StarCraft: From The Weakest Race To The Interstellar

Chapter 98 Landing on Planet Five (Seeking Support)

At the same time, in the space of Endless Xingyu T3 star field K7 star field.

"Father, Mencius has failed."

Zhou Xiaoguang stood on the bridge of a battleship, coldly watching the fleet battle in the distance.

So "Say your plan to pull the dwarf star master failed.

"Father, I will think of other ways.

"Then what's the matter with you this time? Just tell me the news of your failure?"

"No, it's the news about that Lu Ming.

"The star master of that human race?"

"Moncis called me just now and told me some information about Lu Ming. I think my father should be interested."

"what news?

"According to Munces, Lu Ming's ships were equipped with blue laser weapons, and the hull was protected by shields."


"The savage fleet that can defeat Mengxis, this news should be reliable."

"What does it mean? Immediately determine the accuracy of the news. If Lu Ming really has this kind of technology and finds a way to get it, this may be an opportunity for our Zhou family to take off."

"I understand my father, and I will confirm it as soon as possible.

Zhou Xiaoguang ended the communication with his father, with an inexplicable brilliance in his eyes.

If what Moncis said was true.

Lu Ming defeated his barbaric fleet with just three frigates.

Then Lu Ming must have very good technology.

If he can master such technology, then the Zhou family, but no, the entire Endless Xingyu will have his place!

It is not impossible even to lead the Zhou family to become the top force of Endless Xingyu.

"Uncle Zhong, send someone to check Lu Ming's latest information immediately.

Zhou Xiaoguang looked at an old man to the side, this is an old man in his family who has taken care of him since he was a child, and is worthy of trust.

"Okay sir."

"Wait, Uncle Zhong, during the investigation, we will focus on sending someone to find out if there are other forces behind Lu Ming.

"Old slave understands."

When Uncle Zhong left, Zhou Xiaoguang fell into contemplation.

The blue laser weapon, the shield technology of the starship, and the incredible speed.

Just taking any of them out is enough to cause the entire endless star universe to vibrate.

Although his father did not instruct him to keep the news a secret.

But Zhou Xiaoguang is not a fool, he naturally knows what to do.

It's just that Zhou Xiaoguang doesn't understand, where did Lu Ming get these top technologies?

Are there other large forces behind Lu Ming?

If it is those large forces, it is indeed possible to come up with such incredible technology.

Just Lu Ming, a human star master, why is he connected with those large forces?

Zhou Xiaoguang thought about this and fell into deep thought.

On the other hand, Lu Ming didn't know that his frigate had been targeted by someone.

I don't even know what kind of spokesperson for a large force that I was mistaken for.

He has now led the fleet to the fifth planet of the Terra star system, this green and vibrant planet.

Seen from space, Planet Five is even more vibrant than Terra.

The whole body is dark green, and this color is like the Amazon jungle photographed from high altitude.

"Minato, are you sure that Mengxis is hiding on Planet Five?"

"Your Majesty, according to the monitoring of the Terra Star orbital space station, the last signal source of the Horned Bull-class battleship disappeared on Planet 5."

Lu Ming nodded, looking at the dark green planet outside the window, the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

Earlier, the Empire had detected that Mengxis' barbaric fleet took off from Planet 5, and Lu Ming thought that Mengxis was a star master from the same star system as him.

It made him nervous for a while.

In the end, everything was a misunderstanding.

Mengxis is not a star master, but an interstellar pirate.

In other words, this life-filled Planet 5 is an unowned thing.

Lu Ming likes this kind of planet with life and no owner.

Plant the flag of the empire, here is the territory belonging to the empire.

Guess who doesn't like it?

"Zero, let the fleet find a suitable landing spot to land."

Planet 5 is not Terra Planet, and there is no specially constructed place for the fleet to land.

So Lu Ming can only let the fleet find a suitable place to land.

This time, the Fleet Section brought by Lu Ming is not only three frigates.

After working day and night at Star Harbor, Lu Ming's fleet this time was much more luxurious.

Among them, the main combat force is ten dagger-class frigates that performed well before.

In addition, there are two Fox Axis-class transport ships and a hundred Black Wolf-class small landing ships.

Worth mentioning, at Lu Ming's request.

Both the Hurong-class transport ships and the Black Wolf-class small landing ships are equipped with deflection shields.

As a transport ship, the Hurong-class transport ship is used to transport important materials of the empire.

Generally, such transport ships will be equipped with fleet escorts, so there is no need to equip blue laser beam cannons.

Although it lacks firepower output, because of its positioning, it is more appropriate to allocate more energy to the deflector shield.

In the same way, the Black Wolf-class small landing ship is for the imperial soldiers to log in.

In addition to the necessary firepower, it is also equipped with a deflection shield.

In this way, it can effectively ensure that the Imperial soldiers it carries will land safely on the ground.

Moreover, the Black Wolf-class small landing ships are used for landing as imperial soldiers, and they will be transported by Foxtouch-class transport ships during space voyages.

Therefore, the power of the deflection shield of the Black Wolf-class small transport ship is much smaller.

Outer space of planet 5, following Lu Ming's order.

The hatch of the Hurong-class transport ship was opened, and several small Black Wolf-class transport ships took off from inside, and then flew towards the fifth planet.

These Black Wolf-class small transport ships will send the first soldiers of the Empire to Planet Five.

Then take charge of vigilance and open up a safe area suitable for the landing of the promised fleet.

This is their main task.

To build these big guys, Lu Ming's previous scavenging from the trading house has almost been consumed.

He would not recklessly let the fleet land directly.

In case of any accident, the loss of a ship would be enough to make him feel distressed.

This is why Lu Ming cares so much about Planet V.

In addition to the reason of Mengxis, Lu Ming is actually mainly there to explore for minerals.

The previous construction plan of the empire had almost consumed the mineral storage of Terra Star.

Moreover, as the mother star of the empire, Lu Ming did not want to consume too much of the resources of Terra and destroy its ecology.

At present, most of the logistics minerals of the empire are supplied by Tang Siyi's Dwarf Star.

Lu Ming now desperately needs to find a new ore star.

PS: I beg the big guys for more support, please!!!

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