block the enemy.

Likewise, for Nick as Krieg's commander, stepping back is also an insult to Krieger.

On the one hand, it is the glory of the Corps, and on the other hand, it is the highest order of the Empire.

Nick is well aware of his mission.

Defend the military fortress of the third district, and must not let any Ripper squad rush into the third district capital city.

This was the order given to him by Hannah, the supreme commander of Krieg.

I heard that this order comes from His Majesty the Supreme Emperor of the Empire.

Mission and glory, Nick chose the former.

His purpose was to slow down the advance of the Ripper army as much as possible, waiting for reinforcements from the Empire.

Nick's order was given. Except for the Krieg soldiers of the first and second regiments, the other Krieg soldiers climbed out of the trenches and retreated towards the rear of the position.

At the same time, the artillery positions retreated, and the Macharius main battle tank also began to slowly retreat.

Only the Krieg soldiers of the first and second regiments were left in the first line of defense, as well as the roaring Macharius Vulcan main battle tank.

This is the final roar of the Vulcan Bolter.

After finishing this round of shooting, Macharius Vulcan also retreats to the rear.

The Krieg soldiers of the 1st and 2nd regiments had no complaints about this result.

They lay quietly in the trenches, staring blankly at the Ripper in the distance.


The Vulcan Bolters were still roaring, the last sound the Krieg soldiers from the First and Second Regiments heard.

Finally, the mission of Macharius Vulcan was over.

The tank slowly backed up, ran over the bullet casings on the ground, and crossed the trench.

A Krieg soldier turned to look at the Macharius Vulcan tank slowly retreating beside him.

At the armored lookout, he saw his robe.

The other party looked at him quietly, and he also looked at the other party quietly.

There was no communication or words between the two sides.

It wasn't until the Vulcan tank was clear of the trench that the Krieg soldier looked back.

Poof~! Poof~!

The crisp sound of laser gun fire replaced the roar of the Vulcan Bolter.

The Ripper army lost the suppression of the Vulcan bomb run and quickly approached the trenches of the first line of defense.


A harsh whistle sounded in the center of the trenches.

The Krieg soldiers lying in the trench heard the whistle, and without any hesitation, pulled out their alloy serrated bayonet and installed it on the Lucius laser gun.

Time passed slowly.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the Krieg soldiers who were left in the trenches of the first line of defense blocked the Ripper army for more than 20 minutes after the main force withdrew.

The commander of the first regiment looked behind him and could vaguely see that his comrades were setting up a second line of defense.

After several struggles, the commander put down the charge whistle in his hand.

Like Nick, mission and glory, he chose the former.

Their task is to buy time for the main force in the rear, and they can only give up the charge.

The Ripper army approached the trench defense step by step, and the Krieg soldiers were not afraid or flinched.

Just calm, mechanical aim and pull the trigger.

However, the enemy is outnumbered and it is only a matter of time before the first line of defense is torn apart.

At 7:10, the first ripper rushed into the trench.

Q: What happens when a Ripper bursts into a trench?

A: On the bayonet or shovel!

Ripper's speed is very fast, and close-range shooting is obviously not advisable.

Facing the Ripper who broke through into the trench, the Krieg soldiers charged towards the opponent without any hesitation.

Krieg's charge was silent, like a wall.

No shouting, no screaming.

Some just pointed the serrated bayonet in the direction of the enemy.

PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Shanhai Jinghua★, Huan hsvxush, Mo Langya", thank you "Mo Langya" for the reward, thank you big guys! !

I beg the big guys for your support, please~~~*

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