StarCraft In the Palm of Your Hand

Chapter 138: The Beginning of the Battle of 3 Cities

Chapter 138: The Beginning of the Battle of the Three Cities

In late March, several rounds of talks between the three cities of Kusen, Lehai, and Bosch finally collapsed. The atmosphere of war among the three cities became more and more intense. Kusen and Lehai decided to form a joint fleet to fight against Bosch.

Yang Ying received an official letter from the Kusen Corps at the base, hoping that he would also send troops to join the combined fleet. The document did not mention how many warships the Telan Mercenary Group should send, because they did not know what the size of the Telan Mercenary Group's fleet looked like.

After the Triceratops was wiped out, the frigates rarely showed up outside. Even if they were sent out to perform missions, they had to use observers to clear the way ahead to avoid unfamiliar warships. Coupled with the fact that more and more mercenary groups are sinking the warships of the ancient legion, the popularity of the Telan mercenary group has dropped, and fewer and fewer people are paying attention.

Yang Ying kept the strength of the base very secret, and the surrounding airspace of 3 million kilometers was constantly patrolled by ghost fighters.

In the beginning, some foreign reconnaissance planes flew into the airspace of the base at high speed to carry out reconnaissance, but as long as they entered the range of 3 million kilometers of the base, they would be detected by the radar, and then they would be detected by the surrounding area in a very short time. Patrolling Wraiths eliminated.

The speed of the Wraith fighter is faster than these reconnaissance planes, and its weapon system is more advanced, and its armor defense is higher. When the ghost fighters patrol, they always use two as a group, and these reconnaissance planes can be eliminated by three strikes, five divisions and two divisions.

Before long, there were no spy planes to mess with.

Yang Ying looked at the documents sent by Kusen and fell into thought. He specially called the Valkyrie commander Lilia to report to him about the fleet situation: "There are a total of nine Valkyrie frigates in the base, medium and large There are no battleships yet, and I am afraid it will be impossible to carry out large-scale battles."

"How is Bosch's current situation?" Yang Ying nodded, and then asked Kalia who was beside him. He wanted to know the specific situation before making a judgment.

"After losing two cruisers, the fleet of the Boss Guards went bankrupt to buy an old light cruiser. With the original foundation, they re-formed a large fleet." Cali Ya took out a palm-sized transparent crystal board from her arms, pressed it on the lower right corner, and texts and pictures suddenly appeared on the crystal board.

This crystal board is an electronic folder that can store almost unlimited content. It is a touch screen itself, which is much more convenient to use than paper. Kalia stored all kinds of information in it, and saw that he tapped on the screen a few times, called out Bosch's information and handed it to Yang Ying.

Yang Ying took it over and saw that what he saw in his hand was a dynamic 3D model of a ship. A battleship with only one main gun barrel was constantly rotating, and there were several text boxes beside it, showing the Information about this ship.

"There is only one Tier 4 gun, which is indeed a very old model. I remember that the light cruiser of the Kusen Corps is similar to this one." Yang Ying shook his head and said.

"Indeed, the Kusen Corps pays little attention to the investment in the fleet. If the Mercenary Alliance did not stipulate that a large mercenary regiment must have at least one large warship, they might not even want this warship." Kalia sneered at this.

"It's not that the mayor is afraid that the fleet will be in the hands of Commander Barches, which will pose a threat to his rule." Lilia also said in a disapproving tone.

As information about Kusen continued to come in, Yang Ying and others gained a deeper understanding of Cuson's power structure.

In the asteroid belt, it is generally those who control the army who have the right to speak, and it is the same in Cuson.

The reason why Mayor Cusin was able to overwhelm Barches, the head of Cusin's corps, was precisely because he had an elite mayor's guard in his hands.

This guard is composed of 300 elite soldiers equipped with power armor. They are nominally a member of the Kusen Corps, but they only obey the orders of the mayor and usually do not accept tasks. They are to protect the mayor and monitor the Cuson Corps. operate.

In order to maintain the superiority of the force, the mayor of Kusen not only did not allow the Kusen Corps to develop a fleet, but also did not equip ground troops other than the guards with power armor. Therefore, although the Kusen Corps appeared bright, the essence was in the hands of the mayor.

Yang Ying handed the electronic folder back to Kalia: "The light cruiser of Kusen has also been repaired."

"Yes, it was just repaired the day before yesterday." Kalia replied.

"How is the strength of the two sides now?"

"Courson has already put Le Hai's bald head under house arrest. It must be possible to use him to control Le Hai's fleet. Le Hai also has a light cruiser, and the size of small and medium-sized warships is still higher than that of Kusen. Bosch's number of small and medium-sized warships More than any city in Kusen Lehai, but less than the sum of the two cities. Therefore, the fleet of Kusen Lehai is united, and its strength stabilizes the Bosch fleet." Kalia pressed a few times on the electronic folder, Display the information of the Three Cities Fleet and pass it to Yang Ying.

"Hmm..." Yang Ying took it over and took a look.

"Sir, let me 'cut in'." Lilia said suddenly: "If we go to the battle, who will be in command? Listen to them or us on the battlefield. This is Kusen's war, and they must want to command Quan, if we are asked to listen to them, we might be treated as sacrificial sons, and it is not advisable to fight independently on the battlefield." The implication is that it is not recommended to participate in this battle.

"That makes sense." Yang Ying nodded, and said, "Then we won't participate. Let me add one more point. Since we helped them destroy the two cruisers of Bosch, we have already fulfilled our ally obligations. The covenant has been signed long ago. If you pay more, you won't get more in return, so why go to this muddy water and do this useless work."

"Sir, it's not good to ignore them like this. Why don't we send an **** fleet to Kusen and defend the city for them during their battle, so that we don't have to participate in the battle or reject them directly," Kalia added. .

"Okay, then it's settled like this." Yang Ying made a final decision.

Kalia replied to Kusen according to this plan, and Cuson had some objections to this, and directly sent a request for a video conference. Yang Ying, Kalia and Lilia attended the meeting together, and Yang Ying's command room had a holographic video conferencing system.

After the meeting started, a holographic conference table appeared in the room. Yang Ying, Kalia and Lilia sat on one side, and Mayor Cusin and Barches and his daughter sat on the other side.

Although there are nearly ten people in the Kurson executive committee, the three people in front of him can represent the opinions of the entire committee. The Mayor and Barches Sr. commanded the army, while Christina had the prestige and vast wealth.

Both the Baches father and daughter and the mayor of Cusen hoped that the Tran mercenary group could join the United Fleet, but Lilia played the card of ownership of the command, which made them speechless.

Mayor Kusen was silent for a while, and then said: "How can you ensure that Cuson is protected when the fleet is away?"

"There is already part of the interests of the Telan Mercenary Group in Kusen City, so how can the Telan Mercenary Group not try their best to protect their own interests?" Yang Ying replied.

The entire video conference was not long, and things were quickly explained clearly, and then it was settled.

"Commander Yang, welcome to Kusen again. It's a pity that I couldn't show you around last time. After this crisis passes, I will make up for this regret." Christina had a charming look on her face. She said with a smile that she was just an invitation as a friend, and nothing else was mixed in.

"It's an honor." Yang Ying replied with a smile.

Two days later, Yang Ying came to Kusen with five frigates and ten formations of ghost fighters. Along with the team were two transport ships, about the size of frigates, with 500 infantry and armored troops on board. .

The space of the Terran transport ship is limited, and long-distance transport requires eating, drinking, and sleeping on the spaceship. The transport ship cannot provide these living facilities, so a larger spaceship is needed.

Both of these two transport ships came from the camouflage production line outside the base and have just been put into use.

After the reinforcements brought by Yang Ying settled in Kusen, the Kusen fleet was dispatched in full force, led by a light cruiser and more than 30 small and medium-sized warships, preparing to rendezvous in Lehai. Le Hai also dispatched most of the warships, including a light cruiser and more than forty small and medium-sized warships. The combined forces of the two sides are much stronger than the Boss fleet in terms of scale.

Before setting off from the base, Yang Ying secretly sent two Protoss observers to Lehai and Boss to monitor their After the Kusen fleet set off, Yang Ying also sent an observer to follow them up.

Bosch didn't adopt the tactics of destroying each fleet before the fleets of the two cities met. That's because it couldn't be done. In a star field with complex terrain like the asteroid belt, unless the exact coordinates are known, otherwise, it would be difficult to intercept a fleet in the vast sea of ​​meteorites. Impossible, radar can't do this kind of thing at all.

Kusen and Le Hai's fleet met on the way without any surprises, and then rushed towards Boss City.

Another day later, the United Fleet came near the city of Boss and gradually approached the battlefield.

Judging from the information sent by the observers, the Bosch fleet has formed a defensive formation, forming a circle around the city of Bosch, using the city defense artillery fire of the city itself to assist in the defense. Bosch itself also has a fourth-level gun and ten Multiple third-stage cannons, which were originally installed to crush the incoming meteorites.

General Poulsen was sure that the United Fleet would not attack the city of Bosch, otherwise it would beat Bosch to pieces, and the Pirate King would not accept it. Kusen and Lehai couldn't even find a place to cry.

Although the space city can be moved, the Bosch guards dare not leave. At this time, there are only a few days left before the deadline given by the Pirate King—April 1. If there is no loser among the three cities by then, Then the Pirate King would wipe out all three cities. The Pirate King's vicious reputation was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Neither Poulsen nor the rest of Bosch's **** group were sure to escape the pursuit of the Pirates of the Caribbean group.

Anyway, they are all dead, why not fight now!

Although the Bosch fleet was seriously injured, if they could win the battle with the help of Bosch City's anti-aircraft guns, they still had a chance to make a comeback.

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